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Jewish Supremacism Rules America

Bob Finch

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The Likudnik dominated Bush regime and the American Knesset cheer on their Jewish masters’ war crimes in Palestine

The Israeli military’s disproportionate, merciless, and savage, attacks on the democratically elected Hamas government have displayed the utter contempt that the Jews-only state in Palestine has for Palestinian civilians in Gaza just as its attacks on Hezbollah in 2006 showed its contempt for Lebanese civilians. The use of jet fighters to attack civilian targets, the Jewish military’s use of white phosphorus in Palestinian residential areas, its attacks on ambulances and united nations’ buildings, Jewish soldiers standing by while Palestinian babies starve to death, etc, etc, clearly demonstrates to people around the world that Zionists regard Palestinians as sub-human. The Israeli massacres in Gaza are a blatant display of Jewish racism which they’ve tried to hide for most of the last sixty years or so during their everyday, piecemeal, ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

American politicians recently passed two resolutions giving wholehearted support to the Israeli massacres of innocent Palestinian civilians. "Earlier this afternoon, the United States House of Representatives voted 390-5 in favor of H. RES. 34, voicing their support for the Israeli military effort in the Gaza Strip. The bill, co-sponsored by 11 representatives, demanded that Hamas end its rocket fire against Israel and renounce violence, while expressing "vigorous support and unwavering commitment" to Israel and declaring that its two weeks of attacks on the Gaza Strip were rightful acts of self-defense. The vote echoed a similar vote in the Senate yesterday, which "allows for the long-term improvement of daily living conditions of the ordinary people of Gaza" while likewise proclaiming attacks against them self-defense." (Jason Ditz 'House Overwhelmingly Passes Bill Cheering Israeli War on Gaza' January 9, 2009).

That American politicians not merely endorsed, but lavished praise, on such a slaughter, which is just the latest manifestation of the Zionists’ six decades long campaign of ethnically cleansing Palestinians, shows they are perfectly comfortable with Jewish supremacism. American political leaders who support the Israeli massive bank robbery of Palestinian assets have completely lost all sense of morality and justice. A state that was founded solely through the exercise of terror, and that has been sustained for six decades by the extravagant use of state terrorism, has not the slightest basis in morality for denouncing those who, having suffered at the hands of such terrorism, use similar tactics with which to fight back. If the Jews-only state is morally and politically bankrupt then so are American (and Western) politicians who give overwhelming support to such a degenerate state.

So far there have been two good analyses of Congress’s support for the massacres in Gaza. However, neither Glenn Greenwald nor Adam Horowitz. mention that these congressional resolutions underline the current balance of power between America and the Jewish colonial state in Palestine. When one country gives its wholehearted support to another country whatever it might do, then the former is obviously servile to the latter: no matter that it possesses the world’s most powerful military.

The votes in Congress show beyond doubt that America is run by a Jewish elite. This elite funds the country’s Jewish lobby which then bribes (and, if necessary, blackmails) American politicians to mouth militant Jewish racist propaganda. American politicians are like Dogs in crufts ‘Dog of the year’ competitions who are led around the arena by their Jewish handlers who have lavishly groomed their four legged pets for the big occasion. The Dogs show their appreciation for their masters by merrily wagging their tails. Sit, beg, roll over, play dead. American politicians will do anything and say anything for a few bite sized chews from their Zionist masters.

These Jewish owned politicians could never get away with their blatant subservience to Jewish racism if they weren’t also pressured into such a state of humiliation by Zionist propaganda being pumped out on a daily basis by America’s Zionist dominated media. In turn, the Zionist flag wavers in Congress and the Zionist dominated media would have much more trouble glorifying Jewish supremacism if it wasn’t for the complicity of America’s Zionist dominated universities. America’s protectors of the Truth have become propagandists for Jewish racist lies and fabrications. And, in turn, America’s politicians, its universities, and its media, would all find it difficult to wallow in Jewish racism if the country’s supposedly radical political opposition wasn’t also equally dominated by Jewish funders and Zionist crackpots whether this is the neo-lefties, the neo-greenies, the neo-antiwar/peaceniks, or the neo-libertarians, etc. Virtually every sector of American politics is funded, managed, or manned, by Jewish Zionists, they even fund Christian organizations to help them to spread Christianity in America.

The American Congress is no longer a democratic institution representing, protecting, and promoting, the interests of Americans living in America. It has become a Jewish colonial outpost more concerned with financing, protecting, and cheerleading, for the scandalous activities of the rachman-like Jewish racists stealing Palestinian land on the other side of the world. America’s Israeli-firsters are pushing the country’s national interests around the world down the plughole because they’ve succeeded in channeling the Bush regime’s entire political and military energies into promoting Jewish military dominance over the Middle East.

The American knesset’s role is, firstly, to act as a cheerleader for the Jews-only state’s continued illegal and immoral colonization of Palestine. Secondly, to syphon American financial and military resources to the squatter state so that it can continue its ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians in Palestine. And thirdly, to bully the rest of the world from taking action against Jewish racism and colonization. The American knesset is just a branch of the Jewish Knesset just as America’s two mainstream political parties are merely competing branches of the Likud party headquartered in occupied Palestine.

The Likudniks were the main funders and promoters of all the major political contenders in America’s recent presidential election so it is hardly surprising that their candidate won the election. Obama’s reward for winning the election was having the privilege of choosing his own dog handler, Rahm Emanuel, an out and out Israeli-firster who has fought for the country of his birth but not for the country he’s temporarily made his home. The question is why Emanuel, such an ardent supporter of the racist state, a Jewish supremacist, a super-Zionist, should leave his beloved homeland to settle down in an alien country and get involved in its political process? Alexander Cockburn states that, "With men like Emanuel and "special assistant on the Middle East" Dan Kurtzer at Obama’s elbow, I imagine the Israeli embassy won’t have much difficulty in monitoring Obama’s plans .." (Alexander Cockburn ‘Israel's Onslaught on Gaza: Criminal, for Sure; But Also Stupid’ January 9-11, 2009). Emanuel will be able to convey the Jewish prime minister’s orders directly to Obama.

The Israelis are hoping that if they can cut off Hamas’s head they can present it as a gift to their new American president and then portray the slaughter as the Jewish state dutifully trying to please its superpower protector. This will have two beneficial political consequences for Israel. Firstly, it will uphold the politically kosher pretense that America is the master and the Jews-only state a mere servant. And, secondly, it will put Obama into debt to the Jews-only state which might lead him to reciprocate by ordering an American military attack on Iran or permitting an Israeli attack on Iran.

The Israelis are thus hoping for a geopolitical jackpot by defeating or dismantling Hamas. Firstly, they will have crushed Palestinian resistance thereby giving a huge boost to their ethnic cleansing campaign in Palestine. Secondly, they will be able to exert considerable pressure on the Obama administration to launch an attack on the Jews’ main enemy. And, thirdly, they hope that a military attack on Iran will lead to a regional war, perhaps even world war three, which will further boost the Jews-only state’s regional military dominance and enable further progress to be made in ethnically cleansing all palestinians from palestine. If the Jews’ defeat hamas this will give the neoconservatives/neoliberals such a huge political boost that it will make war against Iran almost inevitable.