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xposing another Zionist Myth about the 1947 partition by the UN

Alex James

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ionists and their supporters are experts at creating myths, fabrications, forgeries, lies, etc. Some of their lies have been exposed by many brave Jew who dare to expose the Zionists.

the myth about the 1947 partition by the UN still seems to exist.

there never was such a partition because recommendations by the UN General Assembly just mean anything if they are accepted unanimously.

the victims, represented by the Arab states, of course voted against the recommendation, so it never existed.

therefore Israel has no legal basis. It also has no moral or historical basis.

the International Court in The Hague confirmed this recently, check

 69. To do so, the Court will first make a brief analysis of the status of the territory concerned, and will then describe the works already constructed or in course of construction in that territory.  It will then indicate the applicable law before seeking to establish whether that law has been breached.

70. Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire.  At the end of the First World War, a class "A" Mandate for Palestine was entrusted to Great Britain by the League of Nations, pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 22 of the Covenant, which provided that:

          "Certain communities, formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone."

          The Court recalls that in its Advisory Opinion on the International Status of South West Africa, speaking of mandates in general, it observed that "The Mandate was created, in the interest of the inhabitants of the territory, and of humanity in general, as an international institution with an international object - a sacred trust of civilization."  (I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 132.)  The Court also held in this regard that "two principles were considered to be of paramount importance:  the principle of non‑annexation and the principle that the well‑being and development of . . . peoples [not yet able to govern themselves] form[ed] 'a sacred trust of civilization'" (ibid., p. 131).  

          The territorial boundaries of the Mandate for Palestine were laid down by various instruments, in particular on the eastern border by a British memorandum of 16 September 1922 and an Anglo‑Transjordanian Treaty of 20 February 1928.

71. In 1947 the United Kingdom announced its intention to complete evacuation of the mandated territory by 1 August 1948, subsequently advancing that date to 15 May 1948.  In the meantime, the General Assembly had on 29 November 1947 adopted resolution 181 (II) on the future government of Palestine, which "Recommends to the United Kingdom . . . and to all other Members of the United Nations the adoption and implementation . . . of the Plan of Partition" of the territory, as set forth in the resolution, between two independent States, one Arab, the other Jewish, as well as the creation of a special international régime for the City of Jerusalem.  The Arab population of Palestine and the Arab States rejected this plan, contending that it was unbalanced;  on 14 May 1948, Israel proclaimed its independence on the strength of the General Assembly resolution;  armed conflict then broke out between Israel and a number of Arab States and the Plan of Partition was not implemented.

Subject: Dr. Henry Makow Explains How Zionists also target non-Zionist Jews:

1940 Zionist HAGANAH (terrorists) blew up a ship carrying Jews to Mauritius

(list of Zionist terror attacks as recorded by the UN upto 1948 at the end)

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“Many Zionist families in Palestine changed their names to make themselves sound like they actually came from Palestine. And you wondered where all those Zionists disappeared during World War II?”

Zionism: By Henry Makow Ph.D. (ex-Zionist from Poland, now living in Winnipeg, Canada)

On Nov. 25, 1940, a boat carrying Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe, the "Patra," exploded and sank off the coast of Palestine killing 252 people.

The Zionist "Haganah" [terrorist group] claimed the passengers committed suicide to protest British refusal to let them land. Years later

it admitted that rather than let the passengers go to Mauritius it blew up the vessel.  [recently, it was revealed that Menachem Begin

had also attempted to murder a German government official]

"Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the few in order to save the many," Moshe Sharett, a former Israeli Prime Minister said at

 memorial service in 1958.

In fact, during the Holocaust, Zionist policy was that Jewish life had no value unless it promoted the cause of the creation of Israel.

"One goat in Israel is worth more than the whole Diaspora," Yitzhak Greenbaum, head of the Jewish Agency's "Rescue Committee" said.

Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld accuses the Zionists of collaborating in the slaughter of European Jewry directly and indirectly.

The charges are contained in his book, "Holocaust Victims Accuse" (1977) which is readable on line. (Download it by right-clicking

on the red Acrobat PDF link. Then left-click "Save Target As.")

Rabbi Shonfeld calls the Zionists "war criminals," who usurped the leadership of the Jewish people, betrayed their trust, and,

after their annihilation, reaped the moral capital.

Shonfeld states: "The Zionist approach that Jewish blood is the anointing oil needed for the wheels of the Jewish state is not a thing

of the past. It remains operable to this very day."

Other books by Jews on this theme include: Edwin Black, "The Transfer Agreement"; Ben Hecht, "Perfidy," M.J. Nurenberger

"The Scared and the Damned"; Joel Brand, "Satan and the Soul"; Chaim Lazar, "Destruction and Rebellion";

and Rabbi Michael Dov Ber Weismandel "From the Depth."

The implication, which I will explore later, is that Zionism, at the top, is not a Jewish movement. In the words of veteran

Israeli politician Eliezar Livneh, "The Zionist heritage had in it something flawed to begin with."


World Conference of Jews in Amsterdam. Immediately, Mr. Untermeyer came back to the United States -- he was the head

 of the American delegation and the president of the whole conference

 -- and he went from the steamer to delivered a speech over WABC

Radio (New York), a transcript of which was printed in The New York

Times on August 7, 1933. In this radio broadcast throughout the United

States he said: "The Jews of the world now declare a holy war against

Germany. We are now engaged in a sacred (holy) conflict against the

Germans. And we are going to starve them into surrender. We are going

to use a world-wide boycott against them, that will destroy them because

they are dependent upon their export business.” The International and

German Zionists declared war on Germany in 1933. Headlines in the UK

Daily Express and US New York Times and other papers around Mar-May

1933 were “Judea Declares War on Germany.

While European Jews were in mortal danger, Zionist leaders in America deliberately provoked and enraged Hitler.

They began in 1933 by initiating a worldwide boycott of  Nazi goods. Dieter von Wissliczeny, Adolph Eichmann's lieutenant,

told Rabbi Weissmandl that in 1941 Hitler flew into a rage when U.S. Zionist Rabbi Stephen Wise, in the name of the entire

Jewish people, "declared war on Germany". Hitler fell on the floor, bit the carpet and vowed: "Now I'll destroy them.

Now I'll destroy them." In Jan. 1942, he convened the "Wannsee Conference" where the "final solution" took shape.

Rabbi Shonfeld says the Nazis chose Zionist activists to run the "Judenrats" and to be Jewish police or "Kapos."

"The Nazis found in these 'elders' what they hoped for, loyal and obedient servants who because of their lust for money

and power, led the masses to their destruction." The Zionists were often intellectuals who were often "more cruel than

the Nazis" and kept the trains' final destination a secret. In contrast to secular Zionists, Shonfeld says Orthodox Jewish

Rabbis refused to collaborate and tended their beleaguered flocks to the end.

Rabbi Shonfeld cites numerous instances where Zionists sabotaged attempts to organize resistance, ransom and relief.

They undermined an effort by Vladimir Jabotinsky to arm Jews before the war. They stopped a program by American

orthodox Jews to send food parcels to the ghettos (where child mortality was 60%) saying it violated the boycott.

They thwarted a British parliamentary initiative to send refugees to Mauritius, demanding they go to Palestine instead.

They blocked a similar initiative in the US Congress.  At the same time, they rescued young Zionists. Chaim Weizmann,

the Zionist Chief and later first President of Israel said: "Every nation has its dead in its fight for its homeland.

The suffering under Hitler are our dead." He said they "were moral and economic dust in a cruel world."

Rabbi Weismandel, who was in Slovakia, provided maps of Auschwitz and begged Jewish leaders to pressure the Allies

to bomb the tracks and crematoriums. The leaders didn't press the Allies because the secret policy was to annihilate

non-Zionist Jews. The Nazis came to understand that death trains and camps would be safe from attack and actually

concentrated industry there. (See also, William Perl, "The Holocaust Conspiracy.') None of the above is intended to

absolve the Nazis of responsibility. However the holocaust could have been prevented or at least alleviated had the

Zionist leadership behaved honorably.


Lord Acton said, "The truth will come out when powerful people no longer wish to suppress it." Since Sept. 11,

more and more people are turning to the "conspiratorial" or "suppressed" view of history.

In 1891, Cecil Rhodes started a secret society called the "Round Table" dedicated to world hegemony for the

shareholders of the Bank of England and their allies. These priggish aristocrats, including the Rothschilds,

realized they must control the world to safeguard their monopoly on money creation as well as global resources.  

The same folks control the U.S. Federal Reserve and other major central banks.

They were united also by a commitment to freemasonry, which at the top, is dedicated to the destruction of

Christianity, the worship of Lucifer, and the rebuilding of a pagan temple in Jerusalem. They see most of humanity

as "useless eaters" and pioneered eugenics to decrease population and weed out inferior specimens. The eventual

annihilation of non-Zionist Jews was rooted in this English movement.

In 1897, the first Zionist Congress took place in Basle. In 1904, the founder of Zionism Theodore Herzl died at age

 44 under suspicious circumstances. The movement was taken over by the Round Table. The purpose was to use

it and Communism to advance their plan for world hegemony. During the same week in November 1917, the

Bolshevik Revolution took place and the Balfour Declaration promised Palestine to the Jews.

The Round Table group planned three world wars to degrade, demoralize and destroy mankind, rendering it

defenceless. The Third World War, now beginning, pitted the Zionists against the Muslims.

The purpose of Zionism is to help colonize the Middle East, subvert Islam, and control the oilfields. For this reason

Israel continues to receive blank checks. (One analyst estimates the US taxpayer has spent $1.7 trillion on Israel.)

This is why the founding of Israel took precedence over the welfare of the Jewish people.

Israel has little to do with the Jewish people. Zionism, Communism, Nazism, are all creations of the same

satanic cabal. These 'isms are all means to the final goal, a neo feudal global dictatorship. FBI Director J. Edgar

Hoover referred to this when he said: "The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy

so monstrous he cannot believe it exists".

As unwitting overseers, Israelis will continue as victims of "compulsory suicide." Americans too are being fitted

for this role. Sept. 11 was an example.

Arab terrorism is also backed by this cabal. Osama Bin Laden made more than 260 phone calls to England

between 1996-1998. The aim is to contrive a "war of civilizations" as an excuse to grind down both Muslim

states and the West to create the global police state.

What I have been calling "compulsory suicide" is satanic "culling." The constant reference by Zionist and other

leaders to "blood sacrifice" refers to the practice of human sacrifice. Apparently energy is released when

people are slaughtered. Recently U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said the Hezbollah owes

the U.S. a "blood debt."

