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EU Aims to Criminalize Holocaust Denial

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(April 17th 2007)

Someday this is going to backfire on the Jews, and when it does. . . look out.
The one thing that the Jews will never have to be concerned about though, is the White Race coming to terms with this scam of all scams, due to their collective level of cognitive dissonance, effectively neutering them to the point of being eunuchs. I can't say that for the Mexicans though, they seem to be showing signs of cranial synapse activity, as it pertains to the Jews in general, so it won't be long before they figure out that the holohoax was just another dog and pony show devised to financially bleed the white race -- which they will no doubt take much glee in realizing as the truth of this becomes more apparent to them. 
This is a dated article, but one should be reminded to the extent his master will go, if he detects that there might be wide-spread disobedience and questioning to his general policy rules as they pertain to his overall business interest. . . factual or not.  
The White Race us doomed. . . between being murdered outright by fighting in Jew created wars,  mass sterilization through all of the various forms of chemical warfare being waged on them, and their miscegenation resultant offspring, their future is bleak to say the least. 
I frankly don't thing they even have one at this point in time.