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KAMINSKI: The Cause of all Wars in History: Interest-Bearing Debt

John Kaminski

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Entirely unsuspected, except by a few astute observers, they cunningly and patiently wove a web in which they have entrapped mankind. — Emanuel Josephson, 1968

Most of the real history of the world has been hidden from us by the same people who commit the crimes, gigantic crimes on the scale of world wars , manufactured pandemics and massive tax ripoffs that ruin our health, kill our children and obliterate our peace of mind.

Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, and both Charles Lindberghs — five of the absolutely most honest Americans — all warned us this would happen if a certain element was allowed free rein. They were, and it has.

Totalitarian control of the media has changed reality from what actually is to what they would like it to be. Principally in the shallow and hateful rallies for war. In this devil’s bargain our freedom has been lost. Small wonder we can’t resist them when they’ve given us all the components of the reality we possess.

We keep running on the treadmills designed for us, and ultimately wind up working to increase the bonuses for big bankers. And we keep furnishing the bodies of our children to contentedly maintain this diseased fantasy that is human history.


Happily, the cause of all these problems has been found. They’ll try to keep it a secret for as long as they can, but it will eventually leak out to everyone, and eventually the problems will be solved.

Are you ready? Here’s the answer you’ve been waiting for.

Lending at interest leads to social polarization, guaranteeing conflict, and guaranteeing unparalleled profits to those able to manipulate large numbers of people. This is the cause of ALL our problems, throughout history — the evils that derive from lending at interest.

All that is important in life is perverted by this seemingly innocuous process.

Although I’ve read such eminent economic columnists as Ellen Brown and Bob Chapman for years, it took an unexpected email that contained a link from Michael Hudson, distinguished research professor of economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, and author of Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire, to finally make me understand what the real problem is.

It was the last, innocuous paragraph in an otherwise unrelated story that got my attention.

“Classical historians such as Plutarch, Livy, and Diodorus attributed Rome's decline and fall to the fact that creditors got the entire economy in their debt, expropriated the land and public domain, and strangled the economy.”

Wo! The proverbial lightbulb went on.

“Isn’t this what’s happening now?!” I exclaimed out loud.

So I dug deeper into Michael Hudson on Google and utterly confirmed my initial hunch — that this is the world’s main problem that has to be solved, before anything else can be done about anything else.

Here are a few snips from Prof. Hudson’s Archeology of Debt.

“The cuneiform record reflects ways of handling debt obligations that imply a different way of thinking from that of the modern world.”

Hmm. Perhaps Julian Jaynes’ portrayal of an ancient “bicamerality” in the human brain, when, as in Homer, people spoke to their perceived gods as often as they spoke to other people, was true. In any case, morality seemed to have a higher priority in the ancient world that it does now.

Hudson outlines his task:

“What is most in need of explanation is how interest came to be charged . . . and how early rates of interest were determined. Within Mesopotamia’s administered “redistributive” economy (to use Karl Polanyi’s term), interest-bearing debt became a wedge that disturbed and ultimately transformed traditional economic relations.

The combination of charging interest and the pledging of family members and crop rights as collateral transformed debt relationships from an integrative to disintegrative phenomenon.”

“Disintegrative phenomenon.” Most Americans are familiar with those these days, from pornographic media to phony vaccines. In any case, the farmers are all gone, and that’s how societies are always destroyed.

“To place the phenomenon of interest-bearing debt in it's historical context, this third volume in our ISCANEE/ISLET series traces the dynamics of interest-bearing debt from Sumer down through the neo-Babylonian and biblical epochs. It also examines how royal edicts dealt with the strains and imbalances caused by such debt, reversing the most adverse consequences of agrarian usury (while leaving commercial loans and investments intact).”

“The prototype for such edicts is found in Lagash by its rulers Enmetena c. 2400, Urukagina c. 2350 and Gudea c. 2150. But it was mainly in the face of creditors reducing the poor to bondage and foreclosing on their lands in second-millennium Babylonia that royal proclamations annulled the overhang of barley debts, most of which were owed to the palace.”

Get that. “Royal proclamations annulled . . . debts . . . ”

And, “ . . . most of which were owed to the palace.”

This indicates a fairly centralized government, but with one major difference from our contemporary government. These governments, under the legendary Sumerian priest kings, had a heart.

Now, all has been subsumed by the ledger book.

And here is the major lesson the modern world needs to learn:

“. . . interest-bearing debts became the major destabilizing lever of Mesopotamian social relations . . .”

All of human history revolves around the ubiquity of a single social phenomenon — the shell game.

Whether or not we ever had it, by now we seem to have forgotten what’s really important: loving home and family; not the biggest skyscraper. Chances are people who own skyscrapers have families who don’t love them.

Hudson explains how at the foundation of religions is a basic hypocrisy. He writes:

“What appears ironic in this reading is that “religion,” which today extols the virtues of altruism as opposed to the pursuit of profit (“Mammon”), played the role of midwife in sanctifying Mesopotamia’s commercial breakthrough. The shift from disparaging wealth-seeking to catalyzing it occurred most readily in the context of these temples, for their gains – or at least a conspicuous share of them – were obtained ostensibly for the benefit of the community. The well-placed families that dominated the temple and royal bureaucracies were able to clothe their gains in a sanctimonious hue.”

Sounds like a description of the Sabah family, whose bloodline touches both the Bush family and the emirs of Kuwait, and whose ancestors seem present at many momentous turns of history.

Hudson concludes:

“It was this bifurcation of public institutions from the “communal” sector that seems to have played a key catalytic role in the evolution of interest-bearing debt.”

Understand this. Somewhere during the long reign of the Roman empire — and about the time of the founding of the Christian church — the power of the priest king to enforce morality based on his conversations with his god . . . disappeared forever.

Hudson: “In time, religion would come to denounce the charging of interest, above all in the form of rural usury, but “in the beginning” the temples and palaces are likely to have been its major promoters and beneficiaries.”

And there we have the evil connection of finance to religion, which has ruled the world since humans first comprehended they would die.

“By classical antiquity, halfway to today’s world from Mesopotamia’s Early Bronze Age takeoff more than two thousand years earlier, rulers were overthrown as the oligarchic epoch arrived. Missing are the safety valves of royal debt cancellations, for the overthrow of kings left no countervailing power to subordinate the economy’s debt overhead to the common weal. Rural usury spread unchecked as the major creditors no longer were public institutions but private individuals expanding their property at the expense of the indebted population.”

This misery that the church-sponsored bankers inflict upon the world reflects a loss of social morality that BEGAN with the founding of the Christian church and all of its manipulative, but ever and always corrupt, power.

The immortal Sumerian priest king Urukagina, 4,500 years ago, solemnly promised Ningirsu (his goddess) that he would never subjugate the waif and the widow to the powerful.

Can you imagine Bush or Obama doing the same, now that they’re calling in battle-hardened troops to make sure everyone in America submits to their poisoned vaccinations?

The answer is no lending at interest, no more secret economy based on drugs, sex and guns, and an emphasis on happy homes. No more skyscrapers, which are useless monuments to the leprous insanity of usury, the cause of all the misery in the world.

Are you with me, Jesus?

When he threw the moneychangers out of the temple, he said: “My house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.” Matthew 21:13.

This is really why the Jews say such bad things about him.