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The Rubber Meets the Road

John Kaminski

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The rubber is meeting the road now, people!  The populations of Eastern Europe are under heavy bioweapons attack.  How long before it hits North Amerika I cannot say, but the Kung Fu Instructor is certain that Phase II of the Jews' pandemic is well-underway.  The evil Zhidy have unleashed their germ warfare attack upon the world, but their primary target is the White Race.  The other races shall in turn be dealt with in detail.


Contemplating the almost unfathomable magnitude of the emergency we find ourselves in, the Kung Fu Instructor can only shake my head in utter bewilderment at the apathy and ignorance of the masses as they approach their rendezvous with death.  My subscribers, on the other hand, have been kept abreast of developments as they occur.  It is your duty now to prepare yourselves and to warn others.   

And then we have those who supposedly seek the truth, but continue to follow the words of liars.  That the only problems we face are the loss of our liberties, higher taxes, and serfdom.  But the Jews have no use for what they call "useless eaters."  They will not allow you to keep your wealth or possessions.  They will not place you on welfare.  They will not give you a job in a public works project.  They will not give you a bed in the hospital if you are sick.  They only want you to die so that they may have this world for themselves.


Oh?  You think that you have skills that are so indispensable, that you will be spared?  Do you imagine that the Jews will set aside a small apartment just for you, despite the fact that billions of people are now entering the early stages of a mass liquidation programme?


It is true that a few hundred million non-Jews will be kept as slave laborers for the Jews, and that they plan on maintaining a global population of 500 MM.  They only comprise 100-200 MM individuals at best, if we include the adherents of Judaism, atheistic Jews, crypto-Jews, and half-breeds.


Is it then your personal goal to grow food for your Jews?  To repair their automobiles?  To pick up their garbage?  If, for some reason, you and your immediate family are spared, will you be pleased to allocate your children to them for sexual purposes or for human sacrifice, whenever ordered to do so?


You don't believe me?  Then educate yourselves about the Jewish Talmud and Ritual Sacrifice...


Consider carefully the information in the following reports, and ask yourselves why you have heard nothing in the mainstream media concerning the terrible situation in Eastern Europe.




The Kung Fu Instructor