Our rulers design wars as offerings to Lucifer. They find slaughter and mayhem exhilarating, as long as it is

someone else who is sacrificed.


For millennia, Jews owed their survival to their devotion to "Torah." In the last century they have forsaken

this portable spiritual home, and placed their faith in a tangible one, Israel.

Unfortunately, they have been duped.

Israelis are becoming unwitting overseers in the global plantation. American Jews, prominent in media,

education, government and finance, are also unwitting instruments. They will take the blame for the real

culprits, the shareholders of the world's major central banks.

Mankind has been betrayed by its leadership. Of Jewish leadership, Israeli journalist Barry Chamish says:

"The richest appoint themselves to the highest posts. Thus the greediest and most unscrupulous run the

show. [They] ... will sell their souls and those of their people for power and acclaim." See Barry Chamish

"Just as Scared, Just as Doomed."

There are a few hundred thousand orthodox Jews like Rabbi Shonfeld who have always understood Zionism.

They have always rejected the state of Israel and remained faithful to the Torah. They could form a core for

a genuine Jewish revival.

Their websites are <javascript:ol('');>  , <javascript:ol('');> . and <javascript:ol('');>  .

In conclusion, a satanic cult governs the world. These people hate God, hate mankind and want to destroy it.

They believe the end justifies the means and are ruthless. They use the Jews, and everyone else, as cannon

fodder. We are "children of the matrix," duped, distracted, stunted and sacrificed. Without the vision provided

by God, we are lambs being led to slaughter

The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the TRUTH.

Let the World know. Here’s more. And after this, a list compiled by a UN officer in 1948 on European Zionist

terror attacks against the native Palestinians. The UN officer compiling the list was also murdered by

the Zionists of that time.

Israelis Commemorate Their 1946 Zionist Terror Attack in Jerusalem

The Times (London) <javascript:ol(',,173-2277717,00.html');>  paper/0,,173-2277717,00.html

As Israel wages war against Hezbollah “terrorists” in Lebanon, Britain has protested about the celebration

by right-wing Israelis of a Jewish “act of terrorism” against British rule 60 years ago this week. The

rightwingers, including Binyamin Netanyahu, the former Prime Minister, are commemorating the bombing

of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, the headquarters of British rule, that killed 92 people and helped to

drive the British from Palestine. They have erected a plaque outside the restored building, and are holding

a two-day seminar with speeches and a tour of the hotel by one of the Jewish resistance fighters involved

in the attack.

The two British soldiers who were tortured and killed in 1947 by the Zionists

“The Sign of Cain:” Two British Soldiers in Israel Kidnapped, Tortured & Murdered!

Their Bodies Booby Trapped by Terrorists!


You won’t read this in the “all the news that fit to print” New York Times or the Washington Post,

the Establishment’s “newspapers of record;” you won’t see this on Fox, CNN, ABC, CBS or NBC –

because only The American Free Press is the only national newspaper uncontrolled and unafraid to

report the horrific fate of the two soldiers whose kidnapping, torture and murder by ruthless

terrorists is at the root of the present Israeli war that threatens to ignite the whole Middle East,

indeed the whole world in flames.

Jerusalem – The whole world has seen the boyish photo of the Israeli soldier captured on the border

of Gaza. But while Israeli propaganda uses Corporal Gilad Shalit to put a human face on its war machine,

strangely nothing is known about the two soldiers said to have been captured by Hezbollah, which is the

pretext for the bloody devastation of Lebanon. They are potentially the “Archduke Ferdinand” of WW-IV.

So we have a right to ask: Who are they?

The True Fate of The Two Fateful British Soldiers July 30, 1947?

The bodies were found by a small group of soldiers, Jewish residents, and newspaper reporters who

were searching for the two kidnapped soldiers in a thicket of eucalyptus trees - when they were shocked

by a horrifying sight. The corpses of the two soldiers were hanging from a tree, their shirts covering their

heads, dry blood that had dripped from their open mouths staining their uniforms. The terrorists had

pinned notes to the tortured bodies, pinning the blame for their crimes on their helpless victims.

The terrorists had planted IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) all around the area where the bodies

were left hanging. The bodies had also been booby trapped. As the bodies were being cut down a

hidden device on one body exploded. An officer was severely wounded and blinded by this explosion.

Cursed with the Mark of Cain!

Less than an hour after the corpses of the dead sergeants were found, Ben-Ami, the Mayor of Netanya

declared: “Of all the crimes that took place till this day on this land, this is the most grievous and

disgusting one and will stain the purity of our peoples struggle for freedom. May this act of hanging

remain as a sign of Cain on the doers of this disgraceful deed! The heavens and the earth are my witnesses…”

The kidnapped victims, Sergeant Mervyn Harold Paice, 20 years old, and Sergeant Clifford James Victor Martin,

had been dead for about two days when found.

Why hasn’t news of this atrocity been blared around the world? Could it be because the murdered soldiers

were British, and the terrorists who kidnapped, tortured and murdered them were Zionist extremists?

This act of terrorism was only one of a multitude of vicious acts of terrorism, bombings, assassinations,

mass murders, IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices), letter bombs, ad nauseam by Zionist gangs of thugs,

militias and insurgents to drive the Christian and Muslim Palestinians from their ancient homelands.

America’s Dr. Ralph Bunche (who became the first African American man awarded the Nobel Peace Prize,

for his efforts in mediation between Israel and nearby Arab states in 1950) had an official record of Zionist

Terrorism from 1944 to September 1948 compiled from reports of the US Department of State and the British

Foreign Office after he was appointed UN Commissioner to Palestine – replace Count Folke Bernadotte

murdered by Jewish terrorists on September 17, 1948. The Report contained 259 acts of criminal terrorism

by Zionist Terror gangs in less than 4 years. *

Since then the acts of terror, and blaming their crimes on their victims are innumerable: The Lavon Affair;

The Sneak Attack on Egypt in 1956- repulsed and repudiated by President Eisenhower; the pre-meditated

“6-Day War” in concert with the Johnson administration (to this day deceived Americans still believe that

Israel was attacked); The Sneak Attack of America’s USS Liberty designed to drag America into WW-III!

The attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon (Forensic evidence proves only the Israelis could have

supplied the “rag bomb” used in the truck); the sneak attack against Lebanon; Shattilla and Sabra

massacres; Sharon the Butcher’s sabotage of the Oslo agreements; espionage against America (Pollard,

PROMIS, sales of secret technology to Red China, Iran/Contra, Iran/AIPAC, Libby, etc.); the mass murders

of PoWs, villages, Qibya; Jenin; Nazareth; Bethlehem; Rachel Corey; the neo-con’s Iraq War … and the

latest war against Lebanon as a fuse to blow up America in Iran for this Terror State.

The murders of British soldiers by Zionist Terrorists began while WW-II was still raging in Europe and

British soldiers were dying by the thousands in a war “to save the Jews.”

Why Would Zionist Terrorists Murder British Soldiers?

This insanity cannot be understood without tracing its roots to at least the so-called “Ladder Prophecy”

given by Max Nordau, Theodore Herzl’s right-hand man, at the Sixth World Zionist Congress in 1903 –

fourteen years before “the war to end all wars” began and never ended:

“Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and

upward: Herzl [father of modern Zionism], the Zionist congress [the First congress of 1897], the English

Uganda Proposition [the British Government had offered the Zionists a Jewish homeland in Uganda,

which was rejected by the Sixth Congress], the future World War, the peace conference, where,

with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created” The American Jewish News,

September 19, 1919.

The Zionists had first asked Kaiser Wilhelm to give them Palestine. He said Palestine was part of the

Turkish Empire, so it wasn’t his to give. So from being loyal friends of both Turkey and Germany the

Zionists decided they had to go. The British, through Lawrence of Arabia, had promised Palestinians

independence if they would rise up against the Turks. They proposed to the British Empire and the

French to bring the USA into helping them carve up the German and Turkish Empires if they would

set them up in Palestine. So the British agreed to betray their Palestinian freedom fighters if the

Zionists used their power to bring America into the (first) World War. Samuel Untermeyer (of the law

firm, Googenheim, Untermeyer and Marshall) was in possession of a big stack of letters President

Wilson had written to his mistress, Mrs. Peck, and Wilson became the first Zionist New World Order

President. Reelected on the promise, “He kept us out of war,” Wilson promptly used the phony

sinking of the Sussex as a pretext to sending American “doughboys” to fight and die in Rothschild’s

“Great War” in Europe.

In return the Lord Balfour gave a Letter to Rothschild promising a “Jewish Homeland” in Palestine

to be protected by the British Empire. At the infamous Versailles Conference Germany and Turkey

were carved up. The artificial maps of Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc., were drawn up and packed

with corrupt, tyrannical puppet rulers who would be supported in return for oil and geopolitical

assets. Thus Palestine was under a British mandate through World War II and tens of thousands of

Jews flooded into the lush land of orchards. This caused many problems so the British sought to

limit immigration, but they couldn’t stem the flood tide of illegal immigrants, many of whom were

Communist Terrorists. These terrorists butchered Palestinians, British and even their fellow Jews.

Zionists Killing Jews

Clifford Martin, one of the two hanged British soldiers, was Jewish according to Jewish law.

His mother, an Egyptian Jew, had married an Anglo-Catholic colonial official. But that didn’t stop

the Irgun * gang from torturing, murdering and hanging Martin from a tree, which according to the

Talmud is reserved only for their most hated enemies.

These terrorists cold-bloodedly murdered many of their fellow Jews to further their aims. In

November 1940, Haganah placed explosives in the SS Patria in Haifa harbor, slaughtering 270

immigrants. In 1942, Zionists used explosives to sink the SS Struma in the Black sea, murdering

769 men, women and children. They committed atrocities like these to blame the British for

enforcement of immigration quotas.

The Zionist Connection II: What Price Peace? by Alfred M. Lilienthal, Published 1983,  

Part Two.  The Cover-Up, Chapter X - Terror:  The Double Standard

The Irgun was the worst Jewish terrorist organization for rate of attacks. Its most spectacular

feat up to {The 9/11 WTC Attack} was the July 22, 1946 blowing up of the King David Hotel in

Jerusalem, which killed of 91 people—41 Arabs, 28 British and 17 Jews. While they had no

compunction about killing their own, they obviously didn’t believe the propaganda about

extermination camps. Abraham Stern, leader of the Stern Gang, an offshoot of Irgun,

hated the British even more than he hated Hitler. In September 1940, the Stern gang

entered into negotiations with Mussolini. In January 1941 Stern personally dispatched an

agent to Vichy controlled Beirut to deliver a letter to Reich officials offering to “actively

take part in the war on Germany’s side” in return for German support. The Germans did

not want to associate with such vicious terrorists. The future Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak

Shamir took control of the terror gang after Stern’s death.

