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Many of my longtime readers and listeners have become frustrated by my increasingly hostile tone toward the Jews (with audio)

John Kaminski

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Many of my longtime readers and listeners have become frustrated by my increasingly hostile tone toward the Jews. And I have been frustrated by the deliberate refusal of many well-meaning people to courageously face what has by now become the obvious problem — subliminal Jewish control of every aspect of our lives.
If you don’t confront that, and instead devote your efforts to some other “issue,” then it turns out you’re actually working FOR the Jews by not focusing on what is the critical problem, and the centerpiece of all those other secondary problems.
What you desperately need to hear was the conversation I had 1/14 with Clayton Douglas. It explains many things you may not know.
Some of you had trouble accessing the program. Here it is in a more convenient access, thanks to tekk wizard Doug Ritch.

Best wishes,

John Kaminski

Clay Douglas Website: