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Anti-Defamation Commission Defends Old Nazi

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In a recent issue of its ADC News (September 2008), the Anti-Defamation Commission of B’nai B’rith (ADC) launched a defence of the old Nazi George Soros, a multi-billionaire speculator, investment adviser to the Queen, dope pusher and agent of British intelligence, among other hats he wears.

The ADC whined that the CEC, together with the “U.S. based LaRouche movement”, is “running a campaign attacking George Soros, a Hungarian born Holocaust child survivor, global financier and philanthropist. …Soros’s Jewish Hungarian background has made him a target for the extremists in the U.S. and their Australian media release echoes the theme.” (Click here for that media release.)

Asked to comment, CEC National Secretary Craig Isherwood exclaimed, “Holocaust survivor?! This guy was carrying out the Holocaust! And that’s not exactly a secret, either. In a 20th of December, 1998 TV interview by CBS’s Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes, Soros explained that, as an adolescent Jew working for the Nazis, he delivered the notices to fellow Jews who were to be shipped to the death camps, and then helped to expropriate their wealth. And that he didn’t feel guilty about it, either then or today. Moreover, I have a quote here from the introduction Soros wrote to a book by his father, Tivadar Soros: ‘It is a sacrilegious thing to say, but these ten months [of the Nazi occupation] were the happiest times of my life … We led an adventurous life and we had fun together.’

“The fact of the matter”, Isherwood continued, “is that the ADC has always been just a front for the British Crown and the City of London-centred world financial oligarchy, of which Soros is a leading figure. The ADC’s main board is dominated by members of Her Majesty’s Privy Council, the ruling body of the British Empire/Commonwealth, beginning with its chairman, Privy Councillor Sir Zelman Cowen. These guys are defending the globalisation and free trade looting of the financial oligarchy, that’s all. And, like Soros, Sir Zero Cowen has his own deep, ultra-right wing intelligence ties, as well: he was the president of the notorious Australian Association for Cultural Freedom (AACF) from 1968-77, even after it was exposed as a CIA front!

“Notable also, is that this great ‘philanthropist’ Soros is the acknowledged number one financier of the push to legalise drugs worldwide.

“For particularly the last decade”, said Isherwood, “since the 1997-98 ‘Asian crisis’, the ADC has been trying to get the CEC banned, because they are terrified that LaRouche’s ideas for a ‘New Bretton Woods’ return to national banking, fixed exchange rates, protectionism and great infrastructure projects will increasingly take hold in a global financial collapse. Ludicrously, already back then the ADC attacked LaRouche’s New Bretton Woods as ‘anti-Jewish’. What, are they now going to attack many of the G-20 heads of state for also being ‘anti-Jewish’, since they too, following LaRouche’s lead, are all now discussing a New Bretton Woods?”

Isherwood concluded, “Since the financial collapse LaRouche has long forecast is accelerating by the day, the ADC seems to be going troppo against myself and the CEC. Typical was ADC Research Director Deborah Stone’s recent foaming-at-the-mouth attacks against us on ABC Radio Triple J on 2nd of November. Given her hero Soros’s pro-dope crusade, you will perhaps forgive me if I ask, ‘Is Deborah Stoned?’”

Anyone wishing more information on why the great humanitarians of the ADC would be defending a notorious dope pusher and old Nazi may ring them at 03 9572 5770.

For more on ADC hero Soros, and his dirty operations in South Ossetia, Africa and elsewhere on behalf of British intelligence, click here. For more on the sordid history of the ADC itself, and associated entities and personnel, click here.


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FROM:  Matthew Browne