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The Man Higher Up (A Chapter from the book Pardes)

Israel Shamir

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Three thieves, lucky enough to escape their pursuers but broke and despondent, find their ways crossed in a small Midwest town - opens a droll short story. The Man Higher Up by the American virtuoso of the genre, O. Henry. They represent three kinds of graft: Bill is a burglar, Jeff is a cheat, while Alfred sells junk shares. Eventually, Bill robbed a bank and opened a poker room. Jeff spiked cards and cleaned out Bill, 'leaving him a black cat and wanderlust'. But Jeff's joy was short-lived: he invested the profits of his 'business' operations in gold mine shares, only to discover too late that the shares are signed by the CEO A.L. Fredericks, who is nobody but his fellow felon Alfred E. Ricks. Thus, the profits of the burglary went to a businessman and ended up with a speculator, at which point Jeff the cheat exclaimed: Wall Street speculation and burglary ought to be wiped out by law!

This story could be read as a parable of the American fortunes. Bill the Burglar symbolizes the primary acquisition. The original pioneers killed off the natives and robbed the new continent. They dug for gold and oil, turned prairies into corn fields and remained on the Marlboro billboards as intrepid cowboys. Jeff the Yankee, a typical American businessman, skinned Bill, opened shops and banks, marketed Coca Cola, created oil companies, carpet-bagged the South, turned Latin America into his banana-producing backyard, only to find his money invested with A.L. Fredericks a.k.a. Goldman Sachs, Marc Rich, Michael Milken, Andrew Fastow et al.

In real life as in the short story, A.L. Fredericks had cheated Jeff the Cheat. He took his real dollar and turned it into 'funny money', 'unredeemable, non-interest-bearing promissory notes of the Fed, that are not backed by anything other than the confidence of the credulous', in the words of one Internet wit. For 650 billion dollars issued, the Fed has just 17 billion dollars worth of equity, 'the real cover'. The US has now $38 trillion of aggregate debt incurred by Alfred in relation to a GDP of $10 trillion produced by Bill and Jeff. The greatest pyramid of all is built on the same principles as the Albanian pyramid that ruined this small Balkan country a few years ago. Sooner rather than later, Jeff, the American middle class, will feel the pinch of an approaching crisis that threatens to dwarf 1929. Bill, the American worker, feels it already. The ruination of the American working class and even its middle class is unavoidable, for the incredible riches of the US have disappeared into Alfred's black hole.

Can we try and identify 'Alfred', the Man Higher Up, with greater precision than as simply a 'bad rich man'? Who are the net gainers of the pyramid? A new national study ( by Lisa Keister, associate professor of sociology at Ohio State University, says that 'the wealth (or median net worth) of Jewish people in the US is $150,890, more than three times the average wealth of Americans ($48,200). (In comparison, in 1956 the median net worth of a Jew was just below average). The wealth of conservative Protestants (Bill of the story) is $26,200, or about half the overall average. The wealth of mainstream Protestants and Catholics (Jeff of the story) is about the average for the whole sample. Thus, the Jew has three times more wealth than the much-maligned Jeff the WASP, and six times more wealth than even more despised Bill the Redneck.

'What parcels out the world is the fact of belonging or not belonging to a given species. The cause is the consequence; you are rich because you are a Jew, you are a Jew because you are rich', in the ringing words of a prominent Marxist scholar of colonialism, Frantz Fanon (mutatis mutandis: he spoke of 'whites' in the colonial reality of Africa).

Lenni Brenner, the Trotskyite author of the book Jews in America wrote recently: "Why then is the Zionist lobby so powerful when their own scholars write endlessly about the alienation of their youth from the movement? The answer is simple: the Jews are the richest ethnic or religious stratum in the US. Because their standard of living is so high, they are the most educated. Because they are the most educated, they are the most scientifically oriented, hence most inclined towards atheism or religious scepticism. But the true believer minority still has an unbelievable amount of money to throw at the politicians."

Keister found that fully "one-third of the Jews invest in high-risk, high-return assets such as stocks and bonds, compared with none of the conservative Protestants, and 4 percent of Catholics." While the Jews have no monopoly on Wall Street speculation, they do constitute the hard core of the collective A.L. Fredericks. It is a part of their tradition: Jay Gould and Joseph Seligman caused the "Black Friday" stock market crash in the late 19th century, while Jacob Schiff caused the notorious 'Black Thursday' panic that led to a nationwide economic depression. Seligman was also the mover behind the Panama affair, a stock market swindle that became proverbial in France.

