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Peter Chamberlin

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From: Robert Busser
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 7:45 PM



By Peter Chamberlin October 1, 2009

We are faced with the ever-present and ever-growing problems presented by the state of Israel. The entire world has been given the most sinister ultimatum of all time (and Barack Obama is fully supporting it): We either make Israeli interests the paramount issue concerning the world today, or else Israel will single-handedly start World War III. If we do not take military actions to preserve Israel's outlaw nuclear edge in the Middle East, then, according to Israel's supreme leader, Israel will use those nuclear weapons upon Iran (Israel can only do the job with nukes). If the leadership of the world does not alleviate Israeli leaders' greatest fears through limited, though intense military actions, then Israel will unleash WWIII in the Middle East, effectively destroying the oil-based international order. The new American leadership is the most craven, sniveling and condescending to Israeli demands of all previous administrations.  Never before has an American administration had to publicly reverse itself because of demands openly made upon it by the Zionist state, concerning illegal settlements and other ethnic cleansing measures.
see this video:
To then be forced to announce to the world the reversal of the defense and arms control strategy of the previous administration, to make protecting Israel more important than protecting Europe, is a stinging indictment of Obama administration loyalties. The missiles were never really there because of Iran, merely a tool to antagonize Putin. By reversing the Bush deployment policy for ABM systems (allegedly intended to protect Europe from Iranian missiles), moving those missiles which represented no real threat to Iran, to positions between Israel and Iran (on ships in the Persian Gulf and from missiles based on Arab soil), the only superpower was humiliated before the world, while billions of American defense dollars were shifted to investing in protecting the world from the actions of the shitty little mad dog state.
The US military is helping making Israel immune from rocket and missile attack, while there are no such defenses for the either the United States or the European Union. If Israel were really either an island of "democracy" or an outpost of freedom in the Middle East, then it might merit such unprecedented world protection, but it is neither. In point of fact, the Zionist state is the opposite of both of those ideals. Ruled by a small ruthless minority, the "state," which has stolen every square inch of property from a powerless unarmed populace, proceeds to destroy every conceivable avenue of change for the better,  even that of peaceful coexistence, in order to follow a similar path calculated for gain and furtherance of the secret goal. That goal is the establishment of "Greater Israel," an un-Biblical concept, used to claim Biblical "divine right" allegedly promised to the real descendents of Abraham.
The Obama administration represents nothing short of a "gold mine" for Israel, because of the great policy changes that are being made in their favor. We are seeing the payoff from the heavy Zionist stacking within the Obama administration that exceeds the record number of Zionists in the previous two administrations. Bush had become an obstacle to Israeli designs in the region, simply because he would take no action against Iran, the only obstacle to complete Israeli domination of the region. Obama has served his Zionist overlords very well. Obama's theatric ultimatums to Iran have distracted the world from the building international pressure that was being generated for war crimes investigations by public reactions to the fascist war of ethnic cleansing in Gaza. The "Cast Iron" campaign of terror was giving substance to legitimate comparisons being made between the fascist Israeli actions and those of the Nazis, leading also to the Goldstone Report on war crimes in Gaza. The war against Iran, which the Israelis are demanding, can only be avoided by a total confrontation of those demands.
Over the years, the American people have stood in silent witness, as this constitutional republic has been slowly reshaped into a police state by the subversive financial powers. The population has been conditioned through a series of psyops, staged dramas, intended to familiarize the people with the encapsulated plotline. We have been encouraged to believe in the inevitability of a militarized world. Every medium screams that Brave New World is an inevitability, never mentioning that those who are sounding the warning are the same ones who are planning it all. Since the days of WWI, powerful forces within the United States and Europe have created war as an instrument for social change. The people could be convinced into accepting all sorts of bad things in the name of "self-defense." Wall Street financiers first bankrolled the Bolsheviks of Russia, repeating the same successful formula a few years later by funding the National Socialists of Germany. The "Islamist militants" are merely the latest model of America's perennial prefabricated enemy. The "Islamist" psyop serves the interests of the Zionist world financiers today and no one else.
The problem with Israel is that the Zionist leaders there have taken the lead role in the psyop and they don't intend to let anyone else call the shots. In this respect, Israel is in partial rebellion to its master, the American ruling class. The Mossad hand in the creation of the international "Islamist" network gives them an inside track to affect the outcome of planned terror events. Israeli agents, stationed strategically throughout American government, the press, academia and the military, maintain their chokehold on America.  America will serve one last time, as Israel's attack dog, until the once proud nation strangles on its own vomit and wallows in its own feces, as it struggles for life, dangling at the end of the chain over the side of the cliff, after it has outlived its usefulness.