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Connecting the Dots: Zionist Melodrama, Domestic Terrorism, Papal Bull

Sott Editors

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Has a rupture of potentially seismic proportions set the US and Israel on a collision course with global consequences? Or are we witnessing a scripted drama that's just the latest move on the grand chessboard? The Secret Team hopes to load the dice in its favor whatever the outcome.

Can the waters of 9/11 Truth be held back much longer? After 9 years of successful containment, is it finally breaching the information wall? We'll examine the recent string of blatant attempts to frame Americans for "domestic terrorism" against the background moves to implement full lockdown before 9/11 Truth goes viral. The metro bombings in Moscow bore all the hallmarks of a War of Terror™ false-flag terror attack, replete with premature forensics, the official story contradicting eyewitness accounts and a Bin Laden-style video message. The first question to always ask is, Qui bono?

The Pope hasn't a prayer of coming out of this month unscathed. It's a measure of the visibly pathological state of the Catholic Church that it's hierarchy should invoke the most despicable slur available to stave off its day of reckoning, and in doing so, firmly align itself with that other death cult which invokes "religion" to justify its toxic existence in Palestine. Climategate firmly knocked The Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming out of its pulpit; the only water rising there is denial, with much of the herd still adamant that bovine excrement is causing climate change and must urgently be capped with the help of 'green debt' in the form of Carbon Default Swaps.

We can assure you that there are no real anti-Semites or "Islamo-fascists" out there worth losing any sleep over, but there is a strong whiff of fascism with a distinctly Christian-Zionist odor bubbling up from below like methane from the ocean floor. We'll chart the rise of the Pathocracy's Uruk-hai footsoldiers and note the gains made by far-right parties across Europe in March. Countering the rising fascist tides are hopeful signs of people power and resistance to the entropic trend.

Join us as we connect the dots in March...

Controversy in Zion

Israel's colonisation of Palestine is relentless. It's become a pivotal issue in countries' relations with Israel, but only to the extent that non-Israelis lip-synch their disapproval at press conferences while submitting behind closed doors. This asymmetric ability of a tiny nation to bring tremendous pressure to bear upon the world's leaders exemplifies the psychopath's ability to subvert the will of others to do its bidding, only it's happening on a macro-social scale. The psychopaths of Israel are not exclusively the cause of this bizarre situation - it requires the active participation and support of 'like-minded people' at every stage. They implicitly, or even explicitly in some cases, agree upon 'the issues' to be publicly discussed, all the while tremendous maneuvers of Machiavellian intensity and deceit take place behind the media curtain. Despite the information veil, it's not difficult to see the deeper schemes, although it certainly helps if you are not drugged out by the poisoned food and water supply, hypnotised by TVs, and making continuous efforts to grow in knowledge.



April 5, 2010