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Obama Forces Stage Massive Takedown Of Mossad Forces In US

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

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Russian Intelligence Analysts are stating today that US Military and Police Forces loyal to President-Elect Obama have staged the largest takedown in American history of a foreign Nations spy service operating within its borders.

According to these reports, New York financier Bernard Madoff [pictured top left] was the target of Obama Forces as he is believed to have masterminded the financing of Israel’s vast espionage operations in the United States since the 1960’s. 

Mr. Madoff, who holds duel citizenship in both the United States and Israel, was apprehended this past week while attempting to flee the United States and move billions of Mossad funds out of New York, and which was thwarted by US District Court Judge Louis Stanton who said ‘the order he issued appeared necessary to prevent Madoff or an agent from moving funds out of the court's jurisdiction and to "preserve the status quo" for whatever may come from future proceedings’.

These reports further state that the powerful US Attorney, and Obama ally, Patrick Fitzgerald was behind the takedown of Madoff and his Mossad backers who Fitzgerald has been investigation since the 2005 arrest of Pentagon Official Lawrence Franklin, and who was charged with passing American Military secrets to the powerful American-Jewish Lobby AIPAC which is known to be one of Mossad’s most powerful front organizations operating in the US.

To the power of the Mossad’s influence of the United States Government through the use of its ‘lobby’s’ we can read:

“The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) which directly lobbies the legislative branch of the U.S. Government

The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations which "is the main contact between the Jewish community and the executive branch" of the U.S. Government.

These two key groups aim to present policy makers with unified and representative messages via the aggregation and filtering of the diversity of opinions held by smaller pro-Israel lobby groups and the American Jewish community at large. The diverse spectrum of opinions held by American Jewry is reflected in the many formal pro-Israel groups, and as such some analysts make a distinction within the Israel lobby between right-leaning and left-leaning groups.

US Foreign Policy scholars John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt define the core of the lobby as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, the Anti-Defamation League and Christians United for Israel.Other key organizations which they state work to benefit Israel, in many cases by influencing US foreign policy, include the American Jewish Congress, Zionist Organization of America, the Israel Policy Forum, the American Jewish Committee, the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, Americans for a Safe Israel, American Friends of Likud, Mercaz-USA, and Hadassah.

Chaim Waxman in 1992 in the American Jewish Yearbook listed more that 80 Jewish organisations specifically devoted to Zionist and pro-Israel activities. Fifty one of the largest and most important come together in the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, whose self described mission includes “forging diverse groups into a unified force for Israel’s well-being” and working to “strengthen and foster the special US-Israel relationship.”

Reports from Israel are detailing how the takedown of Madoff by Obama’s Forces are also now affecting the Mossad’s many front operations in the US called foundations, and as we can read as reported by Israel’s Haaretz News Service:

“An alleged $50 billion fraud by Wall Street financier Bernard Madoff has caused deep ripples in the Jewish philanthropic world, forcing the closure of two prominent U.S.-based charities and threatening the financial lifeline of a slew of other groups.

The Chais Family Foundation, a California-based charity group invested entirely with Madoff, was forced to shut down operations on Sunday after years of donating some $12.5 million annually to Jewish causes in Israel and Eastern Europe, the JTA announced.

"I can confirm that the Chais foundation has closed," the JTA quoted Chais President Avraham Infeld as saying on Sunday. "All of its funds were exposed with Mr. Madoff. We have made a decision regrettably and with much pain to close down the foundation."

The Robert I. Lappin Charitable Foundation, a Massachusetts-based group which financed trips for Jewish youth to Israel, was also forced to close on Friday because the money that supported its programs was invested with the former Nasdaq chairman.”

The timing of this takedown of the powerful Mossad backed Jewish Lobby, and its associated spies, by Obama’s Forces, these reports continue, was due to President-Elect Obama’s plans to ‘radically shift’ American foreign policy away from Israeli influence upon his taking office. 

To Obama’s implementation of his new foreign policy shift towards the Arab World and against the Israelis we can read as reported by the Christian Monitor News Service:

“During the campaign, President-elect Obama put the goal of repairing America’s image abroad – and in particular in the Muslim world – at the top of his foreign-policy agenda. Mr. Obama began defining how he intends to do that this week by discussing his plans to deliver a major speech in an Islamic capital, perhaps within the first 100 days of his presidency.

Obama’s plan, still in the formative stages, immediately set off speculation over where the new American president would choose to deliver his message and what he would say.”

And, to the ‘major Islamic capital’ where Obama would make this historic speech to the Arab peoples of the Middle East, these reports state, lies at the ‘very heart’ of the Obama Forces ‘immediate need’ to takedown Madoff and Mossad, as the only Arab capital that could be utilized that is that of the secular but Islamic leaning Turkish capital of Istanbul as the traditional American allied Nation of Egypt was ruled by Obama Forces to be ‘totally unacceptable’ as that Nations continued horrific abuse of its citizens, and its being ruled by the despotic ‘president for life’ Mubarak, have deemed it unsuitable to be used in attempting to re-portray the United States ‘new image’ to a highly estranged Arab populace.

In knowing this fact, these reports continue, Madoff and Mossad had begun the launching of a coup against the Turkish government, and of this plot we can read in part:

“Daniel Levi, Daniel Guney or Tuncay Guney? Who is this person whom the prosecution in Turkey last week said it wanted to summon to interrogate? According to reports in the Turkish newspaper Milliyet, he is a Mossad agent who was a member of the right-wing nationalist underground known as Ergenekon. It is alleged that Ergenekon planned to topple the pro-Islamic government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Another Turkish newspaper, Yeni Safak, reported that documents were found in Guney's apartment that allegedly link members of Israel's business community with important Turkish figures also involved in the Ergenekon affair.

According to other reports in the Turkish press, Guney was an agent of the Turkish intelligence service who penetrated both the ranks of the Turkish police's intelligence service and the Ergenekon organization so as to expose the identity of its members. In 2004, Guney was smuggled out of Turkey and clandestinely sent to the United States; he subsequently moved to Canada, where his name appears in the membership list of Congregation Beit Yaakov as Daniel T. Guney.”

To the final ending of this sage it is not in our knowing, other than to state that as of this date, and nearly 4 years removed from his initial arrest, the Israeli Pentagon spy Franklin and his AIPAC cohorts have yet to be prosecuted by Fitzgerald as the implications of the American people knowing the full extent of Mossad’s penetration of their government is being too catastrophic to contemplate.

The same reticence against moving against Mossad however, cannot be said against the US Military, which due to its longstanding regulations forbidding Jewish Americans to enter into its high ranking Officer Corp or its Intelligence Services due to their duel US-Israeli citizenship, has left them as the ‘last protector’ against having their Nation be used solely for the benefit of Israel, and which Obama is now utilizing to its fullest effect in his attempt to shift his country away from that catastrophic path.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]

Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico