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Fear and Confusion, the Means to Control

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----- Original Message -----
From: GP
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 12:37 PM
Subject: Fear and Confusion, the Means to Control

Notice how the mass media is exploiting the story of a nut case killing a guard at the “Holocaust” (what a word) Museum. What about the “holocaust” taking place over our law and republic? I remember clearly that these are the same tactics used when the Oklahoma City building was destroyed by who knows who. It certainly wasn’t the bogeyman Tim McVeigh. Even those who call themselves “conservatives” (whatever that is) are falling for the mass media’s version of these horrific events. In the 90’s there was clearly a growing anger that the government was not to be trusted and people were trying to figure out how the government was eroding their Constitutional protections. OKC stopped that movement dead in its tracks. Ditto for 9-11. People are becoming aware that the “Jewish” control of govt. is rapidly increasing. They are again using the words “white supremacist” and “anti-Semite”, not even knowing what a Semite is.  These branding agents take a nut case and paint a broad brush that “Jews” are being persecuted. Anyone who questions govt. authority is to be branded with these mind-controlled idiots who shoot innocent people. I believe the mass media and govt. ABC provocateurs have created a large population to hate people that have my sort of beliefs rather than the so called Jews. Can that be constituted as a hate crime?


The word “Jew” has a biblical origin and if the word is to be used, it should be used in the context with its Scriptural meaning. It amazes me how few people understand the meaning of the term “Jew” in a biblical context. How many people know that the letter “j” did not exist in the English language until long after the medieval period?  So what was the concept of a “Jew” at the time of Christ compared to the modern age? For that matter what was the name “Jesus” back then? Symbols and meaning of words are important when forming opinions. This goes for branding names such as liberal, conservative, communism, capitalism, right and left wing, etc. The meanings of these words are convoluted having little to do with truth. And, we should all know the truth will set us free.


Here is a letter to the editor piece that I wrote a few years back that was printed in a major metro newspaper:


Doesn’t It Seem Ironic

There are legislators calling themselves “conservatives” touting freedom and liberty. Conservative implies less government intrusion into our lives? Why is it these so-called conservatives pass legislation like the Brady Bill, Patriot Act I and II, NAFTA, GATT, Homeland Security, FTAA, promoting a National ID under the guise of national security? “Conservatives” along with their liberal brethren appear as Democratic Socialists. Erasing conservative and liberal from our vocabulary would enlighten us that it is collectivism vs. individualism. Benjamin Franklin stated that they that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.


Think about it, if you wanted to hold on to the power and authority built up over the millennia, how would you do it? Fear, confusion and sympathy works and the forces of unrighteousness know it. Hitler and those who put him the ilk that put him power knew how to apply it quite well.


Once again the govt. is sensing a growing displeasure with their antics and they will be increasing their branding and creating events such as this shooting and propel them out of proportion for their benefit. This time around the anger is stronger and louder than ever. It may be time to look again for something “big” to happen so the devious govt. can elevate people’s fear level and gain greater control. We will eventually see an anti Christ who will bring a man made peace and harmony to the planet for a short period. I don’t believe it is Obama, but he is in the spirit of it like his predecessors and their handlers.