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Zionist Organization of America calls for Jewish boycott of the University of California at Irvine


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dare to criticize the criminal policies of the illegitimate state of Israel.

The ZOA had particularly harsh words against UCI Chancellor Michael Drake. Dr. Drake, who is Afro-American, has a demonstrated history of fairness towards all students but the ZOA is demanding he treat Palestinians and Muslim students in a manner tantamount to "crucifixion." The ZOA particularly hates UCI's Muslim Student Union (MSU) because the student organization has sponsored a series of events on campus that have exposed the war crimes committed by the Israeli Zionist regime against Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

The ZOA is also angry at the MSU because they helped Viva Palestina USA last year by sponsoring Member of the British Parliament George Galloway as a speaker on campus. MP George Galloway was in the USA rallying for support of Viva Palestina which provides humanitarian aid to the besieged people of Gaza. The MSU helped after the Zionists launched a brutal 22 day military attack on Gaza killing over 1,400 civilians of which over 300 were Palestinian children. The Zionists used tons of outlawed phosphorus bombs which left many children blind.

The ZOA finally declared war on UCI after a group of Muslim students strongly protested the visit of the Israeli war criminal Michael Oren to the university campus. Oren, who is the Israeli ambassador to the USA. was on a USA tour to attempt to discredit a United Nations report that accuses Israel of war crimes. Oren was also pushing for the USA to attack the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Israel has a parasitic relationship with the USA. It's existence depends on billions of dollars in economic and military aid yearly from US taxpayers. The military aid from US taxpayers is utilized to commit heinous war crimes and to enforce their illegitimate occupation of Palestine. National Jewish organizations like the ZOA and the AIPAC are constantly lobbying for aid from the US federal government but their loyalties are entirely for Zionist Israel.

There are many American citizens that are actually very happy with the ZOA press release. UCI will be a better and more peaceful place without them. Perhaps now there will be more Latinos and other minorities admitted to the university. Now if they would only return the money they have taken from US taxpayers and some of it funded to the University of California, perhaps the 32% hike on student fees can be reversed.


Los Angeles, Alta California

February 16, 2010