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The Smirking Chimp, 9-11, and the Jewish Predicament (with video)

Christopher Bollyn

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I recently received a letter from a new supporter in California, who after posting an article about Israeli involvement in 9-11 on a website called "The Smirking Chimp" discovered that his post had been deleted and that he had been blocked from further posting.  This is what he wrote:

By the way, for your information, I began reading at The Smirking Chimp about 6 months ago and liked the intellectual tone, so I registered and made a few comments about other posts.  So one morning recently after I had read your article on 9-11, I posted the following:  "If you want to read the most plausible explanation of who was responsible for 9-11, go to the website, "Israeli Connection to 9-11" and it came back as a post right away.  However when I came back that afternoon, the post was gone and my user ID had been blocked and remains blocked.

What this reader experienced with The Smirking Chimp is actually fairly typical of how most American Jews react to the evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11 – with angry denial and rejection.  The Smirking Chimp, a leftish website owned and controlled by a foul-mouthed New Jersey Jew named Jeff Tiedrich, is a good example of this knee-jerk reaction.

Jeff Tiedrich, webmaster of "The Smirking Chimp"

One can easily see that Tiedrich uses extremely vulgar language on his site in response to comments made by critics of Zionist crimes and racism -- before banning them from posting on the site.  Jeff is evidently unable to accept or respond to criticism of Israel or the racist nature of Zionism, which crops up among his readers.  It isn't surprising that Tiedrich is unable to deal with the difficult questions surrounding Zionism.  He is, after all, just a middle-class Jew from New Jersey who supports Zionism because of his tribal loyalty.

Tiedrich plays guitar in a Jewish band called "Alligator"

What I find disingenuous about Jeff Tiedrich's website is that he doesn't inform his readers that he is a Jew from a Zionist family.  With Jewish mega criminals like Bernard Madoff and Maurice Greenberg - from his community and city - robbing the public and the U.S. taxpayer, and the Zionist-controlled media and shadow government ruining the United States, it seems very dishonest for Jeff not to be upfront with his readers about his ethnic background.  Shouldn't readers know who controls and moderates the political websites they use to exchange information?  I provide my readers with my background information and am often asked about my ties to Israel.

A check of the Dictionary of Jewish Surnames shows that Tiedrich is a Jewish name from Galicia in Eastern Europe.  Galicia was a very poor and primitive region (on the Dniester River in what is today the western Ukraine) when many peasants and Jews migrated to the United States in the 1880s.  Tiedrich's great grandfather Aaron, for example, came to America in 1882.  Jeff grew up in Rockaway, New Jersey, the son of Warren and Joan Tiedrich, stalwart members of the Jewish synagogue Temple Beth Am of Parsippany, New Jersey.  Jeff graduated from the Morris Hills High School in Rockaway in 1975 as his sister Ellen did in 1977.

Jeff's sister Ellen is a librarian

I am discussing Jeff Tiedrich's difficulties addressing the evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11 because it is a good example of the predicament that faces every American Jew -- and Israeli.  The Jewish community has a peculiar and distinct tribal dimension quite unlike nearly every other ethnic group in the United States.  American Jews are raised with a tribal mentality that they should not openly criticize another Jew or complain about the problems within the Jewish community to a person from outside that community, i.e. a non-Jew.  This tribal allegiance is, however, a dangerous two-edged sword.  When the criminal behavior and misconduct of the Jews become intolerable for the host nation, the entire Jewish community is usually punished, often with expulsion, which has happened in virtually every European nation at least once.


Arthur Koestler, the Hungarian Jewish author and Zionist pioneer in Palestine, wrote an interesting essay entitled "Judah at the Crossroads" about the Jewish dilemma caused by the creation of the Zionist (Jewish) state of Israel in 1948.  A disenchanted Communist, Koestler wrote a powerful anti-Communist novel, Darkness at Noon, in 1940.  Koestler wrote about things he knew a great deal about and had personal experience of.  His 1971 book The Thirteenth Tribe is about the Khazar origins of Eastern Europe's non-Semitic Ashkenazi Jews.

Arthur Koestler in 1948

The Budapest-born Koestler said Jews in the Diaspora faced a dilemma that required choosing between either assimilating into the nations in which they lived or going to Israel.  Koestler said it is not right to raise Jewish children in exile with a sense of separation and longing for Jerusalem when Jews could simply move to Israel and live as fully realized Jews in the Jewish state.  Koestler knew very well what he was talking about.  He had lived in Palestine in the 1920s and experienced the rigors of being a Zionist pioneer.  Koestler personally worked with Vladimir Jabotinsky, the father of Revisionist Zionism, the Irgun terror gang, and the Haganah, and even met with the Zionist arch-terrorist Menachem Begin, the head of the Irgun Gang in 1944 to try to persuade him to stop using terrorism.  Koestler failed to persuade Begin to abandon terrorism and accept a two-state solution for Palestine. As he wrote in his memoirs: “When the meeting was over, I realized how naïve I had been to imagine that my arguments would have even the slightest influence.”

Koestler (fifth from right) on Kibbutz HaShofet in 1945.  The kibbutz, founded in 1937, was named after U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis, a devoted Zionist, and was the first kibbutz formed by American Jews.

The Zionists, however, are strongly opposed to Jewish assimilation in the Diaspora because it reduces the number and motivation of Jews to support or migrate to Israel.  To be called an "assimilated Jew" by an Israeli leader is an insult to American and European Jews who have sought to integrate into the societies in which they live.

I feel sorry for American Jews who are weighed down with the knowledge that Israeli military intelligence played a key role in the crimes of 9-11.  The controlled media lies to the Jewish community and general public about the evidence of Israeli involvement in the false-flag terror attacks.  A good example of this can be seen in the CNN hit piece that was done in an attempt to smear me as an anti-Semite in January 2007, which aired on the Paula Zahn show the night before my trial.  The CNN editors dragged up the canard that 4,000 Jews had been forewarned prior to the attacks and cruelly presented it as evidence of anti-Semitic propaganda to Wilton Sexer, a Jewish man who had lost his son, Jason, at the World Trade Center. 

CNN intentionally lied to Wilton Sexer, who lost his son on 9-11, about the report that 4,000 "Jews" had been warned to stay away from work.  The actual report that 4,000 Israelis were expected to have been at the World Trade Center on 9-11 came from the Jerusalem Post Online based on information from the Israeli foreign ministry.  The evidence of Israeli forewarning is based on reports that users of the Israeli instant messaging system Odigo had received accurate warnings of the attacks that were correct to the minute.  CNN intentionally mixed up the facts to confuse the viewer.

By 2007, even the editors at CNN must have known that this report had originated with the Jerusalem Post Online, which had received the information directly from the Israeli government. The families of some 4,000 Israeli citizens expected to have been at work at the WTC or the Pentagon on 9-11 had contacted the Israeli Foreign Ministry asking about the whereabouts of their relatives.  The editor of the Jerusalem Post later confirmed in writing in 2003 that the newspaper's report on this matter had been completely accurate, as I wrote in an article in April 2005:

The fact that only one Israeli died at the WTC, while 4,000 Israelis were thought to have been at the scene of the attacks on 9/11 naturally led to a widespread rumor, blamed on Arabic sources, that Israelis had been forewarned to stay away that day.

"Whether this story was the origin of the rumor," Bret Stephens, the Post's editor-in-chief wrote in 2003, "I cannot say. What I can say is that there was no mistake in our reporting."

It was CNN that intentionally confused the issue by mis-using the word Jews instead of Israelis and giving the grieving American Jewish father false information in the first place.  This is an excellent example of how the Zionist-controlled media uses false information to control the thinking and emotions of American Jews and the general public.  As Mark Twain said, "There are laws to protect the freedom of the press's speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press."


American Jews face a predicament over 9-11 very similar to the one described by Koestler in "Judah at the Crossroads."  Will they continue to meekly maintain the dictates of tribal loyalty and protect the criminal network in their community or will they bravely and openly address and confront the rampant criminality in the Jewish community?  The welfare and future of the Jewish community in the United States depends on how American Jews respond to this predicament.