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Comment On 'Another Crucifixion' (Updated Jan. 12, 2009)

Arthur Topham

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What the world is witnessing today is the Beast that lies behind the Mask of Zionism. It’s not a pretty sight.

Israel, over the course of the last 61 years, and in the past 15 days, has exposed itself as a dark and evil entity, one that easily fits the description which the defamed David Icke ascribes to the “reptilian” energy; one that cold-bloodedly and mercilessly slays any and all in its quest for the negative energy wrought through violence, terror and fear.

Israel will not recover its former deceptive status in the world as a supposed “democratic” nation. It’s done. It’s over. Finished. Finis. Kaput! It’s a foregone conclusion now that the world has seen its blood-dripping fangs and its naked hubris. All that remains is its Nemesis and that will surely follow as the sunrise follows the darkness of night.

Layla Anwar is, as always, right on. We’re witnessing daily the crucifixion of the Christ with each and every child murdered by the Israeli “Defense” Force and its US supplied armaments.

This genocide before the eyes of the world is living proof that political Zionism is diabolical in essence and needs to be stopped dead in its tracks. The imminent threat of reactionary pogroms is already present and signs are appearing in various European countries. This must not be allowed to occur but the only way it can be forestalled is by Israel itself ceasing its genocide of the Palestinian people.

As Layla says over 90% of the Israeli population has signaled its approval of this slaughter of innocents. Can such figures be? Can so many people NOT see the reality of what they are doing? Apparently not.

I am a Christian and my God is a God of Love. Love doesn’t permit the slaughter of children or innocents in any way or fashion. It begs the question as to what “god” the Israeli people worship. What “god” demands the sacrifice of innocent children’s blood? Is this the G_d of the Judahites? Or is it a false god created by the Zionist forces of Satan/evil in order to justify the brutal killing of defenseless children  in an endless war to murder the rightful inhabitants of Palestine and steal their land and their right to even exist?

No God allows such cruelties to occur. Mankind was give Free Will and by our actions we shall be and will be judged as either Godly or Evil. The actions of the Israel people have proven to world that they are not of God but of the synagogue of Satan, the identical mindset that crucified the original Son. They’ve chosen themselves to be their own Messiah and now they stand before the world, exposed and guilty of having worshipped a false Messiah – Zionism.

The world is now the Witness to the massive Deceit of the self-chosen Zionist Israeli people. What are we going to do about it?

Shine your Light for Love & Peace & Justice for All,

Arthur Topham


One evening last week a religious discussion in the home of professing Christian who, when the discussion got around to God's viewpoint in the current world situation, told me that the "what is happening in Palestine is part of God's plan for leading Moslem's to Christ," and that  because of the War on Terror people of Moslems are the largest single source of new conversions to Christianity and "that the Muslems" have to be converted to Christianity before the Jews will be."  I gave as polite an answer as I could since I was a guest in this man's house -- but I can tell you a great black  gulf opened up between that man and myself. My feeling was not of anger or disgust, but of deep deep despair.  The man mentioned that he is a regular viewer of Fox News.  
I am convinced that  Christian Zionism is of Satan.  Come out of false religion, my people and be not contaminated by this unclean thing.  The Moslem is your brother.  The Zionist is your would-be slave master and executioner.  I want them out of our government and I want their monopoly of our information media outlawed. Too many who profess Christ have been yoked to the greatest evil of the world long enough.  Real Christian's must break with evil and renounce those of what Jesus himself called the Synogogue of Satan.
FROM:  Dick Eastman
----- Original Message -----
From: KJ
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 1:44 PM
Subject: Reply to Article- Comment on 'Another Cricifixion. 1-12-09
Dear Patrick:
I would like to cite some articles on this specific subject as I believe it will clarify things very quickly!
This comes from Article: The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976, posted 1-4-09
Three basic lies that All Jews know about - 1)Fundamental Lie  -Zionism is primarily a religion not a nation.    2)  Jesus was a Jew.  Not so the Judians were God' s people.  3) The Jews are God's Chosen People! On that they are correct but their God is Lucifer!  Remember these are the deeply concealed lies that no Jew will admit to.  Senator Rosenthal was paid for this interview but one cannot miss the fact that he arrogantly assumed that if the people of the world knew, they  couldn't do anything about it because the Goyim is considered stupid!
Other Article:  A Short History of the Jews - 1-3-09  The Rothchilds set out to create a Capital of the OWG and chose the land of Palestine because it split the East from the West and It's scaried history of which the assumed by re-writing history.  The Khazarian were the warring people that were finally run out of China into the steps of Russia and finally into Khazan where the Rothchilds live.  Their real name is Bauer from Germany. They claimed to be the Chosen people and backed it up by re-writing history to prove it.  Very bold indeed!
And then there is the heart and soul of the Zionist:  The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - Which Mayer Rothchild drew up plans for the Illuminati and comissioned Adam Weishaupt to create the management and organization of the above.  That was 1770 and Weishaupt completed it in 1776.    Article::  The History of the House of Rothchild 12-31-08.
I've listed these five articles which can give those wanting to know the depth of this conspiracy which started in the 1770s a better idea of what the world is now dealing with!