"During Prohibition," notes Robert Rockaway, the author of an apologetic book on Jewish gangsters, "fifty per cent of the leading bootleggers were Jewish, and Jewish criminals financed and directed much of the nation's narcotics traffic". The present leadership of American Jewry are to a large extent the sons of Jewish gangsters, killers, smugglers and fraudsters; for instance, the Bronfmans, sons of Bronfman the Bootlegger, or Michael Steinhardt, the son of a mafioso "Red Steinhardt", one of Democratic presidential hopeful Joseph Lieberman's key backers.

Dr. William Pierce wrote an interesting piece on Jewish crooks. Oh yes, Dr Pierce is a far-right racialist, but this does not invalidate his observations. Half of the anti-Zionist discourse was build upon books of Benny Morris, an Israeli Nazi, who extolled ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and regretted that Palestine is not Goy-free. If we use the works of Morris, we have no reason to disregard Dr Pierce, who wrote:

[For full text see:]Remember Michael Milken, Ivan Boesky, Marty Siegel, Dennis Levine, and the insider-trading scandal that nearly wrecked Wall Street a dozen years ago -- and incidentally bankrupted tens of thousands of ordinary Americans who lost their investments as a result of the artificial manipulation of stock prices? Every major actor in that scandal was a Jew.

Remember the enormous savings-and-loan catastrophe during the 1980s that ended up costing American taxpayers 500 billion dollars? A big part of the reason for the collapse of the savings-and-loan industry in the 1980s was the huge investments in so-called "junk bonds" by so many savings-and-loan institutions. Junk bonds are bonds issued by corporations in need of cash that are unrated by Standard and Poor's or Moody's because they are considered too risky, but which have much higher yields than rated bonds. And the man behind the junk bonds – the financial genius persuading the savings-and-loans to buy them -- was

none other than Michael Milken.

Do you remember Martin Frankel, who stole more than $200 million dollars from insurance companies in five states and then fled the country in 1999 as police were closing in? Probably you don't remember Frankel, because, despite the magnitude of his theft, there was very little publicity about him in the media.

Do you remember Sholam Weiss, the ultra-Orthodox New York rabbi who plundered $450 million from the National Heritage Life Insurance Company in Florida, in the largest case of insurance theft in U.S. history? He stole the life savings of more than 25,000 mostly elderly Americans who had all of their retirement money invested in the insurance company. He was convicted in an Orlando, Florida, Federal court in 1999 on 78 counts of racketeering, wire fraud, interstate transportation of stolen property, and money laundering. Weiss, who amazingly had been permitted by the court to be free on bond during his trial, immediately jumped bail and fled the country with a substantial part of his loot. He was sentenced in absentia to 845 years in prison. He was arrested in Austria last October, but on January 10 this year the Austrian government, sensitive to charges of anti-Semitism, decided not to extradite him. There has been even less publicity about Weiss than about Frankel,

despite the unique magnitude of his theft.

Do you remember the New Square Four, the four Orthodox Jews in the all-Jewish town of New Square, New York, who set up a phony Jewish school, a yeshiva, that existed only on paper, and then collected more than $40 million dollars in government grants for their non-existent school? They are Chaim Berger, Kalmen Stern, David Goldstein, and Jacob Elbaum. When they got caught and sent to prison in 1999, they ran straight to the Clintons for help, and it is quite clear that a deal was struck. When Hillary ran for the U.S. Senate in New York the following year, the residents of all-Jewish New Square voted almost unanimously for her, giving her 1,359 votes to 10 votes for her opponent Rick Lazio. And a few weeks later, hours before leaving the White House, Bill Clinton commuted the sentences of the four Jewish swindlers, in effect canceling their prison terms. When they were sentenced in 1999 they were ordered by the court to repay the stolen $40 million, but to date not a cent has been recovered from them.

Certainly you remember Marc Rich and his partner Pincus Green. They're the two Jewish criminals who got the most attention last year when they received last-minute pardons from Bill Clinton. They are international commodities speculators who broke a great many laws in their wheeling and dealing and stashed away a few billion dollars for themselves while

doing it. When they were indicted for racketeering, wire fraud, and a number of other felonies, they fled the country with their money. Rich has given an estimated $200 million to Israel and an unknown amount to Bill Clinton to buy his pardon.

It's not that Jews are the only crooks who steal from the American people. George Bush is a crook, and he's not a Jew. Bill and Hillary Clinton are crooks, and they're not Jews either. There probably are more Gentile swindlers in America than Jewish swindlers, simply because Gentiles outnumber Jews 40 to one in the overall population.