Israelis call their terrorist a ‘mekhabbel’. It describes anyone who fights or sabotages the

state with political violence. It is exactly the same word that Yitzhak Shamir and his comrades,

Stern, Begin, Sharon and now Olmert, et al, used to describe themselves - with pride - in their

armed guerrilla struggle against the British.

The whole world knows Corporal Gilad Shalit, but who remembers Sergeant Harold Paice and

Sergeant James Martin … or even the name of the last American soldier killed or maimed in Iraq?

 According to the historian Ritchie Ovendale, the hanging of the two kidnapped soldiers on

July 30, 1947, was the final straw that caused Britain to surrender the mandate, which led to

the terrorist “ethnic cleansing” of hundreds of thousands of refugees, what Palestinians call

“Al Nakba,” or “the catastrophe” the “abomination of desolation,” and the setting up of the

Israeli state - blessed by the UN, Stalin and Truman in 1948.

Thus the so-called state of “Israel,” conceived in lies and baptized in bloodshed, was established

with the “mark of Cain” on its forehead.

* {Sidebar} Terrorist Scorecard: Just as Iraq is beleaguered with rival militias and gangs today

(many secretly aided by Mossad in a divide and conquer strategy), pre-partitioned Palestine was

plagued with rival mekhabbel terrorist gangs. Two major Jewish terror organizations were the

Irgun Zvai Leumi—National Military Organization, NMO, also known by the Hebrew letters Etzel—

founded in 1937. Lohamei Herut Israel, Fighters for the Freedom of Israel, Lehi in the Hebrew

acronym, also known as the Stern Gang after its leader Avraham Stern, known as Yair, split off in

1940. Lehi was even more extremist than the Irgun, claiming all the land between the Nile and the

Euphrates. Lehi Zionists were also known as “Messianists.” {Sorry, Judeo-Christians, they had no

love for Jesus, but confessed the Jewish people living in the state of Israel was the only “true Messiah.”

The Irgun was led by Menachem Begin, the future Israeli prime minister was a proponent of political

Zionism, the militant branch of Zionism pioneered by Vladimir Zeev Jabotinsky, which openly despised

the Arabs and sought restoration of what it called Eretz Yisrael, the ancient land of Israel, which meant

“both sides of the Jordan.” Jabotinsky at first advocated using British power to flood Palestine with Jews,

then once their numbers were sufficient to violently turn against the British to drive them out.

Begin’s idol was the “fighting Jew,” epitomized in Jabotinsky’s old Betar movement song of “we shall

create, with sweat and blood, a race of men, strong, brave and cruel.” Israeli scholar Avishai Margalit

translated the verse as “proud, generous and cruel,” adding: “Many are still waiting for the generous

part to emerge.”

* The Bunche Report: A Summary of Zionist Terrorism in the Mid-East, 1944-1948. Re print of an official

United Nations report on 259 separate acts of terrorism and murder against Palestinians from

November 6, 1944 through September 17, 1948 by the Israelis. Suppressed for 49 years,

this is the famous report compiled by Ralph Bunche.

8.5” x 11” item #20 available from TBR, $ 7.50. 1-877-773-9077 or by mail: The Barnes Review,

P.O. Box 15877, Washington, D.C. 20003.


Liberty Videos, books, we should have many items in stock that fit with the above. rpf

This information is compiled from reports of the US Department of State, the British Foreign Office

and various American and British press services.

New York, October 1, 1948




November 6, 1944, Cairo. Lord Moyne, British Resident Minister in the Middle East, and his driver were

assassinated outside the minister's Cairo residence. Two murderers were involved. One was injured,

and both were immediately arrested.



January 10, 1945, Cairo. The British supreme military court today put on trial Eliahu Bet-Tsours from

Tel Aviv and Eliahu Hakim of Haifa, both admitted members of the Jewish terrorist Stern gang.


January 18, 1945, Cairo. The British supreme military court sentenced the murderers of Lord Moyne

to death. Both killers admitted their act and also admitted their membership in the Stem gang which

they said ordered the killings as a warning to the British not to interfere with future Jewish

immigration to Jerusalem.


March 22, 1945, Cairo. The two convicted Jewish Stern gang terrorists who murdered Lord Moyne

and his driver were hanged today in the Cairo prison British authorities announced.



January 12, 1946, Palestine. A train was derailed by Jewish terrorists at Hadera near Haifa by a

bomb and robbed of £35,000 in cash. Two British police officials were injured.


January 18, 1946, Haifa. Over 900 illegal Jewish immigrants were captured off Haifa by the British Royal Navy


January 19, 1946, Jerusalem. .Jewish terrorists destroyed a power station and a portion of the Central

Jerusalem prison by explosives. Two persons were killed by the police.


January 20, 1946, Palestine. Jewish terrorists launched an attack against the British-controlled Givat Olga

Coast Guard Station located between Tel Aviv and Haifa. Ten persons were injured and one was killed.

Captured papers indicated that the purpose of this raid was to take revenge on the British for their

seizure of the refugee ship on January 18. British military authorities in Jerusalem questioned 3,000

Jews and held 148 in custody.


April 25, 1946, Palestine. Jewish terrorists attacked a British military installation near Tel Aviv.

This group, which contained a number of young girls, had as its goal the capture of British weapons.

British authorities rounded up 1,200 suspects.


June 24, 1946, Palestine. The Irgun radio "Fighting Zion" warns that three kidnapped British officers

are held as hostages for two Irgun members, Josef Simkohn and Issac Ashbel facing execution as

well as 31 Irgun members facing trial.


June 27, 1946, Palestine. Thirty Irgun members are sentenced by a British military court to 15 years

imprison. One, Benjamin Kaplan was sentenced to life for carrying a firearm.


June 29, 1946, Palestine. British military units and police raided Jewish settlements throughout

Palestine searching for the leaders of Haganah, a leading Jewish terrorist agency The Jewish Agency

for Palestine was occupied and four top official arrested. At the end of June, 1946 2,000 were

arrested and four Jews and one British soldier were killed.


July 1, 1946, Palestine. British officials announced the discovery of a large arms dump hidden

underground at Meshek Yagur. 2,659 men and 59 women were detained for the three day operation

in which 27 settlements were searched. For were killed and 80 were injured.


July 3, 1946, Palestine. Palestine High Commissioner Lt. General Sir Alan Cunningham commuted to

life imprisonment the death sentences of Josef Simkhon and Issac Ashbel, Irgun members.


July 4, 1946, Tel Aviv. British officers, Captains K. Spencer, C. Warburton and A. Taylor who had been

kidnapped by the Irgun on June 18 and held as hostages for the lives of Simkohn and Ashbel, were

released in Tel Aviv unharmed. At this time, Irgun issued a declaration of war against the British

claiming that they had no alternative but to fight.


July 22, 1946, Jerusalem. The west wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem which housed British

Military Headquarters and other governmental offices was destroyed at 12:57 PM by explosives

planted in the cellar by members of the Irgun terrorist gang. By the 26 of July, the casualties were

76 persons killed, 46 injured and 29 still missing in the rubble. The dead included many British, Arabs and Jews.


July 23, l946 Jerusalem. The Irgun Zvai Leumi terrorist group takes responsibility for the King David bombing

but blames the British, calling them "tyrants."


July 24, 1946, London. The British government released a White Paper that accuses the Haganah, Irgun and

Stern gangs of "a planned movement of sabotage and violence" under the direction of the Jewish Agency and

asserts that the June 29 arrest of Zionist leaders was the cause of the bombing.


July 28, 1946, Jerusalem. The British Palestine Commander, Lt. General Sir Evelyn Barker, banned

fraternization by British troops with Palestine Jews whom he stated "cannot be absolved of responsibility

for terroristic acts." The order states that this will punish "the race … by striking at their pockets and showing

our contempt for them"


July 29, 1946, Tel Aviv. Police in Tel Aviv raided a workshop making bombs.


July 30, 1946, Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv is placed under a 22-hour-a-day curfew as 20,000 British troops began a

house-to-house sweep for terrorists. The city is sealed off from the rest of Jerusalem and troops are ordered

to shoot to kill any curfew violators.


July 31, 1946, Tel Aviv. A large cache of weapons, extensive counterfeiting equipment and $1,000,000 in

counterfeit Government bonds were discovered in Tel Aviv's largest synagogue.


July 31, 1946, Haifa. Two ships have arrived at Haifa with a total of 3,200 illegal Jewish immigrants.


August 2, 1946, Tel Aviv. British military authorities ended the curfew in Tel Aviv after detaining 500 persons

for further questioning. A second arms dump was discovered on July 1 in a school building.


August 2, 1946, Jerusalem. The Palestine Government disclosed that 91 persons were killed and 45 injured

in the King David bombing.


August 2, 1946, Jerusalem. Jerusalem police announced the arrest of Itzhak Yestemitsky second man in

the Stern gang.


August 12, 1946, London. The British Government announced that it will allow no more unscheduled

immigration into Palestine and that those seeking entry into that country will be sent to Cyprus and

other areas under detention. Declaring that such immigration threatens a civil war with the Arab

population, it charges a "minority of Zionist extremists" with attempting to force an unacceptable

solution of the Palestine problem.


August 12, 1946, Haifa. Two ships carrying a total of 1,300 Jewish refugees arrived at Haifa. The

port area was isolated on August 11 by British military and naval units. The first deportation ship

sailed for Cyprus with 500 Jews on board.


August 13, 1946, Haifa. Three Jews were killed and seven wounded when British troops were

compelled to fire on a crowd of about 1,000 persons frying to break into the port area of Haifa.

Two Royal Navy ships with 1,300 illegal Jewish immigrants on board sailed for Cyprus. Another

ship with 600 illegal immigrants was captured and confined in the Haifa harbor.


August 26, 1946, Palestine. British military units searched the coastal villages of Casera and Sadoth

Yam for three Jews who bombed the transport "Empire Rival" last week Eighty-five persons, including

the entire male population of one of the villages were sent to the Rafa detention center.


August 27, 1946, Palestine. During the searches conducted on August 26, an explosive limpet mine

similar to the one used on the "Empire Rival" was found.


August 29, 1946, Jerusalem. the British Government announced the commutation to life imprisonment

of the death sentences imposed on l8 Jewish youths convicted of bombing the Haifa railroad shops.


August 30, 1946, Palestine. British military units discovered arms and munitions dumps in the Jewish

farming villages of Dorot and Ruhama.


September 8, 1946, Palestine. Zionist terrorists cut the Palestine railroad in 50 places.


