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Bishop Richard Williamson - Gas Chambers, Anti-Semitism and the Truth

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"- Anti-Semitism can only be bad if it is against the truth. But if something is true, it cant be bad. I am not interested in the word anti-Semitism."

For a German translation of the interview:

More about Williamson at and at

Der Spiegel, no. 4/2009, page 3: - An actual event that occurred near Regensburg (Germany) at a sanctification of deacons in November 2008 at All Saints Day, could damage the already tense relation between Catholics and Jews even more.

Monsignore Williamson, who was commissioned by Arch Bishop Marcel Lefebvre, the founder of The St. Pius X brotherhood, to persue with the founders lifework, came to Zeitzkofen where The St. Piux X Church conducts a seminary in a baroque palace.

At All Saint's Day the Swedish convert, Sten Sandmark, was to be consecrated as a new deacon at the seminary. It was because Sandmark's conversion from the Protestant Church to The St. Pius X Church had caused a scandal in Sweden. Therefore the Stockholm based TV journalist Ali Fegan was present to capture the event for Swedish Television. After the consecration, Fegan interviewed Monsignore Williamson and others in the palaces chapel.

In the course of the interview the subject of Nazi crimes came up. The footage shows how Williamson paused for a moment and then said that he does not believe that six million Jews were gassed in gas chambers. On the sudden counter question: "So, there werent any gas chambers?", the bishop replied: "I believe, gas chambers never existed, yes."

In this matter, he said, he sides with the "revisionists" who believe that "two to three hundred thousand Jews in Nazi concentration camps died. But not one of them had been killed by gas in a gas chambers."

Then the clergyman talked much about technical impossibilities, the heights of Chimneys and improper doors because they were untight, but that they were still shown today to "the tourists" at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

"If this is not anti-Semitism", the Swedish interviewer dug deeper, "what is it?" Bishop Williamson: "Anti-Semitism can only be bad if it is against the truth. But if something is true, it cant be bad. I am not interested in the word anti-Semitism."