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Google Co-founder Donates $1 Million To The Hebrew National Immigration Society

Saed Bannoura

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(Oct. 28, 2009)

Jewish Billionaire, Sergey Brin, one of the founders of Google, donated $1 million to the so-called Hebrew national Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) which heavily encourages Jews around the world to immigrate to Israel and the United States.

The organization is one of the biggest supporters of illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

In 1979, Brin, at age 6, emigrated with his family from the former Soviet Union to the United States.

He said that HIAS helped his family leave the Soviet Union, and that his donation comes on the thirtieth anniversary of leaving Russia.

His current wealth is estimated by $16 billion.

Yet, the HIAS was not pleased by the donated amount and described it as "a small donation when compared to the wealth of Brin".

But Brin said that this donation is the beginning of a commitment he and his wife made to be more involved in 'humanitarian issues’.

HIAS said it helped some 4.5 Million Jews around the world, and that without it Google would probably have not existed as it attributes the existence of Google to "saving the family of Brin" by moving them to the United States.

Brin stated that he so far donated more than 30 million US Dollars. "But this is not a big amount comparing to my wealth", he added

It is worth mentioning that U.S. president, Barack Obama, will be speaking at the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America, which will be held in Washington in November.

The decision was seen as a good step towards continued U.S. support to Israel, Jewish organizations and lobbies in the United States.

The Global News Service of the Jewish People stated that the Jewish community 'got two big gets, Obama and Brin".