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Savage, Farah and Beck and the ADL's False Flag Operation

Michael Hoffman

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Up and Down Tim Finnegan's Ladder with Savage, Farah and Beck

Nov. 24, 2009

Michael Weiner, a.k.a. "Michael Savage," former Jerusalem Post correspondent Joseph Farah and 9/11 cover-up artist and Netanyahu supporter Glenn Beck are all on the Zionist ADL's enemies list, according to a new report from that thought control organization.
We can take this at face value --that suddenly shills for Israeli wars and Talmudic Judaism have turned into a problem for Zionism, or we can see it for what it really is -- a covert ploy to give cover to these Israeli agents and burnish their credentials as independent populist spokesmen for Thomas Jefferson, which, laughably, is Mr. Beck's specialty.
The ADL pulled the same stunt with the traditional Catholic movement, naming as an enemy the kosher-conservative Michael Matt, the publisher, in his Remnant newspaper and website, of attacks on Bishop Richard Williamson as well as Auschwitz execution gas chamber revisionists and the Sept. 11 truth movement  ("9/11 conspiracy theories so flimsy they were debunked by a single article in Popular Mechanics magazine").
For those who attend magic shows and believe that the painted lady really is sawn in half, the ADL sideshow will be 100% believed. For those for whom appearance is seldom reality, this charade will be seen for what it is.
Certainly many genuine opponents of Orthodox Judaism and slaughterhouse Zionism have been libeled by the ADL. But as the ADL becomes more of a discredited caricature of an objective investigative agency, its service to the Cryptocracy will increasingly come from false flag operations.
The job of Michael Savage is to build a "Judeo-Christian" alliance against Islam and disseminate the canard that adherents of the Talmud and followers of the New Testament have historically been allies sharing the same morality and ethics.
Joseph Farah is one of the leading drummers for war-Zionism and the worship of the Israeli state.
Glenn Beck, perhaps the most slippery of the trio, is a slick counterfeit of a Jeffersonian populist, who, like Sarah Palin, is opposed to every form of big government except where big government wages war for Israeli interests anywhere on earth. Then the billions squandered, the civil liberties suppressed in the name of national security, the private corporations battening on the Pentagon's public trough, are all absolved. Mr. Beck is particularly keen on promoting the official U.S. government line on the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.
Savage, Farah, and Beck provide an incomparable boost to the prestige and power of Judaism and the Israeli war machine. These aspects of their broadcast persona quite naturally trouble a segment of their populist base. This base has at least some passing acquaintance with information from revisionists, anti-Zionists, and Christian critics of the Talmud. What better way to suppress skepticism than by giving this trio the ADL's stamp of disapproval? Mr. Farah is already using it to prove that he is attacked by both sides - that the ADL's stigma establishes his bona fides as an impartial observer.
We live in the age of Tim Finnegan's ladder - one false step after another. Even Sherlock Holmes and his Dr. Watson would get lost in the coils of the illusions of our time.
Politics is, after all, only an extension of society, and our society boasts genetic alteration of our crops and surgical alteration of our appearance. At the movies, computer technology makes magical feats mundane. Appearance is more than ever mistaken for reality.
Do not despair. Our Divine Master has given us the best test of artifice and poseurs: "By their fruits ye shall know them."
What are the fruits of Savage, Farah, and Beck? Their loyal listeners and viewers are typically among the most bamboozled and enthusiastic supporters of the Israeli dispossession of the Palestinians, and the persons most oblivious to rabbinic and Talmudic evil, even as they are consumed with fanatical hatred for the Koran and its believers.
Let Christ's criterion suffice as our yardstick of discernment; not the infernal game play of master deceivers.

Hoffman edits Revisionist History, a bimonthly newsletter. He is the author of Judaism Discovered which can be ordered from Barnes and Noble, and better bookstores everywhere.