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Ghost Troop: Semites and Semantics

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----- Original Message ----
-From: Captain May
To: C
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 4:41 PM
Subject: Ghost Troop: Semites and Semantics

Ghost Troop: Semites and Semantics

--  Captain Eric H. May and GT Mark Metzelaar, 11/21/2009  --

GT Mark, it would be a much better world if everyone would play by the polite rules you recommend, but I have observed a willingness by most Jews to keep mum about 9/11, to attack rational inquiry as "anti-Semitic," and to portray (with all their TV, cinema and publications) Muslims as "Islamists" and "Islamofascists." Their propaganda isn't subtle: Jewish radio show hosts like Michael Savage label them ragheads, camel jocks, sheep screwers -- and worse -- as they call for the US to nuke their enemies
Candidly, I prefer not to take sides in the Jewish/Muslim quicksand in the Middle East by pulling our military out of the Muslim nations and our military aid out of the "Jewish nation" (as they call themselves). At present Jewish media, Jewish bankers and Jewish (or Jewish-controlled) politicians work tirelessly to send American boys and girls into a war in which they will kill Muslims for the sake of Jews.
Their chutzpah can be summed up simply enough:
  • They were -- at least in part -- responsible for 9/11.

    They led the outcry against Islam, which had nothing to do with 9/11.

    They turned Christian America into a Jewish golem to kill Muslims.

    They plan a 9/11-2B to keep the US terrified and submissive.

    They are war criminals, but say they are history's great victims.

    They make research into their claims of victimization illegal.

    They label any criticism of them "anti-Semitism."

  • They claim that anyone who scrutinizes them is a Nazi.
Given all of this, GT Mark, I think your concerns about giving the Jews such extremely careful treatment in all our writings and discussions seems timid and disoriented. These people have made themselves the most powerful group in America, and that means we Americans must be able to communicate about them without having to refer to some sort of politically correct rule book. We can't afford to split hairs while they leading us to destruction.
Best regards, Capt. May, GT CO
PS: Please read and consider yesterday's bombshell article from the UK, which proves that people on both sides of the Atlantic are waking up:

Zionist Control of Britain's Government: 1941-2009

--- On Sat, 11/21/09, Ad <> wrote:

What has an average jew to do with zionism?

But also what has a moderate zionist to do with extreme or fascist zionists?
And then all the non-jews from aristocracy, oil, weapon and other industry who are involved in the concept of extreme/fascist zionism and using that purely for their own purposes; officially they are not zionists, but something like fascist power politics who use the zionist concept.

Then the jews from aristocracy, oil, weapon and other industry; do they really care that much for average jews, or are they just using them for their power politics? Also a lot of jews who are a moderate nationalist in the way they think that they have the right for their own state, officially they are zionists. But does the moderate part of these zionists support extremism and fascism?

For those moderate zionists, it seems the same like anti-semitism, calling their moderate zionism like evil. So they might have a good point that anti-zionism and anti-semitism is somehow just the same for them, as they have all the right to be moderate nationalists.

So what I propose for the sake of all; don't call the evil ones "zionists", but name them something like:

extreme / fascist / rothschild (=xxx) zionists.

Or maybe even better:  the xxx part of zionism.
GT Mark