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Top 5 Billionaire Hedge Fund Managers Are Zionists

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rtunes into the hands of the thieves masquerading as hedge fund managers, this while the rest of the world's population are being made homeless with billions living in abject poverty and destitution.

Total amounts earned in for 2009 -

1.David Tepper $4 Billion

2.George Soros $3.3 Billion

3.James Simons $2.5 Billion

4.John Paulson $2.4 billion

5.Steve Cohen $1.4 billion


This can't be, tell me this is not so, could this actually be true -- along with being referred to as Zionist, could the above Five Reptilians also be Jewish? Do Jews really exist, or are they all lying to the Goyim, when they talk to each other in yiddish? "Tell the truth now, you people who all call yourself Jews -- the world is waiting to hear it from your own lips, so don't keep us waiting any longer."

After you have explained to me why the above folks could not possibly be Jewish, maybe you could then start pitching me on how the blacks are not genetically really black people per say, that this has been a huge mis-identification on the part of those not exactly in the know, and that it will shortly be disclosed to the general public that what has heretofore been presented as a black man -- has really been, all along, a long lost tribe of Native American Indians.

It is hard to imagine any people more gullible and brainwashed then Americans. If it were announced this evening on the 5:00PM News, that all U.S. Citizens, for one day only, starting tomorrow morning, were required to put duct tape around their wrist before using any form of public transportation, 'come tomorrow for absolute certainty by God', there would not be a roll of duct tape left to be had in this country.

Rod Remelin