September 9, 1946, Tel Aviv. two British officers were killed in an explosion in a public building.


September 9, 1946, Haifa. An Arab constable was killed.


September 10, 1946, Palestine. British troops imposed a curfew and arrested 101 Jews and wounded

two in a search for saboteurs in Tel Aviv and neighboring Ramat Gan. Irgun terrorist group took the

action against the railways on September 8, as a protest.


September 14, 1946, Jaffa. Jewish terrorists robbed three banks in Jaffa and Tel Aviv, killing three

Arabs. Thirty-six Jews were arrested.


September 15, 1946, Tel Aviv. Jewish terrorists attacked a police station on the coast near Tel Aviv

but were driven off by gunfire.


October 2, 1946, Tel Aviv. British military units and police seized 50 Jews in a Tel Aviv cafe after a

Jewish home was blown up. This home belonged to a Jewish woman who had refused to pay

extortion money to the Irgun terrorist gang.


October 6, 1944 Jerusalem. An RAF man was killed by gunfire


October 8, 1946, Jerusalem. Two British soldiers were killed when their truck detonated a land mine

outside Jerusalem. A leading Arab figure was wounded in a similar mine explosion in Jerusalem and

more road mines were found near Government House.


October 31, 1946, Rome. The British Embassy in Rome was damaged by a bomb, believed to have

been planted by Jewish terrorists.


November 3, 1946, Palestine. Two Jews and two Arabs were killed in clashes between Arabs and a

group of Jews attempting to establish a settlement at Lake Hula in northern Palestine.


November 4, 1946, Rome. Italian authorities released a letter in which the Jewish terrorist gang,

Irgun, took credit for the October 31 embassy bombing.


November 5, 1946, Palestine. British authorities released the following eight Jewish Agency leaders

from the Latrun concentration camp where they had been held since June 29: Moshe Shertok, Dr.

Issac Greenbaum, Dr. Bernard Joseph, David Remiz, David Hacohen, David Shingarevsky, Joseph

Shoffman and Mordecai Shatter. A total of 2,550 Haganah suspects have also been released as well

as 779 Jews arrested in the wake of the King David bombing.


November 7, 1946, Palestine. Railroad traffic was suspended for 24 hours throughout Palestine

following a fourth Irgun attack on railway facilities in two days.


November 9 through November 13, 1946, Palestine. Nineteen persons, eleven British soldiers and

policemen and eight Arab constables, were killed in Palestine during this period as Jewish terrorists,

using land mines and suitcase bombs, increased their attacks on railroad stations, trains and even



November 14, 1946, London. The Board of Deputies of British Jews condemned Jewish terrorist

groups who threatened to export their terrorism to England.


November 18, 1946, Tel Aviv. Police in Tel Aviv attacked Jews, assaulting many and firing into houses.

Twenty Jews were injured in fights with British troops following the death on November 17 of three

policemen and an RAF sergeant in a land mine explosion.


Five persons were injured when a bomb exploded in the Jerusalem tax office.


December 2 through December 5,1946, Palestine. Ten persons, including six British soldiers, were

killed in bomb and land-mine explosions.


December 3,1946, Jerusalem. A member of the Stern gang was killed in an aborted hold-up attempt


December 26,1946, Palestine. Armed Jewish terrorists raided two diamond factories in Nathanya and

Tel Aviv and escaped with nearly $107,000 in diamonds, cash and bonds. These raids signaled an end

to a two- week truce during the World Zionist Congress.



January 1, 1947, Jerusalem. Dov Gruner was sentenced to hang by a British military court for taking

part in a raid on the Ramat Gan police headquarters in April of 1946.


January 2, 1947, Palestine. A wave of terror swept Palestine as Jewish terrorists staged bombings

and machine gun attacks in five cities. Casualties were low. Homemade flame-throwers were used

in several cases. Pamphlets seized warned that the Irgun had again declared war against the British

and Arabs of Palestine.


January 4, 1947, Jerusalem. British soldiers have been ordered to wear sidearms at all times and

were forbidden to enter any cafe or restaurant.


January 5, 1947, Egypt ,Eleven British troops were injured in a hand grenade attack on a train

carrying troops to Palestine. The attack took place near Benha, 25 miles from Cairo.


January 8, 1947, Palestine. British police arrested 32 persons suspected of being members of the

Irgun terrorist gang's "Black Squad" in raids on Rishon-el Zion and Rehoboth.


January 12, 1947, Haifa. A single terrorist drove a truck filled with high explosives into the central

police station and exploded it, killing two British policemen and two Arab constables and injuring 140

others. The terrorist escaped. This action ended a 10-day lull in the violence and the Stern gang took

the credit for it.


January 13, 1947, Haifa. British soldiers and police screened 872 persons in Haifa and detained 10 for

further questioning as Arabs and Jews both condemned the bombing.


January 14, 1947, Jerusalem. Yehudi Katz is sentenced to life in prison by a Jerusalem court for robbing

a bank in Jaffa in September of 1946 to obtain funds for the terrorists.


January 21, 1947, London. Dr. Emmanuel Neumann, vice president of the Zionist Organization of America,

declared US. Zionists would spend "millions" to finance illegal immigration of Jews to Palestine. A Haganah

spokesman in Paris claimed that 211,878 Jews entered Palestine illegally during the past 15 months.


January 22, 1947, Palestine. Sir Harry Gurney, Chief Secretary, stated that the British administration was

taxing Palestine $2,400,000 to pay for sabotage by the terrorists.


January 22, 1947, London. Colonial Secretary Arthur Creech Jones informed the House of Commons 73

British subjects were murdered by Palestine terrorists in 1946 and

"no culprits have been convicted."


January 27, 1947, London. Britain's conference on Palestine, boycotted by the Jews, reconvened.

Jamal el Husseini, Palestine Arab leader, declared that the Arab world was unalterably opposed to

partition as a solution to the problem. The session then adjourned.


January 29, 1947, London. It was officially announced that the British Cabinet decided to partition



January 29, 1947, Jerusalem. Irgun forces released former Maj. H. Collins, a British banker, who

they kidnapped on January 26 from his home. He had been badly beaten. On January 28, the Irgun

released Judge Ralph Windham who had been kidnapped in Tel Aviv on January 27 while trying a

case. These men had been taken as hostages for Dov Bela Gruner, an Irgun member under death

sentence for terrorism. The British High Commissioner, Lt Gen.. Sir Alan Cunningham, had

threatened martial law unless the two men were returned unharmed.


January 31, 1947, Jerusalem. General Cunningham ordered the wives and children of all British

civilians to leave Palestine at once. About 2,000 are involved. This order did not apply to the

5,000 Americans in Palestine.


February 3, 1947, Jerusalem. The Palestine Government issued a 7-day ultimatum to the Jewish

Agency demanding that it state "categorically and at once" whether it and the supreme Jewish

Council in Palestine will call on the Jewish community by February 10 for "cooperation with the

police and armed forces in bringing to justice the members of the terrorist groups." This request

was publicly rejected by Mrs. Goldie Meyerson, head of the Jewish Agency's political department


February 4, 1947, Jerusalem. British District Commissioner James Pollock disclosed a plan for

military occupation of three sectors of Jerusalem and orders nearly 1,000 Jews to evacuate the

Rehavia, Schneler and German quarters by noon, February 6.


February 5, 1947, Jerusalem. The Vaad Leumi rejected the British ultimatum while the Irgun

passed out leaflets that it was prepared to fight to the death against the British authority.

The first 700 of some 1,500 British women and children ordered to evacuate Palestine leave

by plane and train for Egypt. British authorities, preparing for military action, order other

families from sections of Tel Aviv and Haifa which will be turned into fortified military areas.


February 9, 1947, Haifa. British troops removed 650 illegal Jewish immigrants from the

schooner 'Negev" at Haifa and after a struggle forced them aboard the ferry 'Emperor Haywood"

for deportation to Cyprus.


February 14, 1947, Jerusalem. The British administration revealed that Lt Gen. Sir Evelyn Barker,

retiring British commander in Palestine, had confirmed the death sentences of three Irgun

members on February 12 before leaving for England. The three men, Dov Ben Rosenbaum,

Eliezer Ben Kashani and Mordecai Ben Alhachi, had been sentenced on February 10 to be hanged

for carrying firearms. A fourth, Haim Gorovetzky, received a life sentence because of his youth.

Lt Gen. G. MacMillian arrived in Jerusalem on February 13 to succeed Gen. Barker.


February 15, 1947, Palestine. The Sabbath was the setting for sporadic outbreaks of violence

which included the murder of an Arab in Jaffa and of a Jew in Bne Brok, the kidnapping of a

Jew in Peta Tikvah and the burning of a Jewish club in Haifa.


March 9, 1947, Hadera. A British army camp was attacked.


March 10, 1947, Haifa. A Jew, suspected of being an informer, was murdered by Jewish terrorists.


March 12, 1947, Jerusalem. The British Army pay corps was dynamited in Jerusalem and one soldier killed.


March 12, 1947, Palestine. British military units captured most of the 800 Jews whose motor ship

"Susanna" ran the British blockade and was beached north of Gaza on this date. A British naval

escort brought the "Ben Hecht," the Hebrew Committee of National Liberation's first known immigrant

ship, into Haifa, and its 599 passengers were shipped to Cyprus. The British arrested the crew,

which included 18 US. seamen.


March 13, 1947, Jerusalem. British authorities announced 78 arrests as a result of unofficial Jewish

cooperation, but two railroads were attacked, resulting in two deaths, and eight armed men robbed

a Tel Aviv bank of $65,000.


March 14, 1947, Palestine. Jewish terrorists blew up part of an oil pipeline in Haifa and a section

of the rail line at Beer Yakov.


March 16, 1947, Jerusalem. The Jewish Agency building was bombed.


March 17, 1947, Jerusalem. British authorities ended martial law which had kept 300,000 Jews

under house arrest for 16 days and tied up most economic activity


March 17, 1947, Palestine. A military court sentenced Moshe Barazani to be hanged for possessing

a hand grenade.


March 18, 1947, Palestine. Terrorist leaflets admitted the murder of Michael Shnell on Mount Carmel

as an informer.


March 22, 1947, Palestine. British officials announced the arrest of five known terrorists and the

discovery near Petah Tikvah of the body of Leon Meshiah, a Jew presumably slain as a suspected



March 26, 1947, London. Britain's Privy Council rejected the appeal of the death sentence against

Dov Bela Gruner.


March 28, 1947, Haifa. The Irgun blew up the Iraq Petroleum Co. pipeline in Haifa.


