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Jews Responsible For Most Negative Events On Planet Earth!

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Were the Jews responsible for the decay of classical Greek civilization? Did the Jews rot and destroy the glory that was Rome?

I wonder!

Did Jews really poison wells in ancient Europe?

It's entirely possible!

Did the Jews create and spread the Bubonic Plague that killed about one third to one half the population of Europe?

If not the Jews, then who?

Is there a secret Cult hidden deep within Judaism that practices ritual murder?

Actually, no, there isn't, because it's no big secret what the Jews do!

Read the Jew's ancient books, Moses, Joshua, even Hosea, if you would learn about the so-called Jews and know what the Jews are. No "conspiracy theory" need be dealt with. (Who the hell would hamstring a bunch of perfectly good horses? )

Jews foemented generations of war and pestilence in Europe. They planned and set off the American Civil War. The Spanish American War, World War I and World War II and the Korean War. Also the Vietnam War and the unending World War Three, which was carried out as a series of non-conventional wars in the Third World after the development of Atomic Weapons (by the Jews) made the planned conventional WWIII unthinkable and suicidal. 

Jews have collectively caused Black African Slavery. Jews have created and benefited from the bogus pharmaceutical "medicine" industry, that kills more people world wide every year than all major wars in history; and Jews have poisoned our drinking water with chlorine... and with fluoride -- which Jewish dentists also pack into our teeth, along with another deadly substance: mercury! (Thanks, Jews!)

Jews have spread their Satanic G*spel of "Vaccination" and erected fake "laws" to force parents to inject their young children with Jewish-invented "Immunization products" consisting of disease-ridden animal pus laced with formaldehyde, even more mercury, and other noxious substances.

Thus, Jews have been the cause of most Cancer and nearly all degenerative diseases, most of which occur when the vaccinated victim's immune system malfunctions after being injected on 20-30 different occasions by a Jew doctor's needle!

Jews have caused depressions, recessions, epidemics and pandemics, world wide. Jews have created revolution and mass genocide, often, on a world-wide scale.

Jews have distorted culture, turning beautiful Celtic clog-dancing into idiotic "square dancing." Jews have foisted mind-numbing, soul-eroding, attention span attenuating "popular culture" upon us, pumping it out from their Jew-Daze Televitz box world without end 27/7!

Jews have perverted the religion of "Christianity," admittedly of questionable value (being originally Jewish and all) to begin with. Jews have injected idiotic-but-dangerous prophecy and rapture "theories" and thus Jews have stolen away the souls of the mostly otherwise innocuous (however mis-guided) "Christians," most of whom now pule for "Israel," which the so-called and self-styled "Jews" have set up as a fake End Times toilet state, despite the fact that said "Jews"really descend from Khazer butchers who never lived anywhere near the so-called Holy Land! 

Jews have poisoned our food supply, filling our food with deadly poisons at the same time they removed the good and nourishing componants so the crap would stay on the shelves longer... shelves in Jewish-owned and operated markets! And did I mention the chlorine and fluoride the Jews put in your drinking water?

Jews tricked the dumb Americans into "recognizing" their rotten little pirate state when they stole all that land from its rightful owners. Jews became "our staunch little allie in the Middle East," where we hadn't had any problems since the days of the Barbary Pirates, and where we still wouldn't have any problems if those problems weren't caused by the Jews.

Jews have done all these things, and what's mentioned above barely scratches the surface of Jewish complicity in creating most -- make that literally ALL of the noxious proplems and tragedies in the world for the past three thousand years or so. Yet the typical bone-headed, mind-numbed, happy-clapping American so-called citizen either doesn't know about any of this or knows and is too craven and cowardly to mention it, question it, or demand that an end be put to it.

Now the Jews have sacked the United States of America, ruined its industrial base, ruined its economy, wrecked its agriculture, destroyed its education system, sent its young soldiers to far off lands to get their nuts blown off for oppressing the local people in the name of the kike Jews and ersatz "Israel." 

Just wait, stupid Americans... Jews caused the Oklahoma City Bombing to bring you Clinton's Crime Bill. Jews Caused Nine-One-One to bring you Bushe's so-called "Patriot" Act and (allegedly, according to Jew law professors at least) strip you of your unalienable Rights!

Jews also blasted the levees in New Orleans, during Hurricane Katrina, but I digress...

So what do you think, Mr.and Mrs. Sally Soccer Mom? Could it be... do you imagine... would (the Jewish) God let them get away with it... to set off a Nuke in some two bit American city like Youngstown, Ohio, or Bay City, Michigan... with the intent of slipping your unhappy asses into total martial law? Do you think that could happen here... "in America?" (!)

Well based upon the above mentioned laundry list of Jewish crimes against Humanity... and based upon your here-to-for failure to catch onto things, let alone prevent them from happening... well if I were you, I would move somewhere where there are a lot of Jews, somewhere like Skokie, Illinois, where the Jews probably won't set off their suitcase Nuke. not that you'll have much to call "Home" when the Jews finish their "work" on America and move on to China, which they have been busy, busy, busy preparing for the time period after the day they finally finish shredding your nation and move on. Just like they did to England, and all their previous gracious hosts.

Death to Israel.

And Death to the Jews.

And Best Wishes for a Happy New Year in 2009.

And, in case you need something to wish for, why not try reading what I've just typed above once again. Perhaps it will give you some ideas!


Leif Oldhart