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Breaking News in the case of Bishop Richard Williamson

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Breaking News in the case of Bishop Richard Williamson


December 7, 2009 - The German State Prosecutor has excluded the possibility of a pre-trial, out-of-court settlement in the case of Roman Catholic Bishop Richard Williamson's alleged "Holocaust denial" statements which were filmed in Germany in 2008 and broadcast on Swedish television earlier this year. A possible trial date is said to be considered for late February or early March. The 28-year-old female judge in the case desires Bishop Williamson to be personally present at the trial, so that "he can explain what were his motives in saying what he said on Swedish television." She "wishes to judge his answers in person." Bishop Williamson, an English native, currently resides in London, after being fired from his position as rector of his seminary in Argentina. He was then expelled from the country by the government under pressure from Zionist groups.