March 29, 1947, Palestine. A British army officer was murdered by Jewish terrorists when they

ambushed a party of horsemen near the Ramle camp. A raid by terrorists on a Tel Aviv bank yielded $109,000.


March 30, 1947, Palestine. Units of the British Royal Navy, answering an SOS, took the disabled

"Moledeth" with 1,600 illegal Jewish refugees on board under tow some 50 miles outside Palestinian waters.


March 30, 1947, Tel Aviv. The Stem gang killed the wife of a British soldier.


March 31, 1947, Haifa. Jewish terrorists dynamited the British-owned Shell-Mex oil tanks in Haifa,

starting a fire that destroyed a quarter-mile of the waterfront The damage was set at more than

$1,000,000, and the British government in Palestine has stated that the Jewish community will have to pay for it


April 2, 1947, Cyprus. The "Ocean Vigour' was damaged by a bomb in Famagusta Harbor, Cyprus.

The Haganah admitted the bombing.


April 3, 1947, Jerusalem. A court in Jerusalem sentenced Daniel Azulai and Meyer Feinstein, members

 of the Irgun terrorist gang, to death for the October 30 attack on the Jerusalem railroad station. The

Palestine Supreme Court admitted an appeal of Dov Bela Gruner's death sentence.


April 3, 1947. The transport "Empire Rival" was damaged by a time bomb while en route from Haifa to

Port Said in Egypt


April 7, 1947, Jerusalem. The High Court denied a new appeal against the death sentence of Dov Bela

Gruner, and a British patrol killed Moshe Cohen.


April 8, 1947, Jerusalem. Jewish terrorists killed a British constable in revenge for the Cohen death.


April 9, 1947, Palestine. The Palestine Government abandoned "statutory martial law" in the face of

unfavorable publicity but granted itself military dictatorship powers in "controlled areas" it may impose.


April 10, 1947, London. The British Government requested France and Italy to prevent Jews from

embarking for Palestine.


April 11, 1947, Jerusalem. Asher Eskovitch, a Jew, was beaten to death by Moslems when he entered

the forbidden Mosque of Omar.


April 13, 1947, Jerusalem. Guella Cohen, Stern gang illegal broadcaster, escaped from a British military hospital.


April 14, 1947, Tel Aviv. A British naval unit boarded the refugee ship "Guardian" and seized it along with

2,700 passengers after a gun battle in which two immigrants were killed and 14 wounded.


April 16, 1947, Haifa. In spite of threats of reprisal from the Irgun, the British hanged Dov Bela Gruner and

three other Irgun members at Acre Prison on Haifa Bay. Jewish communities were kept under strict curfew

for several hours. Soon after the deaths were announced, a time bomb was found in the Colonial Office in

London but was defused.


April 17, 1947, Palestine. Lt Gen. C. Macmillan confirmed death sentences for two more convicted terrorists,

Meier Ben Feinstein and Moshe Ben Barazani, but reduced Daniel Azulai's sentence to life imprisonment


April 18, 1947, Palestine. Irgun's reprisals for the Gruner execution were an attack on a field dressing station

near Nethanaya where one sentry was killed, an attack on an armored car in Tel Aviv where one bystander

was killed and harmless shots at British troops in Haifa.


April 19,1947, Haifa. British naval units exploded depth charges in Haifa harbor to prevent an underwater

assault by Jewish "frogmen" on three British deportation vessels that took the "Guardian's" passengers to Cyprus.


April 20, 1947, Tel Aviv. A series of bombings by Jewish terrorists in retaliation for the hanging of convicted

terrorist Gruner injured 12 British soldiers.


April 21, 1947, Jerusalem. Meir Feinstein and Moshe Barazani, condemned terrorists, killed themselves in

prison a few hours before they were scheduled to be hanged. They blew themselves up with bombs smuggled

to them in hollowed-out oranges.


April 22, 1947, Palestine. A troop train arriving from Cairo was bombed outside Rehovoth with five soldiers

and three civilians killed and 39 persons injured.


April 23, 1947, London. The British First Lord of the Admiralty, Viscount Hall, defended the Labor Government's

policy in Palestine and he acknowledged in the House of Lords that Britain would not "carry out a policy of

which it did not approve" despite any UN action. He blamed contributions from American Jews to the Palestine

terrorists as aiding terrorism there and cited the toll since August 1, 1945: 113 killed, 249 wounded, 168 Jews

convicted, 28 sentenced to death, four executed, 33 terrorists slain in battles. Viscount Samuel urged increased



April 23, 1947, Palestine. The Irgun proclaimed its own "military courts" to "try" British troops and policemen

who resisted them.


April 24, 1947, Palestine. Lt. General Sir Alan Cunningham, Palestine High Commissioner flew to Egypt and

requested Lt General Sir Miles Dempsey, Middle-East land force commander, for more troops to be sent to Palestine.


April 25, 1947, Tel Aviv. A Stern gang squad drove a stolen post office truck loaded with explosives into the

Sarona police compound and detonated it, killing five British policemen.


April 26, 1947, Haifa. The murder of Deputy Police Superintendent A. Conquest climaxed a week of bloodshed.


May 4,1947, Acre. The walls of Acre prison were blasted open by an Irgun bomb squad and 251 Jewish and Arab

prisoners escaped after a gun battle in which 15 Jews and 1 Arab were killed, 32 (including six British guards)

were injured and 23 escapists were recaptured. The Palestine Government promised no extra punishment if the

189 escapees still at large will surrender.


May 6, 1947, Jerusalem. former British Commando Sgt Dov Bernard Cohen, head of the Acre bomb squad, was

fatally wounded in the attack.


May 4, 1947, New York. The Political Action Committee for Palestine ran a series of advertisements in New York

newspapers seeking funds to buy parachutes for young European Jews planning to crash the Palestine immigration

barrier by air.


May 8, 1947, Tel Aviv. A Jew was ambushed and shot to death by an Arab group near Tel Aviv, and three

Jewish-owned Tel Aviv shops whose owners refused to contribute money to Jewish terrorist groups were burned down.


May 12, 1947, Jerusalem. Jewish terrorists killed two British policemen.


May 12, 1947, Jerusalem. The British authorities announced that 3l2 Jewish political prisoners were held in Kenya,

East Africa, 247 in Latrun and 34 in Bethlehem, Palestine.


May 15, 1947, The Stern gang killed two British lieutenants and injured seven other persons with two derailments

and three bridge demolitions.


May 16, 1947, Palestine. On the fifth day of another terrorist drive, Haifa Assistant Police Superintendent, Robert

Schindler, a German Jew, was murdered by the Stern gang, and a British constable was killed on the

Mt. Carmel-Haifa road near Jerusalem.


May 17, 1947, Haifa. The 1,200-ton Haganah freighter "Trade Winds" was seized by the Royal Navy off the Lebanon

coast and escorted into Haifa, and over 1,000 illegal immigrants were disembarked pending transfer to Cyprus.


May 19, 1947, London. The British government protested to the United States government against American

fund-raising drives for Palestine terrorist groups. The complaint referred to a "Letter to the Terrorists of Palestine"

by playwright Ben Hecht, American League for a Free Palestine co-chairman, first published in the New York 'Post"

on May 15. The ad said, "We are out to raise millions for you."


May 22, 1947, Palestine. Arabs attacked a Jewish labor camp in southern Palestine, retaliating for a Haganah raid

on the Arabs near Tel Aviv, May 20. Some 40,000 Arab and Jewish workers united the same day in a one-day strike

against all establishments operated by the British War Ministry


May 23, 1947, Palestine. A British naval party boarded the immigrant ship "Mordei Haghettoath" off South Palestine

and took control of its 1,500 passengers. Two British soldiers were convicted in Jerusalem of abandoning a jeep and

army mail under a terrorist attack.


May 27, 1947, Germany. Jewish underground migration officials in Frankfurt-am-Main declared they hoped to

transport 1,000,000 Jews from Europe to Palestine, 30,000 of them this summer. The Costa Rican ship "Colony Trader"

has been detained at Gibraltar under suspicion of its use for smuggling illegal immigrants into Palestine. London is

investigating reports that non-Jewish Poles and Slavs in DP camps are being recruited for the Palestine army. Other

investigations are being conducted into persistent reports that Soviet Russia has been supplying technical advisors

to The Jewish terrorist groups.


May 28, 1947, Syria. Fawzi el-Kawukji who spent the war years in Germany after leading the 1936-39 Arab revolt in

Palestine, told reporters in Damascus that an unfavorable decision by the UN inquiry group would be the signal for

war against the Jews in Palestine. "We must prove that in case" of an Anglo-American war with Russia, "we can be

more dangerous or useful to them than the Jews," he added.


May 28, 1947, Haifa. Jewish terrorists blew up a water main and a shed in the Haifa oil dock areas and made three

attacks on railway lines in the Lydda and Haifa areas.


May 31, 1947, Haifa. The Haganah ship "Yehuda Halevy" arrived under British naval escort with 399 illegal Jewish

immigrants, the first from Arab territories. They were immediately transshipped to Cyprus.


June 4, 1947, London. The terrorist Jewish Stern gang sent letter bombs to high British governmental officials.

Eight letter bombs containing powdered gelignite explosive were discovered in London. Recipients included

Ernest Bevan, Anthony Eden, Prime Minister Attlee and Winston Churchill.


June 5, 1947, Washington. President Truman asked all persons in the US. to refrain from helping Palestine

terrorists. The American Jewish Committee and Jewish Labor Committee condemned Ben Hecht's campaign

for Palestine terrorist funds.


June 5, 1947, Tel Aviv. Jewish terrorist mines wrecked two trains near Tel Aviv and Haifa and the Athlit

railroad station but without casualties.


June 6, 1947, London. Scotland Yard official now acknowledge that a total of 20 letter bombs have been found.


June 6, 1947, New York. Secretary General of the UN, Trygve Lie has forwarded a request to all countries a

tequest by the British that they guard their frontiers against departure of illegal immigrants bound for Palestine.


June 18, 1947, Tel Aviv. Haganah disclosed that one of its men was killed by a booby trap which foiled an Irgun

plot to blow up British Military Headquarters in Tel Aviv.


June 19, 1947, Jerusalem. Major Roy Farran, held in connection with the disappearance of a 16-year-old Jew,

escaped from custody in the army barracks in Jerusalem.


June 28, 1947, Palestine. The terrorist Stern gang opened fire on British soldiers waiting in line outside a

Tel Aviv theater, killing three and wounding two. Another Briton is killed and several wounded in a Haifa hotel.

This action was claimed by Jewish terrorists to be in retaliation for British brutality and the alleged slaying of a

 missing 16 year old Jew, Alexander Rubowitz while he was being held in an Army barracks on May 6.