No, Jews aren't the only crooks, but they're certainly the biggest crooks. If you hear about a 100-thousand-dollar swindle, it could be anybody. If you hear about a 100-million-dollar swindle, then you know that it has to be a Jew."

It will be a mistake to see these data as 'racist'. The ideologists of Jewry indignantly deny any connection between the 'religion' or 'ethnicity' or 'origins' of the crooks, and their crooked deeds. This is to be expected - that is what they are paid for. But as a matter of fact, A.L. Fredericks is devoted to the Jews, whether he is a Jew or not. Enron's chief financial officer was Andrew Fastow, described by the rabbi of his synagogue as 'a mentsh, a very committed member of the community. He's active in supporting Jewish causes, is a devoted supporter of Israel', while his wife Lea (now plea bargaining) Weingarten, who 'hails from a prominent and well-respected philanthropic family', did not miss a lesson in the synagogue.

But Kenneth Lay, the Goy top man of Enron scandal, was equally devoted to the Jewish cause. He and his equally Gentile wife Linda chipped in $850,000 at a fund-raising event last year for the Holocaust Museum in Houston, Texas, informed the Jerusalem Report, and concluded: "in all, Enron was connected with about a third of the $3.5 million raised at the event, which honoured former Texas senator Lloyd Bentsen and Holocaust chronicler Ruth Gruber.

We see again this uncanny, mind-boggling, closely-knit connection of crooks and - not Jews, but Jewish causes, be it the Holocaust cult or the Zionist cause. Lay and Fastow stole billions of dollars from Jeff the Investor; they stole even more from Bill the Worker while Lea Fastow-Weingarten siphoned their money into tax shelters on the Cayman Islands. But when it came to charity, they did not care for poor Americans, or starving Africans. They gave their tithe to the Jewish cause.

Kenneth Lay is not alone. 'Sir' Conrad Black, a Goy media baron, (admittedly married to a nasty Jewish supremacy columnist) is totally devoted to the Jewish and Zionist cause. He owns the Jerusalem Post, an extreme Zionist paper which criticizes Sharon for his lack of fervour. Expectedly, he turned out to be a crook. He stripped the assets of companies he chaired and stole hundreds millions of dollars. But a wealthy man who likes the Jews and spends so much on the Jewish causes is invariably a crook, whether he is a Jew like Fastow or a Goy like Lay.

A Jewish crook is pushed by society-enforced feeling of victimhood, for as perennial victim, the Jew feels the need to correct 'injustice' by some extra-legal action. Theft of Palestinian lands was explained (by Rabbi Lerner, among others) by the need to correct the 'injustice' of the Roman occupation of Palestine 2000 years ago. Establishment of the Jewish state is explained by the 'injustice' of Arabs having 22 states, while the Jews had none. Daylight robbery of Swiss banks corrected the 'injustice' of Nazi confiscations, though the banks never held Jewish deposits. In a way, the Holocaust museums are an important factor in the growth of Jewish criminality, for they enforce the feeling of Jewish victimhood.

Extreme combativeness, the state of war with [Gentile] society, a constant feature of the Jewish tendency, provides another explanation of Jewish criminality. The state of war which allowed the Jews to charge interest, collect exorbitant taxes, deal with slums accommodation and stolen property, has became to an extent the norm of neo-liberal 'open society', where everyone is at war with everybody else.

These features of the Jewish setup appeal to certain non-Jews whom we call 'Mammonites'; they prefer the somewhat Luciferian paradigm of an outsider, at war with the society, free from the moral constraints imposed by the majority, and yet still chosen by a higher entity.

These 'copycat Jews' rightly feel that they will prosper in the Jewish-arranged world. That is why they support the Jewish cause and admire the State of Israel, the country of no moral restraints, a wholesale assassin and nature destroyer, black money launderer, mass killer, and a leading exporter of weapons and torture equipment.

Jacob Ben Efrat, an Israeli pro-democracy activist, calls us to "look at Tel Aviv, a fourth of whose population now consists of migrant workers from East Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa. Capitalist globalisers want a flexible labour force, which they can transport at will from country to country. As the result, the gap between haves and have-nots increases. Israel is a shining example. Here the topmost fifth of the population earn 21 times more than the bottommost fifth (compared with 11 times more in the US)". This quality makes Israel much loved by the Gentile Mammonites.

Thus, for an American, European or Russian the conclusion is clear: their pro-Israel, pro-Jewish politicians are the worst for the people and the best for the crooks. A potential investor in Enron, equipped with this short essay, could just check Enron's contributions to the Holocaust museum and he would know enough to carry his money elsewhere, unless he wants to lose it for tax purposes. A California voter could just ask for Diane Feinstein's opinion about the Jewish state, and vote for her, if he likes the War in Iraq, expensive privatised electricity and a flood of illegal workers.

Indeed, Diane Feinstein, a nominal Democrat, contributed to the War in Iraq more than the average Republican: "Within minutes of Powell's war speech, leading Senate Democrats such as Joseph Biden of Delaware and Diane Feinstein of California were proclaiming it an unanswerable indictment of Iraq, preparing the way for their party to line up behind the war that is now only days or weeks away", noted The World Socialist Web Site in February 2003. The present competition for the Jewish and Mammonite vote in the US Presidency elections is a bad sign for Bill and Jeff, for they are competing who will skin them better.

In Sweden, their unique welfare state entrenched by the antizionist Prime Minister Olof Palme is being undone by Göran Larsson, their present Prime Minister, perennial organiser of holocaust conferences.

When voting or investing, a prudent American, European or Russian should pick the company or the candidate that does not support the Jewish or the Zionist cause. For sure, it can be a vote for a politician of Jewish origin, like Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone, who was killed in a well-timed plane crash in October 2002. Wellstone was the strongest voice against the war in Iraq, and supported Palestinian struggle. Michael Howard, the new leader of the Conservative Party, is another good example. Indeed, a non-Jew who likes the Jewish cause - like Tony Blair or Condoleezza Rice, Bill Clinton or George Bush - is much more dangerous than a Jew who keeps clear of the Jewish causes.

Immanuel Wallerstein compares the events of 1968 to a 'ship-wreck', in aftermath of which the talented A.L. Fredericks scrambled to shore, 'undeterred by the thought of drowning companions', but (to continue Wallerstein's parable in our terms) the drowning Bill and Jeff came to interpret the ability of the talented to swim to shore as evidence of hope for them. Wallerstein missed the point: this interpretation was not made by Bill and Jeff, but by the wholly-owned subsidiary of A.L. Fredericks, the Jewish-owned media with its Jewish pundits. Without this tool, Fredericks would have been tarred and feathered, if not lynched in the best American tradition.

The financial capital of speculators and banks exceeded the industrial and agricultural capacities and created the giant dollar bubble soon to burst. This explains the hysterical campaign against 'antisemites': A.L. Fredericks does not want his name and address to be known to Bill and Jeff; he prefers to hide behind an anonymous 'rich white man' front. To be on the safe side, 'antisemites' are always lumped with 'racists' and Jews - with Blacks or other immigrant minorities, as if struggle against Alfred has anything to do with the racial or other qualities of Jim, the Black half-brother of Bill, or Ahmed, a powerless outsider.

Why should we care who pocketed Bill's cash - an all-American Jeff the Cheat, or cosmopolitan Alfred the Swindler? However, Alfred the Jew is in a class by himself, and not because of his cruelty. The Sultan of Brunei builds a palace and gives a Boeing to his daughter. Paul Getty locks himself up in a far away place. Wealthy Jews buy media, and media is a mind-altering tool. Thus, their influence goes way beyond market dominance into previously uncharted waters of mind control.

This pattern is seen all over the world. Sulzberger and Zuckerman own a string of newspapers in the US from the NY Times to the USA Today, while their brethren have monopolised editorial and other prominent positions in the discourse. Connecting wealth and media influence, Benjamin Ginsberg, Professor of Political Science at John Hopkins University wrote in 1993:

"Today, though barely 2% of the nation's population is Jewish, close to half its billionaires are Jews. The chief executive officers of the three major television networks and the four largest film studios are Jews, as are the owners of the nation's largest newspaper chain and most influential newspaper, the New York Times."

This makes supreme sense, for otherwise, the free media would point its accusing finger in their direction. The people of America would demand from Alfred that he pull out his pockets and fully refund the stolen goods. However, such a remedy does not even occur to them today. The reason is the Jewish involvement in the discourse. Thus, we can complete the first level of our analysis on a purely materialistic note, so dear to the hearts of vulgar Marxists. The rich Jews buy media so it will cover up their (and their brethren's) misdeeds. The Jews in the media are giving protection to the rich Jews: in the right-wing media, they protect all rich and powerful men; in the left-wing media, they blur the distinction between Jeff and Alfred.

Is that what the Jews want?