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An Introduction to the Holohoax or Holocaust Hoax; $$ Shoah Business $$

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The Holocaust refers to the alleged killings of 6 million Jews by the Nazis – many by gassings employing either Zyklon B or, mostly, diesel exhaust – as part of the Nazi plan to exterminate all Jews. The Nazis allegedly also killed millions of Poles, Gypsies, feeble-minded individuals, homosexuals, etc., though non-Jewish victims are not included as part of the Holocaust. The total tally of Nazi killings, a lot of it supposedly by gassings, is reported to be in the neighborhood of 11 million. These beliefs are promoted with a religious zeal by the Jews and aptly termed as the fundamental tenets of Holocaustianity.

Those who publicly oppose Holocaust claims by the Jews face extensive persecution, including incarceration in some countries.

Here we provide a brief overview – with links to scholarly sources – that Holocaust claims range from the grossly exaggerated to the unsupported, ludicrous and baseless. The Holocaust is, simply, a hoax that is aptly termed a Holohoax (alternatives: Hollowco$t, Holyhoax, H¤£¤¢¤$t, $hoah bu$ine$$). The Nazis simply wanted what numerous people before them have wanted: expulsion of the Jews.

June, 2009