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ADL of B'nai B'rith "rebuked" by the UCSB Academic Senate

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The Academic Senate of the University of California at Santa Barbara has voted to rebuke the Zionist organization ADL of B'nai B'rith in a case involving "Academic Freedom" and phony charges of "antisemitism" against Professor William I. Robinson.

At a packed meeting on June 4th, the Academic Senate approved motions to investigate the mismanagement of student complaints against the professor and to recommend changes in Senate procedures to avoid improprieties and abuses in the future.

The ADL, in cahoots with the Zionist student organization Hillel of B'nai B'rith had conspired to bring trumped-up charges against Professor Robinson in order to silence his criticism of Israel and the regime's ongoing genocidal policies against the Palestinian people.

More than 100 faculty members across the UCSB campus plus 20 department heads signed a petition protesting the university’s handling of accusations against Professor Robinson.

The ADL of B'nai B'rith is an arm of the Israeli MOSSAD which is a spy agency headquartered in Tel Aviv. The ADL maintains extensive dossiers on US citizens who criticize the Zionist Israeli regime.

The ADL of B'nai B'rith has also attacked and defamed La Voz de Aztlan on many occasions . It has published a long series of false allegations against La Voz de Aztlan on its website. These false allegations are then utilized by many Zionist front organizations to attempt to discredit our Internet news and information service.

On November of 2001, Hector Carreon wrote a long article defending La Voz de Aztlan against false accusations made by the ADL of B'nai B'rith in a press release. The article titled, "Sons of the Covenant" Defame La Voz de Aztlan, also describes another case similar to that of Professor William Robinson involving a professor at Wellesley College. The article, which also describes the world Zionist movement called B'nai B'rith International, is published at

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Related La Voz de Aztlan article:

An egregious Zionist assault on "Academic Freedom" at UCSB

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La Voz de Aztlan

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June 9, 2009