June 29, 1947, New York. The UN Committee votes 9-0 to condemn the acts of terrorism as "flagrant disregard"

of the UN appeal for an interim truce as Stern terrorists wounded four more British soldiers on a beach at Herzila.

Major Roy Alexander Farran surrendered voluntarily after his escape from custody in Jerusalem on June 19.

He had been arrested in connection with the Rubowitz case.


June 30, 1947, Jerusalem. The Palestine government permitted oil companies to raise prices of benzene nearly

10% to pay for $1 million damage suffered when Jewish terrorists blew up oil installations at Haifa on March 31.


July 1, 1947, Jerusalem. The British Government rejected the UN Commission's move to halt the execution of

three Irgun members convicted of terrorism and also said that the UN Assembly truce resolution of May 15 had

no bearing on "the normal processes of the administration of justice" in Palestine.


July 2, 1947, Haifa. Irgun members robbed a Haifa bank of $3,200 while both the Stem gang and the Irgun warned

the British that their "provocative" acts in Palestine must end before a truce can be effected. The Guatemalan and

Czech members of the UN Commission visited two Jewish convicts in Acre Prison. In Pretoria, South Africa,

Prime Minister Smuts, who was a party to the Balfour Declaration, said "the promise of a national home in

Palestine never meant the whole of Palestine." He favored partition into Arab and Jewish states.


July 12, 1947, Jerusalem. Dr. Ariem Altman, president of the United Zionist Revisionists, told a party rally in

Jerusalem that the Revisionists would settle for nothing less than an unpartitioned free Jewish state in

Palestine and Trans-Jordan. Irgun announced in Jerusalem that two British sergeants kidnapped in Nathanaya

are being held in Tel Aviv and have been sentenced to death by Irgun court-martial.


July 14, 1947, Nathanya. The British imposed martial law and placed the 15,000 inhabitants of Nathanya

under house arrest. They made 68 arrests and sentenced 21 persons to 6 months each in the Latrun detention camp.


July 17, 1947, Nathanya. The Irgun in five mine opera-lions against military traffic to and from Nathanya

killed one Briton and injured 16.


July 17, 1947, Nethanya. Mines killed a second Briton and injured seven.


July 18, 1947, Haifa. The American-manned Haganah refugee ship "Exodus 1947" (formerly the 'President Warfield")

was escorted into Haifa by British naval units after a battle in which the American first mate, William Bernstein and

two immigrants were killed and more than 30 injured. The blockade runner itself was badly damaged. The remainder

of the 4,554 passengers, the largest group of illegal immigrants to sail for Palestine in a single ship, were put aboard

British prison ships for removal to Cyprus. The American captain, Bernard Marks, and his crew were arrested.

The ship sailed from France.


July 19, 1947, Haifa. Rioting, quickly suppressed, broke out among the passengers of the "Exodus 1947" when

they learned they were to be returned to France


July 19, 1947, Jerusalem. The Palestine Government charges that a Jewish "campaign of lawlessness, murder

and sabotage" has cost 70 lives and $6 million in damage since 1940.


July 21, 1947, Jerusalem. Before officially admitting that 4,529 passengers of the "Exodus 1947" who had been

transferred to three British ships, were being sent not to Cyprus but back to France, the Palestine Government

took the precaution of first placing Jerusalem's 90,000 Jews under nightly house arrest.


July 23, 1947, Haifa. Haganah sank the British transport "Empire Lifeguard" in Haifa harbor as it was discharging

300 Jewish immigrants who had officially been admitted to Palestine under quota. Sixty-five immigrants were

killed and 40 were wounded. The British were able to refloat the ship.


July 24, 1947, Amman, Trans-Jordan. Seven members of the UN Palestine Commission flew to Amman and were

informed by Jordanian Premier Samir Pasha el Rifai that: (1) Palestine belongs to the Arabs; (2) the Arabs never

accepted the Balfour Declaration; (3) the Jews are imperialistic invaders whose immigration "must be stopped

forthwith"; (5) Palestine should get unpartitioned independence under the Arab majority; (6) the plight of European

refugees does not concern Palestine; (7) the Arabs will justly resist with force any unfavorable decision.


July 26, 1947. Jewish terrorists blew up the Iraqi Petroleum Co. pipeline 12 miles east of Haifa and destroyed a

Mt. Carmel radar station.


July 26, 1947, Palestine. Two British soldiers were killed by a booby trap near Jerusalem, raising the week's violence

toll to 12 killed and 75 wounded.


July 26, 1947, Palestine. Menachem Begin, leader of the Irgun, announced from his secret headquarters that Haganah

had planned the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946 in which 91 persons were killed.


July 27, 1947, Palestine. An ambush and mines cost the British seven more casualties, all wounded.


July 28, 1947, Haifa. Two small Haganah ships loaded with 1,174 Jews from North Africa were intercepted by British

naval units off Palestine and brought into Haifa. The illegal immigrants were transshipped aboard British transports

and taken to Cyprus.


July 29, 1947, Palestine. The British authorities hanged three Irgunists in Acre prison despite appeals from Jewish

leaders. The condemned, Myer Nakar, Absalom Habib and Jacob Weiss, had fought in the Czech underground during

the war. They were convicted of blowing up Acre Prison on May 4 and liberating 200 Arabs and Jews.


July 29, 1947, France. The 4,429 "Exodus 1947" illegal immigrants who sailed from Sate, France, July 11 for Palestine

only to be shipped back by the British aboard three transports, refused to debark as the vessels anchored off

Port de Douc, France. Only a few who were ill went ashore. The French government informed the refugees that they

do not have to debark but will be welcomed if they do. The transports are the "Runnymede Park," "Ocean Vigour"

and "Empire Valour"


July 30, 1947, Palestine. Irgun terrorists announced that they have hanged two British sergeants, Marvyn Paice and

Jifford Martin, whom they had held as hostages since July 12, for "crimes against the Jewish community." The two

were seized when death sentences on the three Irgun members were confirmed by the British authorities. Two more

British soldiers were killed by a land mine near Hadera. British troops attacked the Jewish colony of Pardes Hanna

in revenge for the murders.


July 31, 1947, Nathanya. The bodies of the two murdered British sergeants were found hanging from eucalyptus

trees one and a half miles from Nathanya about 530 AM. A booby trap blew Martin's body to bits when it was cut

down. Enraged British troops stormed into Tel Aviv, wrecked shops, attacked pedestrians and sprayed a bus with

gunfire killing five Jews: two men, two women and a boy.


August 1, 1947, Tel Aviv. Thirty-three Jews are injured in an anti-British riot at Tel Aviv during the funeral procession

 of five civilians killed by British soldiers on July 31. In Jerusalem a Jewish terrorist attack on the British security zone

 in Rehavia was repulsed with one attacker killed and two captured.


August 2, 1947, Tel Aviv. The body of an unidentified Jew was found on a road near Tel Aviv. He was believed to have

been kidnapped by men in British uniforms two weeks ago. Total casualties in Palestine since mid-July: 25 persons

slain, 144 wounded. The dead include 15 Britons, two Jewish terrorists, eight civilians. Anti-British slogans, swastikas

and dollar signs are painted onto British consulates in New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles.


August 3, 1947, Palestine. Haganah warned in Jerusalem that the Britons who killed five Jews in Tel Aviv On July 31

will be found and punished.


August 4, 1947, Paris. An Irgun leader in Paris states that his organization has sentenced high British military and

civilian officials in Palestine to death "in absentia" and will hang them upon capture.


August 4, 1947, Palestine. British troops blew up a Jewish house in a Jerusalem suburb in which arms were found.

Jewish terrorists robbed Barclays' Bank in Tel Aviv of $5200 and a Haganah member was killed.


August 5, 1947, Palestine. Striking at dawn, British security forces arrested 35 leading Zionists and sent them to the

Latrun detention camp in an attempt to wipe out the Irgun leadership. In reprisal, Irgunists blew up the Department

of Labor in Jerusalem, killing three British constables. Those arrested included Mayor Israel Rokach of Tel Aviv;

Mayor Oved Ben Ami of Nathanya; Mayor Abraham Krinitzki of Ramat Gan, Arieh Altman, president of the radical

Revisionist Party; Menahem Arber, leader of the Revisionist youth organization, B'rith Trumpeldor, which is outlawed;

Max Kritzman, Dov Bela Gruner's attorney, and David Stern, brother of the late founder of the Stem gang.All those

arrested except the three mayors were Revisionists. Among many papers confiscated was correspondence from

Soviet Russian agents in Italy and Bulgaria and extensive plans to poison the water supply of the non-Jewish parts

of Jerusalem with botulism, anthrax and other bacteria. Bacteria was supplied by Soviet sources through Bulgaria.


August 5, 1947, England. Anti-Semitic outbreaks slackened after five days of rock throwing, window-smashing and

other incidents including daubing Jewish businesses with swastikas and numerous assaults on British Jews. These

incidents occurred in Liverpool, Manchester, Cardiff (Wales), Leeds, London and Birmingham as retaliation for the

murder of two British sergeants in Palestine. Thirty-eight persons were arrested in Liverpool but in the main, the

British police ignored the rioters and permitted them to run their course.


August 8, 1947, Palestine. The Bank of Sharon in Ramat Can was robbed by Jewish terrorists of $8,000.


August 14, 1947, Geneva. The UN Special Subcommittee on Palestine returned to Geneva after a seven-day tour

of DP camps in Austria and Germany. The tour took the group to Munich, Vienna, Berlin and Hamburg. In Berlin it

heard reports August 13 from General Lucius D. Clay, US. Military Governor. Clay testified that anti-Semitism is

growing very sharply among the ranks of the US. military units in the US. Zones of Austria and Germany because

of the violent, asocial and criminal behavior of the Eastern European DPs, all of whom are Jewish. He

recommended that these DPs be allowed to enter Palestine before some incident with American soldiers,

who have been beaten, robbed and killed by Jewish DPs, leads to severe spontaneous reactions on the part

of other soldiers. His views were seconded very strongly by Sir Brian Robertson, Deputy British Military Governor.


August 15, 1947, Palestine. A mine derailed a Cairo-Haifa troop train north of Lydda, killing the engineer, and

Irgun terrorists claimed the incident was part of its campaign to disrupt all the Palestine rail traffic.


August 16, 1947, Palestine. Arab-Jewish clashes have brought death to l2 Arabs and l3 Jews and heavy property

destruction this week in the regions of Jewish Tel Aviv and Arab Jaffa. Interracial strife was renewed on August

10 when Arabs killed four Jews in a Tel Aviv cafe, in reprisal for the deaths of two Arabs in a Haganah raid in

Fega two months ago. Haganah responded to the Arab actions by bombing a house in an Arab orange grove

near Tel Aviv, killing eleven Arabs, including a woman and four children. British military curfews imposed on

August 13 on slum districts between modern Tel Aviv and Jaffa have failed to prevent mounting casualties.

