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Bishop Williamson is Dismissed as Seminary Rector

Associated Press

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(Hoffman's analysis follows this article)

Argentine seminary ousts Holocaust-denying bishop

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina – A Roman Catholic bishop whose denials of the Holocaust led to Vatican demands he recant has been removed as the head of an Argentine seminary. The ultraconservative Society of St. Pius X said in a statement e-mailed Monday to The Associated Press that it has dismissed British Bishop Richard Williamson as director of its seminary in La Reja, outside Buenos Aires.

"The statements from Monsignor Williamson do not in any way reflect the position of our congregation," said Father Christian Bouchacourt, the society's South American superior. "A Catholic bishop cannot speak with ecclesiastical authority except on matters concerning faith and morality. Our brotherhood does not claim any authority over other questions."

Williamson is one of four bishops from the society whose excommunications were lifted in January by Pope Benedict XVI. But under pressure from German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Vatican has demanded that Williamson recant his denial of the Holocaust before he can be admitted as a Roman Catholic bishop.

Williamson has said he does not believe Jews were gassed during the Holocaust. He has apologized to the pope for having stirred controversy, but has not repudiated his comments that only 200,000 to 300,000 Jews were killed during World War II rather than the 6 million commonly estimated.

He reportedly also expressed similar views while serving as rector of the St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, Minnesota, between 1988 and 2003. "There was not one Jew killed in the gas chambers. It was all lies, lies, lies," Williamson said in a 1989 speech at Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes church in Sherbrooke, Canada, the Winona Daily News reported Sunday. In the same speech, the paper said Williamson also claimed that "the Jews created the Holocaust so we would prostrate ourselves on our knees before them and approve of their new State of Israel ... Jews made up the Holocaust, Protestants get their orders from the devil and the Vatican has sold its soul to liberalism."

The Daily News reported that the bishop also wrote letters in 2001 and 2002 blaming "Judeo-Masonry" for the two world wars and claiming that Jews were bent on world domination.

The German weekly Der Spiegel reported Saturday that Williamson does not plan to immediately comply with the Vatican's demand that he recant and has rejected a suggestion that he might visit the former Auschwitz death camp.

Williamson said he would correct himself if he is satisfied by the evidence, but insisted that examining it "will take time," Der Spiegel reported. Several efforts by The Associated Press to reach Williamson at his home in La Reja have been unsuccessful. On Sunday, Merkel spoke by phone with the pope in a conversation characterized by "common deep concern about the perpetual warning of the Shoah for humanity," according to a joint statement with German-born Pope Benedict XVI. Shoah is a Hebrew word for the Holocaust. The reversal of Williamson's excommunication has revived strains in relations between the Vatican and Jews.



1. The insinuation of Father Christian Bouchacourt, the society's South American superior ("A Catholic bishop cannot speak with ecclesiastical authority except on matters concerning faith and morality. Our brotherhood does not claim any authority over other questions") is that Williamson was removed as seminary rector not for doubting execution gas chambers in Auschwitz, but for violating the protocol of the Society of St. Pius X concerning statements by prelates that are beyond "faith and morality."

First, The rabbinic "Shoah" is a Trojan horse inside Christianity and its refutation does indeed concern "faith and morality" since it betrays the Gospel by derogating Calvary and substituting it with Auschwitz as the central martyrdom of western history (there are other ominous aspects of  "Shoah" mysticism, I will reserve these for exposition at a later time).

The Society of St. Pius X's German superior, Franz Schmidberger, has recently castigated the Islamic prophet Muhammad, suggesting that he was a child molester for allegedly marrying girls under the age of nine. Applying the Society of St. Pius X's criterion for dismissing Bishop Williamson as seminary rector, will the Society also, on the same grounds ("A Catholic bishop cannot speak with ecclesiastical authority except on matters concerning faith and morality") dismiss Rev. Schmidberger from his post in Germany?

I think not. Rev. Schmidberger's statement does not offend the Israeli and German rabbinate and Zionists. In fact, it is very amenable to them. Consequently, he will not be removed. Let us not indulge in semantic games, or mince words: Bishop Williamson was removed because he offended the rabbis and the Zionists, not because he besmirched Jesus Christ, or told a lie. The criterion for removal from office in the modern Catholic Church is that which pleases or offends rabbis and Zionists. Everything else is diplomatic jargon employed to conceal this sickening fact.

Rev. Fr. Schmidberger's observation concerning Muhammad, as we noted, has not caused him to be removed from his post in the Society of St. Pius X. In fact, it may even have elevated his status and burnished his credentials. As we have long noted in this column, it is a sign of the crippled nature of pseudo-conservatism, deeply distorted by the modern Neoncon philosophy of Leo Strauss, that everything critical that is forbidden to be revealed about Judaism can and quite often is said about Islam.

This is easy to prove. If Schmidberger were to pick up this writer's book, Judaism Discovered and turn to the section on sexuality, he would find, from the rabbinic texts themselves (aus ihren eigenem werken gezogen), that Orthodox Judaism creates a loophole for homosexual sex between males. It also permits the molestation of little boys under the age of nine, by men, women or even their own mothers. This permission is from the sacred rabbinic texts as documented in Judaism Discovered (wherein the texts in question are photographically reproduced).

Furthermore, if  there is an obligation to expose religions that allow sex with little girls, then Muhammad's alleged marital offense pales in comparison with the rabbinic loophole for sex with baby girls under three-years-old. Where is the Catholic publicity and outrage for this horror? Instead, nothing but absolute silence from the bold proclaimers of Islamic perfidy.

If Rev. Schmidberger was presented with this truth about the sex lives of Orthodox rabbis, does anyone really imagine that he would publicly declare this truth and still retain his position in the Society of St. Pius X, or the Catholic Church? Yet is not the dissemination of this and all other inconvenient truths about Judaism of the utmost importance in halting its growing supremacy in the Church, our society and national governments?

2. As we predicted, Bishop Williamson has no automatic disposition to "recant." Under pressure from no less a figure than the Roman Pontiff who ordered him to fall prostrate before the homicidal gas chamber fable, he "does not plan to immediately comply with the Vatican's demand that he recant..." Printers, stop the presses. Historians, hold your manuscripts. A new page in the chronicle of our times is about to be written: "One honest man against the priests of Baal."

In what is a theological arena, with a papal imprimatur bestowed upon the homicidal gas chambers, and the rabbis' Shoah" mystification boring into the bowels of the Church, we think back to the accusation of Ahab against the prophet Elijah. The prophet would not recant and submit to the priests of Baal. As a result, King Ahab labeled Elijah a "troubler of Israel" (I Kings 18: 17-18);  in other words, what the Zionists and rabbis of the modern world deem an "antisemite" 

The Ahabs of our time are desperate to frame l'affaire Williamson as a case of the Haters vs. the Jews. But pay heed to how the prophet Elijah replied to King Ahab: "I have not troubled Israel, but you have, and your father's house, because you have  abandoned the commandments of the Lord and followed the Baals." 

The notion that the welfare of Judaic people is linked to rejecting Jesus Christ, maintaining racist hegemony over the Palestinians and persecuting revisionist skeptics, is a demonic trick.  Truth is good for Judaics as well as all people. As long as they are captive to the rabbis of Baal and the mass murderers who lead counterfeit-Israel in Palestine, Judaics will be bound to a destiny as oppressors. Bishop Williamson does not seek to trouble "the Jews." He is in a battle with those who have abandoned the commandments of Christ to follow the priests of Baal. Judaics of good will ought to support him in this struggle, which is a struggle to free not only the German people, but also Judaic people from centuries of mental enslavement at the hands of the Orthodox rabbinate and its partner, the modernist Vatican.

3. The Associated Press reports that Williamson has been extended an invitation to visit Auschwitz, as if a visit to that wax museum is some sort of ultimate rebuttal to homicidal gas chamber skeptics. The Swedish-Judaic revisionist Ditlieb Felderer investigated Auschwitz-Birkenau twenty-seven times in the 1970s,  taking thousands of photos of faked crematoria chimneys, and facilities with wooden doors presented to tourists as execution gas chambers. Fred Leutcher has been there. Robert Faurisson and many other revisionist sleuths have also studied it on-site. Ernst Zundel, currently imprisoned in Germany for his writings, embraced the Judaic dissident David Cole in Auschwitz. A tour of Auschwitz is what every acolyte of Holocaustolatry should undertake in the company of a forensic revisionist.

The fable of killing gas chambers in Auschwitz cannot endure debate or scientific inquiry. This fable can only be sustained by repression against people like Bishop Williamson and threats to prosecute and jail him. He has lost his seminary rectorship. Let us see what else they will take away as they put the inquisitorial screws to him.

Hoffman is the author of Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit.


From the New York Times (dated "February 10, 2009" but on their website Feb. 9):

Bishop Who Denied Holocaust Ousted


ROME — The rehabilitated bishop at the heart of a Vatican uproar for denying the Holocaust has been dismissed as the head of an Argentine seminary. The seminary announced the dismissal on Sunday in a statement that said the bishop, Richard Williamson was no longer the director of the La Reja seminary on the outskirts of the Argentina capital. He has said the “historical evidence” argues against Nazi gas chambers and said that only 200,000 to 300,000 people died in concentration camps in the Holocaust. Bishop Williamson’s views “in no way reflect the position of our congregation,” the Rev. Christian Bouchacourt, the director of the Latin America branch of the Catholic Society of St. Pius X, said in the statement. He expressed “sadness” that Bishop Williamson’s statements had “discredited” the congregation. Pope Benedict XVI provoked widespread anger last month when he rescinded the excommunications of Bishop Williamson and three fellow bishops, all members of the Society of St. Pius X, as part of an effort to heal a 20-year schism.

Apparently surprised by the vociferous reaction to the rehabilitation of Bishop Williamson, including unusual public criticism from Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, the pope’s native country, the Vatican said Bishop Williamson must recant his views on the Holocaust.

The pope has also made efforts to soothe offended relations with Jews and other groups angered by Bishop Williamson’s rehabilitation, saying he had been unaware of the bishop’s views.

News of Bishop Williamson’s dismissal from the Argentine seminary came after the pope and Chancellor Merkel had a “cordial and constructive” phone conversation, spokesmen for both said Sunday. A joint statement issued Sunday by the Vatican and the chancellor’s office said that both the pope and Mrs. Merkel referred to Benedict’s Jan. 28 remarks condemning Holocaust denial and expressing solidarity with Jews.

A statement released Wednesday by the Vatican Secretariat of State called on Bishop Williamson to recant his comments. In a rare case of the Vatican’s diplomatic arm furthering remarks by the pope, the Secretariat of State also made clear that the traditionalist bishops would not be welcomed back into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church unless they accepted the liberalizing teachings of the Second Vatican Council.

Last week’s statement by the Secretariat of State seemed to repair relations with the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, which plans to continue its dialogue with the Vatican, said its director general, Oded Wiener. The body had asked to postpone a March meeting with the Vatican in protest. Vatican officials are expected to meet Thursday with the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, an umbrella organization.


(Emphasis supplied)