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Big Bubble About to Burst

John Kaminski

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The word is getting around. People are wising up. That thing we’re not supposed to talk about? People are talking about it.

This great, all-encompassing embargo on that certain subject that underlies and complicates seemingly every facet of our lives, has been identified, but people are terrified to hear the findings. In fact, they are willing to ignore and avoid the subject altogether, even as their lives slide toward oblivion and their children are poisoned by parents and teachers who are too deluded by their false perceptions of well-being to challenge the obvious lies they are told.

The whine you hear when you ask that certain question goes something like this. “I feel uncomfortable talking about Israel.” Or, “You’re just one of those people who blame Jews for everything.” Or, “It’s not all Jews — just those bad Zionist rascals in Israel.”

For nine years, the chaotic crowd that tried to understand what really happened on September 11, 2001 was hit with the same message petromole Mike Ruppert uttered on Dec. 27, 2001. Right after he gave us seemingly solid leads on put options and Delmart Vreeland, he remarked: “Israel had nothing to do with it.” The sad conclusion to his participation in the 9/11 skeptics movement occurred a few years later when, as the big hitter at the first two major 9/11 skeptics conferences — in Toronto and San Francisco — he totally derailed the whole focus of the movement into the bogus peak oil issue. He was abetted by the sinister secret Jew producer of those conferences and inventor of those cute Deception Dollars that never mentioned Israel, Carol Brouillet.

After the first wave of outrage over the 9/11 lies had been destabilized, the prepackaged national groups — 911truth and the others — took over, with the initial caveat to all participants that we must not single out any particular ethnic group in our investigations. They play this song so many different ways, many of which have now metastasized into Hate Crimes laws behind which Jews do the Kafka number on Holocaust Revisionists who tell the truth and go to jail for it.

Despite the presence of hundreds of new websites over the years that connect the Jews to 9/11, that Jewish mindlock on most of the population of the world about mentioning any negative aspect of their incredibly bizarre behavior has kept the lid on talk about the obvious connections of Jews to 9/11 in these groups ever since — which takes us down to the present day and the two big 9/11 truth groups — 9/11truth and wearechange.

We sent a Skylax University contract investigator to a recent meeting of one of these groups in L.A. Her plan was to ask all the Jews in the group to leave the room, so all the non Jews in the room could vote on the question of whether they thought the Jews were being honest with them about that evidence that “seemed” to exist connecting Israel and the American Jewish community — starting with the top Wall Street predators, who are still running our government — with the 9/11 false flag terror attack. The Jewish moderator of the group denied her request, took her aside like the sneaky bastard he was, and threw her out of the group. Stay tuned for further details.

People — real people, not the clones who are looking for some groovy trend to anesthetize their pathologies with — notice things like that.

This smothering Jewish filter that has been thrown over all our lives is poisoning us, clearly. The techniques they have used — fluoride in the water to dull our senses and diminish our alacrity, TV to numb the mind with convincing pastimes to keep us from seeing how much they are stealing, and deliberately poison medicines (Dr. Nancy Banks said only 4 percent of OTC medicines actually work — and they want to take away our right to alternatives!) that created in concert with the diseases and afflictions that they are meant to cure . . . tell me now, there, Harley? Have you noticed any of these things?

Or are you one of those still in the coma, one who believes Muslims did 9/11 and our boys are fighting for freedom in Afghanistan? If you are, I think it’s long past time to take a look at your own brain, and try to realize that if your life is governed by the reality presented by TV, it’s not really your life at all anymore, baby, it’s theirs! Turn it off and keep it off.

And then the coma will begin to lift a little.

But the basic embargo on human thought and public utterance has been broken, and I’d take personal credit for it, except it belongs to all those cleansed souls who were murdered by the Jews over the centuries, their acts cloaked by one bogus political explanation or another, but always the appeal to conscience and common sense, then control of the money, followed by — always — senseless, vicious slaughter. And it belongs to people like Joe Cortina and Cynthia McKinney, who put their faces in front of the gun barrels of Gaza saw what Judaism — and Jewish behavior — was really all about.

And this is precisely what most people don’t know.

The pattern of psychologically imbalanced Jewish behavior is well-established — but suppressed, because the Jews have a hundred year headstart in destroying all the literary masterpieces, as well as all the arts and sciences, by purging them of anything they perceive as a threat to their demented objective — kill or enslave everyone in the world, in any case at least rob them, and lie about what you did. That is the Jewish philosophy. You could prove it to any Jew, except they won’t ever let you read any Talmud, never mind the real Talmud, and in fact, the Talmud orders that any non Jew who even attempts to read the Talmud should be killed. Anyone who has studied freshman psychology should understand that this philosophy is demonstrably insane, not to mention injurious to everyone in its path.

You have to dig hard to find this information, because these criminals have all the money in the world to cover their tracks. And for hundreds of years, they have covered their tracks so well that the best estimate I can deduce from chatting with who I consider to be some of the brightest minds on the Internet (let’s pat ourselves on the back, shall we?), is that we are probably 150 years behind in terms of what the highest social planners have in store for us. This calculation is based on the tiny number of people who know who Albert Pike was.

It strikes me as odd that a person could have sufficient curiosity to attend any 9/11 skeptics meeting, but NOT have any inclination to investigate what clearly is the most dominant aspect of the crime scene — the Jewish fingerprints in the city with the largest Jewish population in the world, in a country controlled by dual citizen Israelis in both finance and government, whose media is 100 percent Jewish (the other argument is it’s 99), and whose kosher bankers control the lives of absolutely every person inside our borders. Not to mention elsewhere.

But it isn’t merely inside the 9/11 skeptics movement that this bubble of silence is beginning to burst.

The profusion of health sites on the web in response to the epidemic of new, government-created designer diseases is directly responsible for the tsunami of suddenly good health information, as opposed to the bad health information that is constantly thrust at us by the government and mainstream media whose goal is to help sell these toxic products.

Scams like AIDS and swine flu have only driven the public away in droves from this CNN ideology that Israel is our friend and an America run by Jews is something you don’t even notice until they’ve taken the very last of your money, and then for good measure, have made you sick, first from the deliberate poisons they have sold you as food, and then make you sicker from the “medicines” (let’s just call it rat poison) they use to “cure” you.

This is a bubble about to burst, convoluted and confused as it is with the totalitarian drive to stamp out alternative medicine, relax food standards, deliberately cause crop failures, and create Obamacare, which is a big step toward a debit card economy that will determine what and how much will you eat from the meager stipends you are given according to your political correctness. I think the term concentration camp is not too strong.

But the big question remains, as it always has, the comatose populace. Can people stop watching Dancing with the Stars long enough to hear the screams of people’s organs being removed in Gaza?

It hasn’t happened yet, in human history. And yet we keep our hopes high under whatever banner that has not yet been infiltrated and sabotaged.

Because the bubble WILL burst. In fact, most of us can hear the seams splitting as we speak.

The equation to be solved is a simple one.

When the bubble finally bursts — as it will soon — will we finally be free of this Jewish compound interest formula that revels in blood and drags the human species toward its final resting place, or will we be finally and irrevocably lost in a stimulus controlled parking lot that will become the laboratory of our eternal slavery and the tomb of our highest hopes?

This is not a multiple choice quiz. You get to answer now. Before the bubble bursts, please.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida who wrote the first book linking Israel to 9/11, “The Day America Died.” He emphasizes the message that no problem in the world can be authentically addressed without first analyzing tangents caused by Jewish perfidy, which has subverted and diminished every aspect of human endeavor throughout history. Support for his work is wholly derived from people who can understand what he’s saying and know what it means. 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA