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Jewish Leadership: Nuke Pakistan


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NUKE  Pakistan-because the first prime Minister of Israel David Ben Gurian mandates it.

“The World Zionist Movement should not be neglectful of danger of the Pakistan to it. And Pakistan should now be its first target, for this ideological state is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. The love of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arab themselves. For that matter it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take steps against Pakistan.

Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus … whose hearts have been full of hatred through out history against the Muslims. Therefore India is the most important base for us to work there from against Pakistan. It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans.” (Muhammad Hamid, The Unholy Alliance, Indo-Israel Collaboration Against the Muslim World, P. 168)

It is not only the Prime Minster Ben Gurian who mandates the destruction of Pakistan through anti-Muslim Hindus, Jewish intelligentsia is also determined to destroy Pakistan. If Ben Gurian wants to destroy Pakistan for its ideology, threat to Israel’s existence and love for the Arabs, Jewish intelligentsia is determined to destroy Pakistani army for its love for   Prophet (PBUH).

“Pakistan army carries great love for the Prophet Muhammad and this is what strengthens the bonds between Pakistan and the Arabs. And this is a really the grave danger to the world Zionism and a stumbling block to the expansion of Israel. Therefore it is essential for the Jews that they should destroy the love for the Prophet Muhammad by all means.” (The Unholy Alliance, P. 168)

Jewish leadership does not only wishes and urges the destruction of Pakistan, it avails every opportunity to destroy it. If opportunity is not there, it creates it.

Note Jewish leadership role in the dismemberment of Pakistan.  It conducted the anti-Pakistan operation from the Calcutta Government hostel.  

“Israel has been supplying arms and ammunition on substantial scale under cover of arms aid for ‘Bangladesh’ operating from Government Hostel in Calcutta. Payment for the supply of Israeli weapons was made out of funds raised in Britain, continental Europe and North America and also from 30 million sterling worth of Pakistani Rupees.” (The Unholy Alliance, P. 30)

It is the Jewish leadership that played a vital role in bu ilding the financial and military muscles of India.

India netted 55 billion dollars in American aid from 1950 to 1990. American Jewish leadership was the main pushing force for this huge financial dole. Again it was Jewish leadership that helped India to get IMF’s dole for decades. The Jewish leadership was there to get $28 billion foreign investment in India in FY 92-93. And this trend of pumping billions of dollars continues even today. This financial dole helps India to grease its military machine of death and destruction.

“First of all, it is not possible for any ambassador to ignore Mumbai.20The financial and business power center is here. In the course of the last several years, the Americans business community and the American embassy have specifically organized investment missions to go to Indian states. We have   

been all across the country. A group of businessman at senior levels of about 28 leading American corporations gathered today and we met with the senior executive of the Maharashtra government. We also had an excellent session with the chief minister. We will have round the table sessions on different sectors like finance and power. (American ambassador to India, Frank Wisner. He was answering to questions “What brings you to Mumbai?” Business India, January 27 – February 9, 1997. Title of the article is “10 bn FDI target very modest.”

It is pertinent to note that no nation can get a favorable deal from Americans or international institutions unless it is endorsed by the American Jewish leadership.

Jewish leadership also helped India to grow its nuclear teeth.

“The Lebanese Press has splashed a report to the effect that Israeli atomic expert Mr. Bergmann was invited to India for preliminary talks to effect close cooperation between India and Israel in atomic research.

“Atomic Reactor at Kalpakkarm near Madras has been installed with the help of Israel. This disclosure was made at Calcutta by Dr. Homi Sethna, Director Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Bombay. He further told that the plutonium required by this center be obtained from Israel. (The Unholy Alliance, P.34)

Book was published in 1978.

And today, India is the largest defense client of Israel.

“The insurgency attack in India was not expected to harm the nation’s defense with Israel.

“Defense industry said, the largest defense client of the Jewish state, was expected to proceed with plans for major weapons deals with Israel over the next few months. The sources said New Dehli, despite an attack on a Jewish community center, regarded the purported Al Qaeda-aligned offensive as targeting India s ties with the West.

“At this point, there is no indication that business will be anything but usual, an industry source said. There are expectations of some major deals in the near-term.” (Mumbai attacks Won’t hamper Israeli Ties, The Jewish Press, December 5, 2008)

India bought one third of Israeli weapons in 2007, and in 2008, inked an agreement with Israel to train its commandos.

“The sources said India has been purchasing an increasing amount of Isreali defense and security equipment. In 2007, the sources said, Israel’s defense export to India reached nearly 1.7 billion, about a third of total Israeli weapons sales abroad. 

“Israeli has offered help to India in wake of the attacks on Mumbai in which at least 200 people were killed, including eight Israelis. At this point, Israel does not intend to send forces to Mumbai, despite a draft agreement in September 2008 for Israeli training of Indian Army commandos in Urban warfare and counter – insurgency skills.

“In the framework of our contacts with the Indian authorities, we made it clear that we would be happy to provide any and all information or specific assistance that we might be aske d to give, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Said on Nov. 30. At no stage were the issues of whether or not Israel should join the operation, or do things that were within the power of the Indian government and its strong trained military to do alone, on the agenda.” (Mumbai attacks Won’t hamper Israeli Ties, The Jewish Press, December 5, 2008)

India will continue the purchase of Israeli tools of death and destruction.

“The sources said India was examining the purchase of another three airborne early-warning and alert aircraft from Israel. In November, an Indian delegation led by Defense Secretary Vijay Singh, visited Israel and was briefed on the Phalcon AEW system as well as missiles. Singh also toured the state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries.

“This could mark the second Indian procurement of Israel’s Phalcon. In 2004, India signed a $1.1 billion accord for three Phalcon system, installed on the Russian-origin 11-76 air transport.

“The sources said that another huge project was a joint Indian-Israeli effort to upgrade the Barak-1 point defense missile system. The government, after a delay of about a year, has approved $1.5 billion contract with IAI to develop the Barak-2, which would have a larger interception envelope than its predecessor.

“This would be the biggest deal ever signed by an Israeli defense, a defense executive said.” (Mumbai attacks Won’t hamper Israeli Ties, The Jewish Press, December 5, 2008)

(Jafar Syed  is a researcher in  International Affairs based in New York )