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Nazi Germany Spies Ruin America

Jon Carlson

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Our investigation into 9/11 found that the Bush Administration, the CIA, and the US Navy carried out the most treasonous plot in American history by sending remote control aircraft laden with napalm bombs into buildings containing thousands of working Americans (including US Navy personnel) killing thousands in deadly inferos and then used preplanted explosives in the destroyed buildings controlled by remote control to topple the buildings on top of the malmed, killed, and healthy survivors.

The corrupt FBI, Federal judges, and fishwraps like the NY Times in further treason refused to prosecute the traitors and send them to firing squads as justice required.

Our investigation into the Unknown President found fake photos, altered and fake documents, absence of such, and Hawaii lies made a president. The corrupt FBI, Federal judges, and fishwraps like the NY Times in further treason refused to prosecute the traitors and send them to prison as justice required. It is clear that the Unknown President is a Nazi spy controlled by the Nazi Borman organization to infiltrate not only America generally but the Democratic Party specifically destroying their effect to improve America. The goal in destroying the Democratic Party is to bring Jeb Bush to the Presidency in 2012 on the Nazi GOP ticket as well as elect more GOP Nazis to Congress seats.

The Unknown President has not missed a single opportunity to further wreck America. The latest: house paint made from Flaxseed and Soybeans incorrectly called 'oil paints' no longer can be purchased. As the Nazis always do, they put out BS to cover their every point of America destruction: 'Oil paint destroys the ozone layer'. (House painters now have to call in carpenters to replace all of the boards that aren't protected by latex paint or replace the boards themselves. That never happened in the days of lead house paint taken off the market circa 1970 as part of the Nazi plot to take lead out of gasoline to drive up oil supply demand. 10% more oil is needed to make unleaded gasoline. Putting corn alcohol in gasoline dropped the octane level even lower in another Nazi plot driving food prices to record levels worldwide as corn was used for fuel not food.)

Sherwin-Williams Co., the nation's largest paint maker, filed a lawsuit in Pennsylvania fighting the new laws, which it later dropped, but it still has a suit pending in New York. The company wants an exemption or extension for products it hasn't been able to reformulate, such as the oil-based wood stains sold under the Minwax brand. "Oil-based stains are in effect being eliminated. Technology is not available to replace those," said Bill Rafie, director of marketing for Sherwin-Williams's commercial segment. Source

"We're just not going to be able to do as nice a looking job as previously," said painter Mitchell Fagan, whose jobs include faux painting styles that rely on some of the oils taken off the market. "Once I've used what I've stockpiled, we won't be able to achieve certain looks."Diez almost waxes poetic about the benefits of oil paint."With oil, you walk into the house, it's such a beautiful thing, it's hard to describe," he said. "Manufacturers claim what they have on the market is just as good as oil. It's not. It's nowhere near."

Our investigation into a report from an associate of Hitler, pre-, during and post-WWII, that Bush I (Nazi German name George Scherf, Jr) and his father, Prescott Bush (Nazi German name George Scherf) were Nazi Spies long before WWII substantiated all aspects of the report. In further treason, the corrupt FBI, Federal judges, and fishwraps like the NY Times refused to prosecute the traitors and send them to prison as justice required.

What's going on here?

Nazi Germany spies, the most famous of them being Prescott Bush (German name George Scherf) and his kid George HW Bush(German name George Scherf, Jr.) infiltrated America in the early 1930's taking on assumed identities (SEE our report: Bushes Natural Born Status Questioned) thus they were illegal aliens. Documents show that Prescott Bush was 'in charge' of a bank owned by Nazi Germany and thus Prescott Bush was custodian of Nazi funds used for various purposes in America and in Germany.

Their first order of business as they financed Nazi activities was a 1934 coup against FDR and a major 1940 financing ($5 million) of Wendel Wilkie running against FDR. As WWII was running against Germany Prescott Bush and Martin Borman, another associate of Hitler, formed 750 corporate entities worldwide to hold funds, companies, and properties that were stolen from Holocaust victims and victims in countries overrun by German troops. After WWII Borman experienced a fake death and fled to Argentina (and later Florida) a safe port for Nazis ever since. From Argentina the Borman organization controls their looted 'investments' including dominance in America publishing, music, and Hollywood studios.

With Borman organization control and major ownership of the mainstream media the Bush Administration, the CIA, and the US Navy did 9/11 (AND MUCH, MUCH MORE) without ANY AMERICA NEWSPAPER SAYING A WORD.

The major vehicle of America's destruction after media control was infiltration of US WWII intelligence with Nazi Germany intelligence as the Germans said they were against Russia and really had the same interests as the US even though Russia was the major factor in the Allies conquest of Germany The German intelligence group positioned throughout Europe and Russia transferred intact back to Germany circa 1951 as they had done their job in two ways. First, they turned US foreign policy against Russia and, second, they left behind a Nazi infested CIA to influence antiAmerican foreign (and domestic) policy ever since. Nazi spy Bush I has had major involvement with CIA Nazis even today.

Now it is understandable why Russia was lamblasted beginning in the 1950's and brought to its knees during the Nazi Reagan administration. The Borman organization used their media dominance to war against the Jews in order to bring Arab countries under their influence and maintain control of Middle East oil supplies. Arab Ibn Saud was installed in the Saudi Arabia government by the Germans to maintain German Middle East 'oil investments'.