British military authorities, citing captured intelligence and statements from Jewish defectors from terrorist

organizations, state that it now appears that the Jewish terrorists are beginning to attack Arabs where ever

they found them because Jews wish the Arabs to be driven out of Palestine entirely.


August 18, 1947, Palestine. The shops of five Jewish merchants in Tel Aviv were destroyed by the Irgun

because the owners refused to give money to that organization.


August 23, 1947, Jerusalem. British authorities reported that five Arabs in one family; two men, one woman

and two children, were murdered by Jewish terrorists as retaliation for the British arrest of two Irgun leaders

on August15.


September 9, 1947. Hamburg, Germany. In a bitter three-hour fight aboard the "Runnymede Park," 350 British

troops completed a two-day forced debarkation of 4,300 "Exodus 1947" illegal Jewish refugees from three ships

in Hamburg, Germany. First ashore yesterday were the "Ocean Vigour's"1,406; a few put up token resistance

and five passengers sustained minor injuries. Early today, the "Empire Rival's" 1,420 passengers debarked

peaceably after a home made bomb was found in the ship's hold. Many of the "Runnymede Park's" 1,485

passengers fiercely resisted the debarkation process and British military units had to use fire hoses and

truncheons to rout resisters below decks. The Jews were taken ashore screaming "Nazis" to the British.

"Runnymede Park" casualties, officially, were 24 Jews and three Britons injured, with 50 leaders of the

resistance on that ship taken to jail. German police broke up a Hamburg demonstration by 1,300 Jewish

DPs from the Bergen-Belsen camp, where British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin was hanged in effigy on

September 7. The debarked "Exodus" passengers were interned in Poppendorf camp near Luebeck for

screening by nationalities and at first all of them refused to cooperate with British authorities until

the passengers were threatened with a diet of bread and water.


September 10, 1947, Washington D.C. Secretary of State George C. Marshall disclosed that the US.

had urged Britain to reconsider sending the "Exodus" group to Germany, but Britain replied that

there were no facilities for housing them elsewhere because the French did not want them and

there were a number of vacant detention camps in Germany.


September 11, 1947, Paris. The French government has now announced that it would admit the

"Exodus" refugees if they were not forcibly deported from Germany and on the understanding that

they will be admitted eventually to Palestine.


September 7, 1947, Paris. French police state a Stern gang plot to attack London with home-made

fire extinguisher bombs from the air was thwarted through the cooperation of Reginald Gilbert of

St Louis, Missouri, a student and wartime RCAF and AAF pilot He was taken into custody with

Rabbi Baruch Korif, of New York, cochairman of the Political Action Committee for Palestine,

and Judith Rosenberger, Hungarian-born Stern gang member, as the three started to enter a

private plane last night at Toussus-le-Noble field near Versailles. Gilbert informed French police

that Korif had approached him in Paris a week ago with an offer for flying a bombing mission

over London the day of the" Exodus" illegal immigrant landings in Germany. Gilbert accepted

for some other pilot who would actually perform the mission. He at once notified Paris police,

then worked with them and Scotland Yard while pretending to go through with the Stern gang's

plot. Korff was charged in Paris on September 9 with illegal possession of bombs he was

intending to drop on London. He began a hunger strike. Paris police state that nine other

conspirators were in custody.


September 12, 1947, Palestine. Irgun has threatened to assassinate British representatives

in the US. Zone of Germany and all British delegations there are under 24-hour guard, the US.

command announced in Frankfurt-on-the Main. A probe of Irgun thefts from US. army

ammunition depots in Germany was reported on September 7.


September 20, 1947, Jerusalem. British raids September 16-19 uncovered several arms

caches and terrorist hideouts in the Jerusalem area. The home of David Ben-Gurion,

Jewish Agency executive chairman was robbed of important papers September 18.

In Paris, Rabbi Baruch Korff, leader of a Stern gang plot to bomb London, ended a hunger

strike in Sante prison on September 15.


October 13, 1947. Jerusalem. A terrorist bomb damaged the US. consulate general in Jerusalem,

injuring two employees slightly. Similar bombings occurred at the Polish consulate general last

night and at the Swedish consulate on September 27.In Baghdad, the Iraq foreign office advised

an American House Foreign Affairs Committee group not to make a projected visit there because

of "high feeling" over US. endorsement of partitioning of Palestine. The State Department in

Washington announced it will issue no passports to American citizens who want to take part in

terrorism in Palestine; Americans so involved will forfeit protection normally due US. citizens abroad.


October 18, 1947, Palestine. The Palestine Government states that Palestine Arab forces have

been sent from the Trans-Jordan frontier to the Syrian and Lebanon borders to replace a British

brigade which recently left Palestine. Zionists protested having Arab troops on the border of

northern Palestine.


November 14, 1947, Palestine. Jewish terrorists killed two British policemen in Jerusalem and

two soldiers in Tel Aviv to raise the total casualties in three days of violence to 10 Britons and

five Jews killed and 33 Britons and five Jews wounded. The outbreaks began after British troops

killed three girls and two boys in a raid on a farmhouse arsenal near Raanana on November 12.

The terrorists retaliated yesterday by throwing hand grenades and firing a machine gun into the

Ritz Cafe in Jerusalem.


November 15, 1947, London. The British Foreign Office denied Jerusalem press reports that

Britain planned to take over any financial surplus left in Palestine's treasury to pay for the costs

of evacuation and combating unauthorized Jewish immigration.


November 16, 1947, Palestine. About 185 European Jews landed near Nahariya from a small

schooner and escaped before the British could intercept them. A larger vessel, the "Kadimah,"

was seized and brought to Haifa where 794 Jews were transshipped to a British transport for Cyprus.


November 17, 1947, Jerusalem. The British administration disclosed that it will sell state-owned

real estate along the Haifa waterfront, from which it expects to make $8 million. It will also invest

in England about $16 million from bonds that had been sold to Palestinians. Zionists strongly protested

this as they said it would denude Palestine of its assets. There was no comment from the administration

to these charges.


November 22, 1947, Haifa. Another Arab was murdered in Haifa by the Stern gang following their execution

of four Arabs near Raanana November 20 in retaliation for the British shooting of five Stern gang members

on November12. Arabs retaliated against this killing at Raanana by wounding five Jews on a bus near Tel

Aviv on November 20.


November 30- December 6, 1947, Palestine. A week of disorders brought on by Arab wrath over the UN's

decision to partition the Holy Land ended with at least 159 killed in the Middle East, 66 in Palestine.

While Jews in Palestine, Europe and the US. celebrated and began planning their new state and the UN

moved to implement its plan, war talk was rife throughout the Arab world. The Arab League announced

on December 1 that premiers and foreign ministers of seven Arab states would meet in Cairo next week

to plan strategy against partition. In Palestine: Jerusalem and the Jaffa Tel Aviv boundary zone were

centers of week-long strife which began when seven Jews were killed throughout Palestine on November

30 and the mayor of Nablus, Arab nationalist center, proclaimed jihad or a holy war. British High

Commissioner Sir Alan Cunningham warned the Arab Higher Command on December 1 that Britain was

determined to keep order so long as it held its mandate, and police stopped Arab agitators from raising

crowds in Jerusalem. But Jewish celebrations there were stoned. Arabs looted and burned a three-block

Jewish business district in Jerusalem on December 2, the first day of a three-day Arab general strike

during which 20 Jews and l5 Arabs were killed. When British troops failed to intervene, Haganah

(unofficial Zionist militia) came into the open for the first time in eight years to restrain large-scale

Jewish retaliation and also guard Jewish districts. Some Haganah men were arrested for possessing

weapons. The day's strife caused $1 million worth of damage and resulted in a 24-hour curfew being

applied to Arab Jerusalem for the rest of the week. The curfew was extended to outlying roads on

December 3 to stop stonings of Jewish traffic and keep rural Arabs out of the capital. Max Pinn,

head of the Jewish Agency's Trade and Transfer Department was killed on December 2 when Arabs

stoned his auto near Ramleh. On this day Jews stoned Arab buses in Jerusalem. On the Jaffa-Tel Aviv

boundary, which also is under around-the-clock curfew, the week's heaviest battle was a six-hour clash

between Hagariah and Arabs on December 3 in which seven Jews and five Arabs were killed and 75

 persons injured. On December 2, Haganah claimed to have mobilized 10,000 men in the intercity

trouble zone, and the Arab Legion of Trans-Jordan reported on this date that it had reinforced Jaffa.

Seven Jews were killed in Jaffa-Tel Aviv on this date. There were lesser attacks in Haifa this week.

It becomes clearly evident that the partition is not going as planned and that although the Jews are

pleased, the Arabs are not. There appears to be no way to control the Jews or their determination to

drive all of the Arabs out of Jerusalem by force if necessary. The Arabs, initially living in peace with the

Jewish minority, have been increasingly victimized by the Jews who, now that the British are leaving,

are turning their savage behavior against them. The Jews have redoubled their efforts to build a military

force and arm them. They claim that this force is to protect the Jewish population against attacks from

the Arab countries as well as the Arab population of Jerusalem but an even stronger argument can be

made that the Zionists are determined to drive out the Arab population by armed force. The initial Arab

response to Jewish harassment over the past year has been very slow in coming but it seems to be quite

inevitable and a terrible civil war is foreseen. The United States Department of State announced on

 December 5, 1947 that they were placing an embargo on all American arms shipments to the Middle

East It appears that the Soviets have been sending weapons – mostly captured German pieces, to assist

the Zionists and accompanying these clandestine arms shipments the Soviets have also sent a very

sizable contingent of instructors and advisors to Palestine in months past As many of the Zionists are

Russian or Polish in origin, these Communist Russians have been received gladly by the Jewish extremists

and quickly blend in with the local populations. Soviet interest in Middle East oil and an overriding interest

in obtaining warm-water ports are a prime factor in their interest in a Jewish state in Palestine. The

most violent reactions in the Arab world to the UN partition idea are Syrian and Egyptian. However,

it is noted that the worst outbreak of anti-partition violence outside Palestine occurred in Aden,

a British colony at the entrance to the Red Sea. On December 5, British military reinforcements were

sent to Aden after four days of Arab-Jewish fighting in which 5O Jews and 25 Arabs were killed. In Syria,

public demonstrations by the Arab population paralyzed business in Damascus earlier this week. The

Soviet cultural center and Communist headquarters in Damascus were wrecked on November 30 with

four persons killed. The Syrian Communist Party was officially disbanded by the government and the

US. and British Embassy flags were torn down. On December 1, Syria introduced military training into

all boys' schools and on December 2, the Syrian Parliament enacted a draft law and voted $860,000 for

the relief of Palestinian Arabs. On the same day Arabs attacked the Jewish part of Aleppo. In Egypt

the Chamber of Deputies resolved on December 1 to help keep Palestine a totally Arab state and to

support the Arab population of Palestine against attacks by the Jewish minority. There were repeated anti-US.

