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Is Satan.s Program About Finished?

David J. Smith

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ey were waiting to start deceiving them in order to destroy God’s plan for man.

Satan and his angels have been behind the rise of governments and the extreme evil that has been recorded in the annals of history. He has always wanted to be worshipped as if he were God. He has been the deceiver of the WHOLE world (Revelation 12: 9).

As history moved into more modern times, strange things began to take place. Go to the Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary and look up the word KHAZAR. The following is a word-for-word writing from Webster’s: “Khazars, also Chazar. One of a nation powerful from about 200 A.D. to 950, at first in the Caucasus region, later in southeastern Russia. In the 7th century many of them embraced the Jewish religion. They were finally overcome by the Russians. It is not certain whether they were a Turkish or a Georgian race.”

The Britannica Encyclopedia under the article KHAZAR states that their king, Joseph, accepted the religion of Judaism in 740 A.D. They were olive complexioned, with prominent noses, and kinky curly black hair.

Note: This race of people were NOT of the blood line tribe of Judah – nicknamed Jews. They were converts to the religion of Judaism. They rejected Christianity when it was presented to them along with Judaism. They accepted the Talmud, not the Old Testament alone. Why am I bringing this to your attention? Here is why!

Mayer Amschel Baer was a Talmudic Jew in Germany and changed his name to Rothschild. He started an International Banking cartel along with his five sons. They created money out of thin air, just paper and ink, and loaned it to nation-states. He had no national loyalty. He wanted to create a world Jewish government, even though he did not live by the Old Testament.

He and other financiers paid Adam Weishaupt, Jewish professor of canon law in a Bavaria, Germany Catholic University, to create the secret Order of the Illuminati. This organization was to create wars and revolutions by operating in secret.

Later, this Khazar group of Bankers paid a man with an alias, named Karl Marx, to write the Communist Manifesto. He also was a Khazar Jew. They were not from the tribe of Judah at all. Jesus Christ knew all of this would transpire. That is why He made two statements. “… I know the blasphemy of them which SAY [claim] they are Jews, and are NOT, but are the synagogue [church] of Satan” (Revelation 2: 9). “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which SAY they are Jews, and are NOT, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you [Christians]” (Revelation 3: 9).

These International Bankers also created the Zionist Movement to create a homeland for Jews. All of these plans were laid between 1871 and 1897 A.D. They selected Guiseppi Mazzini of Italy to head the revolutionary arm of the Illuminati. Albert Pike of Little Rock, Arkansas, was selected to head the religious arm of the Illuminati.

These two men wrote the final program to take the world. They said they needed three world wars and many revolutionary wars. Wars of liberation were to overthrow country-after-country for the final world government ruled by them.

They said they would need three world wars. What was to be accomplished by these? 1) The First World War was launched to overthrow the Czar of Russia and set up a seen enemy of the Western world of Christianity. 2) The second war was to create a homeland for the Jews. It happened in 1948 with the first mandate of the United Nations. Now the stage was set for the third world war – pitting the differences of Israelites and the Muslims. 3) The third world war was to begin with the Middle East and drag the West and Communism into it. Out of its rubble would become world government with Satan’s man sitting upon a throne claiming to be the messiah!

What does it say in Daniel 11:44-45? Because of activities in the Middle East, Russia and China will get involved. What does Ezekiel 38 say? The Communist world will come against the nations of Israel – the Lost Ten Tribes includes the United States.

This is all being orchestrated by people who SAY they are Jews, but are not! Many Christian ministers have been taken in to support this system!


David J. Smith


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Nov. 6, 2010