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Mike Huckabee Has Become A Zionist Puppet

Rocky Montana

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In his speech on Dec. 5, 2010, Mike Huckabee chose sides. By stating his support of Zionist-Israel declares himself a Zionist puppet and tool for evil as a member of the Zionist political party. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, Mr. Huckabee is stating his support for communist/fascist Israel and its evil war plan to conquer ALL nations on earth. He joins in lock-step with the Zionist-controlled media in America who continually pump out mind-controlling propaganda in order to convince the American people to sacrifice their weakened military once again to fight yet another war for the Zionist-Israel; this time it is to make war on Iran. People, the Zionists are the adversary of Creator God and all Godly people of this world. They ARE "the beast" written about in the Christian Bibles. Their war plan is killing and enslaving the American people and is dedicated to conquering, and dominating America and the World. They are in control of our three branches of the Federal Government, In short, as a Zionist puppet and tool for evil, Mike Huckabee cannot be trusted nor deserves to hold the office of the president of the United States or any other public office in America.

By their fruits ye shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? --Matthew 7:16


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 MikeHuckabee, Dec 5, 2010, on Chanukah and Israel (part 2)


Dec. 10, 2010