The Hitler associate that told the story of the Bushes infiltrating America had an excellent memory but more importantly he had a collection of 60 photos of Nazi Germany in the 1930's which we corroborated with later photos.

This exclusive photo to us of Bush I (German name George Scherf, Jr.) and Barbara Bush (German name unknown) AS TEENAGERS (circled in yellow) was dated by the German automobile in the background as early 1930's. The Hitler associate who told the story is in the rear with head cropped.

This is a 1931 Stoewer automobile:


So we have 'the Bushes' in Nazi Germany in the early 1930's.

When did the Bushes become Nazi Germany Spies in America?

Journalist John Buchanon found Library of Congress documents of congressional testimony before the McCormick-Dickstein Committee of the US House of Representatives on November 29th, 1934 describing a 1934 plot involving Prescott Bush to overthrow the Federal Government.

The documents showed that Prescott Bush led a group called the American Liberty League in a treasonous conspiracy with JP Morgan and the DuPont family. They tried to overthrow the U.S. government. They were going to abolish the presidency, make it a civil position, which was a dictatorship and they were going to kill FDR.

Paul Connely French, a New York Post and the Philadelphia Record journalist who brought the plot down along with Col. Smedley Butler testified before the House committee after talking with the plotters.

The lead plotter Gerald C. McGuire set up the coup attempt for JP Morgan and Prescott Bush. French testified that McGuire stated, “We need a Fascist government in this country to save the nation from the communists who want to tear it down and wreck all that we have built in America. The only men who have patriotism to do it are the soldiers and Gen. Smedley Butler is the ideal leader.”

McGuire told me he had been in Italy and Germany during the spring and summer of 1934 and had made an intensive study of the background of the Nazi and Fascist movements and how the veterans had played an important part in them. He said he obtained enough information on the Fascists and Nazi movements and the part played by the veterans to properly set up one in this country.”

Mr. French: The impression I gained from McGuire was that he had a very brilliant solution of the unemployment situation. He said that Roosevelt had muffed it terrifically but that he had the plan. He had seen it in Europe. It was a plan that Hitler had used in putting all of the unemployed in labor camps or barracks for enforced labor. That would solve it overnight. And he said that when they got into power that is what they would do. That was the ideal plan. Hitler was right.


Former U.S.Justice Department prosecutor John Loftus reports:

The twin US Archives, Gowen's Dutch source, and the Thyssen family history all independently confirm that Prescott Bush served on the board of a bank that was secretly owned by the leading Nazi industrialists. The Bush connection to these American institutions is a matter of public record. The enormous sums of money deposited into the Union Bank prior to 1942 is the best evidence that Prescott Bush knowingly served as a money launderer for the Nazis. As noted historian Christopher Simpson repeatedly documents, it is a matter of public record that Brown Brother's investments in Nazi Germany took place under the Bush family stewardship.

The bottom line is harsh: It is bad enough that the Bush family helped raise the money for Thyssen to give Hitler his start in the 1920's, but giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war is treason. The Bush's bank helped the Thyssens make the Nazi steel that killed allied soldiers. As bad as financing the Nazi war machine may seem, aiding and abetting the Holocaust was worse. Thyssen's coal mines used Jewish slaves as if they were disposable chemicals. There are six million skeletons in the Thyssen family closet, and a myriad of criminal and historical questions to be answered about the Bush family's complicity. Source


This photo shows Bush I with Heinz Kissinger in the foreground. Kissinger is suspected of taking a parallel path to Bush from Nazi Germany in the 1930's and is also responsible for millions of deaths and untold property destruction and misery. Heinz was first offered the 9/11 Coverup Commission head position but his background caught up with him. A Wayne Madson Report

A report that Obama is a German Sleeper Spy fits in partially with our findings of the Unknown President and is an Israel Insider must read.

GHW Bush Honored For Committment To Germany!

Richard Holbrooke, the U.S. ambassador to Germany in 1993-94,told The Associated Press that Bush, who was president in 1989-93, lobbied for Germany's reunification against the wishes of his counterparts in Britain and France. Source


Another associate of Hitler, General Reinhard Gehlen, authored a book circa 1972 depicting the blueprint for what the Underground Reich was planning to do in the United States. The Service: The Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen. In that book Chinese military philosopher Sun-Tzu in his classic The Art of War was quoted.

Consider the situation of the U.S. in recent years in light of these quotes:

  • "There is no art higher than that of destroying the enemy’s resistance without a fight on the battlefield. The direct tactic of war is necessary only on the battlefield; but only the indirect tactic can lead to a real and lasting victory."
  • “Subvert anything of value in the enemy’s country. Implicate the emissaries of the major powers in criminal undertakings; undermine their position and destroy their reputation in other ways as well, and expose them to the public ridicule of their fellow citizens.”
  • “Do not shun the aid of even the lowest and most despicable people. Disrupt the work of their government with every means you can.”
  • "Spread disunity and dispute among the citizens of the enemy’s country. Turn the young against the old. Use every means to destroy their arms, their supplies, and the discipline of the enemy’s forces. Debase old traditions and accepted gods. Be generous with promises and rewards to purchase intelligence and accomplices. Send out your secret agents in all directions. Do not skimp with money or with promises, for they yield a high return”


This 1930's photo has our cast of characters in Nazi Germany. The owner of the photo is sitting in front of the window.



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