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Eustace Mullins - The Reign of Terror

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Here is series of Eustace Mullins video's, most of which were recorded back in the early 90's.

Some of the latter were recorded in 2002, less than 1 year prior to a dastardly deed performed by a local doctor here in Staunton, VA who GAVE (no prescription on record) Eustace sample quantities of Vioxx in the Spring of 2003. In October, 2003 as Eustace returned from a vacation in Hilton Head, his trip was interrupted by a series mini-strokes. This was the beginning of the downward spiral of ill health experienced by Eustace and led to his ultimate demise. After authoring Murder By Injection, one wonders why Eustace would take a drug such as Vioxx, a proven killer, which was relatively new at the time.


The doctor who performed the evil deed on Eustace left Staunton in late 2003 without a trace.


Posted Oct. 25, 2010