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Kaminski on Jewish control of the American mind.flv

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The Kaminski Channel Presents. John Kaminski on Jewish control

of the American mind.

John Kaminski is one of the best American writers on the subject of Jewish supremacy. He was a journalist for mainstream newspapers for many years until he could not stand the propaganda beginning to take over after Reagan passed his "deregulation" laws which caused and allowed Jewish organizations to monopolize American media. In 15 years, ownership of US media went from over 250 families and corporations, to just 5 today of which all are owned by Jews. Rupert Murdoch of Fox News is a Zionist organization being the only non-Jew supporting the terrorist state of Israel.

The Department of Defense Dictionary of Military Terms defines terrorism as:

The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.

This is what Israel is doing to Palestine and what the US demanded by Israel is doing to Iran, Afghanistan and other countries now.

Kaminski's website is a guide to Jewish supremacy with hundreds of links.