The root of all evil - the deceptive smokescreen of Jewish pseudonyms
By John Kaminski
. . . the real source of the rapid decay of all relatively recent civilizations and so-called empires of the last 5000 years, whose establishment was so often due to the behind the scenes activities of bankers as agents for what was necessarily an internationally spread network of bullion interests, was the complete dearth in the later days of such civilizations or empires, of clean and noble men in places of control and power . . . ~David Astle, The Babylonian Woe, p. 200
(same) origin.
But I hadn’t mastered the particulars of these long ago events, so I was kind of shooting in the dark by saying Jews seemed to be involved in all the wars and great crimes of history. Since then, I have done my homework, and learned that Jews — or more precisely, a secret network of international moneylenders who at least in the present day are ALL Jewish — have been behind all the great tragedies of history, beginning with Joseph capturing all the money of Egypt and bringing plagues upon that beleaguered civilization, that Pericles, the supposed bringer of democracy to ancient Greece, was actually a pawn of the international bankers and helped destroy that society, and that even the ancient Roman republic was destroyed by warlords named Julius Caesar and Marc Antony, who were put in power by the international moneylenders.
John Kaminski is a writer who used to live on the Gulf Coast of Florida, where as each day passes is more and more covered by the oily poison that is the karmic reward of entrusting our lives, our fate and our sacred honor to the very Jewish moneylenders who have a 5,000-year-old tradition of robbing and murdering all those who have trusted them in the past.