And British demonstration in Egypt's main cities, and the British Institute in Zagazig was burned on December 2.

All public meetings were banned in Cairo after Egyptian police fought with 15,000 people on December 4.

In Lebanon, Arab students smashed the windows of the US. Legation in Beirut on December 1 and Lebanese

Communists demonstrated against the partition of Palestine and all schools were closed to prevent student

disorders. In Iraq, students in Baghdad wrecked the US. Information offices on December 4. In Saudi Arabia,

anti-American demonstrations by Arabs in the oil fields were restrained by the government


December 13, 1947, Palestine. Jewish terrorists shifted from defense to attack in the second week of conflict

with the Arabs since the UN voted for partition of Palestine. The death toll for the past 14 days was at least

220 in Palestine and 336 in the Middle East, including 111 in Aden. Arab retaliatory raids at Jaffa and Tel Aviv

had killed 30 Jews and Arabs when local businessmen on both sides arranged for a truce on December 10 to

effect an orange harvest On December 11, however, the Arabs renewed their assaults in the Old City of

Jerusalem, which was the worst day of the current strife with 41 fatalities throughout Palestine.

On December 12, Haganah launched attacks on both the Arabs and British with a death toll of 20 Arabs,

five Jews and two British soldiers killed. On December 13, bombings by the Irgun killed at least 16 Arabs

and injured 67 more in Jerusalem and Jaffa and burned down a hundred Arab houses in Jaffa. In Syria,

an anti-Jewish attack in retaliation for the Irgun actions burned down a 2,750-year old synagogue in

Aleppo and destroyed the priceless Ben-Asher Codex, a 10th century Hebrew Bible of original Old

Testament manuscripts.


December 14, 1947, Lydda. Regular troops of the Arab Legion of the Trans-Jordan Army killed 14 Jews

and wounded nine Jews, two British soldiers and one Arab when they attacked a bus convoy

approaching their camp near Lydda. The Arabs said the Jews attacked them first


December 17, 1947, Cairo. Premiers of the seven Arab League states called on the Arabs to "prepare

for the struggle." They promised to "prosecute the fight until victorious" General Nuri as-Said Pasha,

president of the Iraqi Senate, accused the US. of breaking a promise of neutrality.


December 17, 1947, Nevatim. British troops came to the aid of police standing off a raid by 100 Arabs

on the Jewish settlement of Nevatim, seven miles west of Beersheba.


December 18, 1947, Khisas. Haganah killed 10 Arabs, including five children in a reprisal raid on Khisas

in Northern Palestine.


December 19, 1947, Damascus. Reliable reports from Damascus state that Arab guerrillas are massing

there in preparation to launching an attack into Palestine before the first of the year.


December 20, 1947, Palestine. Haganah carried out another raid on Arabs by attacking the village of

Qazasa near Rehovoth. One Arab was killed and two were wounded.


December 21, 1947, Jerusalem. The Jewish Agency gave official approval for Haganah to make reprisal

raids on Arab villages and "exterminate nests of brigands."


December 25, 1941, Haifa. Emir Mohammed Zeinati, an Arab landowner, was killed in Haifa for selling

land to the Jews.


December 25, 1947, Tel Aviv. Stern gang terrorists machine-gunned two British soldiers in a Tel Aviv cafe.


December 26, 1947, Palestine. Armed Jewish terrorists raided two diamond factories in Nazthaanya and

Tel Aviv and escaped with $107,000 in diamonds, cash and bonds.

The Stern gang distributed leaflets reporting that Israel Levin, a member, was murdered in Tel Aviv on

December 24 for trying to betray a Stern gang member.


December 29, 1947, Palestine. Irgun members kidnapped and flogged a British major and three sergeants

in retaliation for the flogging of Benjamin Kimkhim who was also sentenced to 18 years in prison on

December 27 for robbing a bank The major, E Brett, was seized in Nathanya and the sergeants in Tel Aviv

and Rishon el Siyon. Each got 18 lashes, the same number Kimkhim received.


December 29, 1947, Jerusalem. An Irgun terrorist bombing at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem killed 11

Arabs and two Britons.


December 30, 1947, London. The Dollis Hill Synagogue in London was set on fire and 12 sacred scrolls

were destroyed by angry British citizens who scrawled on the burned edifice "You whip – we burn."


December 21-31, 1947, Palestine. Arab-Jewish conflict in the Holy Land increased the death toll to 489

from violence in Palestine in the 33 days since the UN decided on partition.



January 3-10, 1948, Palestine. Extensive Jewish Agency purchases of US. war surplus high explosives with

 which to fight Arabs were disclosed in the New York City area. While 191 tons of TNT and the more

powerful M-3 were seized before shipment, 73 tons cleared New York for Palestine. The TNT shipment

 was accidentally discovered when longshore men loading the American Export Lines freighter "Executor"

in Jersey City on January 3, dropped a box marked "industrial machinery" and while attempting to repair

the box, found cans of TNT bearing US. Army markings. The "machinery" proved to be 32 1/2 tons of TNT,

which the US. Customs impounded as contraband because of the ban on American arms shipments to the

 Middle East On January 10, the FBI was attempting to trace the source of the contraband. The Jewish

Agency for Palestine acknowledged on January 10 that it had purchased 199 tons of M-3 from the War

Assets Administration at the Army's Seneca Ordnance Depot near Romulous, New York Federal and state

agents recovered 126 tons from a farmhouse and trucks near Asbury Park, New Jersey, and Barclay Heights

and Saugerties, New York on January 8-9 but 73 tons were believed to be en route to Palestine. The Jewish

Agency called its transaction with the WAA legal, admitted having set up "Foundry Associates, Inc." in New

York with a Haganah agent in charge, to buy explosives for their war on the Arabs. The FBI said Leonard

Weisman, president of three New York firms (Pratt Steamship Line, Material Redistribution Corporation and

Paragon Design and Development Co.) gave the Haganah agent office space but did nothing illegal. WAA

stopped all deliveries on unfulfilled orders on January 9 in the New York area. It said Foundry Associates,

Inc., had sworn that it was a normal trader in explosives, thereby qualifying to buy the M-3, and that the

export question was a US. Department of State matter.


January 4, 1948, Jaffa. A series of Jewish terrorist bombings inflicted heavy Arab casualties. 14 were

killed and 100 injured when the Stern gang destroyed the Arab National Committee headquarters in Jaffa.


January 5, 1948, Jerusalem. 15 Arabs were killed after Haganah bombed the Semiramis Hotel.


January 6, 1948, Jerusalem. The British Government denounced the Semiramis attack as "wholesale

murder of innocent people" but the Jewish Agency alleged that "Arab gangs" used the hotel and asked

why attacks on Jews had not been equally denounced.


14 Arabs were killed by two Irgun terrorist bombs at Jerusalem's Jaffa gate.


January 10, 1948, Jerusalem. The official death toll in Palestine since November 29 (when the UN

voted to give away Palestinian land for partition to European Zionsts) had risen to 646.


January 12, 1948, Tel Aviv. Stern gang members looted Barclays Bank in Tel Aviv of $37,000.


January 13, 1948. Washington. The US. War Assets Administration received orders from Army Secretary

Kenneth Royal to cancel its sale of 199 tons of M-3 explosive to a purchasing agent of the Jewish Agency,

which got 73 tons out of the country before the rest was seized.


January 14-15, 1948, New York The FBI arrested six Newark men on charges of trying to ship Haganah

60,000 pounds of TNT, which was seized in Jersey City after having been bought from the Letterkenny

Arsenal Ordnance Depot in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.


January 16-17, 1948, Haifa. Zionists claimed they had murdered 82Arabs, mostly civilians, in a 24 hour

period. In retaliation for the massacres, Arabs machine-gunned 35 Haganah men who were en route to

attack another Arab farming settlement.


January 17, 1948, Jerusalem: The official death toll of Arabs killed by Jewish terrorists since November

29 had risen to 831.


January 25, 1948, Jerusalem. Following the deaths of ten Jews and two Arabs killed in a battle outside

Jerusalem, British authorities stated that 721 Arabs, 408 Jews, 19 civilians and 12 British policemen

(a total of 1,160) had been killed in an eight-week period that 1,171 Arabs, 749 Jews, 13 civilians and

37 British officers had been wounded.


January 26, 1948, Palestine. Mrs. Gold Meyerson, Jewish Agency political director in Jerusalem, and

Mote Sheraton, chief of all Agency political operations, told the UN Palestine Commission that Jews

must arm against possible Arab threats and Sheraton demanded a UN policy that would compel the

US. to lift its embargo on arms destined

for Jewish groups in the Middle East


January 28, 1948, Jerusalem. Rabbi Hillel Silver, chief of the Jewish Agency's American division, cut

short a trip to Jerusalem to return to the US. and campaign for American public support of armed

Jewish backing for partition and eventual Zionist control of all Palestine. On January 27, his agency

called upon 15,000 young men and women to join Haganah by February 15. British intelligence reports

indicate that Haganah had grown from 3,500 to 12,000 full-time members since December 1.


January 31, 1948, London. British Foreign Office officials revealed that over 1,000 Soviets, all

Russian-speaking Communist military technicians, had been intercepted on the immigrant ships

"Pan York" and "Pan Crescent"


February 1, 1948, Jerusalem. Arab groups took credit for a bombing that destroyed the "Palestine Post"

building. The newspaper had an extensive history of inciting the Jewish inhabitants of Jerusalem to

"destroy Arabs and force them out" of Palestine.


February 1, 1948, Milwaukee. WI, Moshe Shertok, Jewish Agency political director, stated that statements

that Communist agents were among the intercepted "Pan York" and "Pan Crescent" immigrants from

Bulgaria were untrue. Shartok cited a statement from Cyprus refugee camp commissioner, Sir Godfrey Collins,

confirming his statement Collins subsequently denied making such a statement .Shertok further said that the

Jews of Palestine welcomed all Jews into their country and that Jewish Communists were equally welcome.

He denied rumors of Soviet clandestine assistance to various Jewish terrorist groups.


February 3, 1948, Jerusalem. Stern gang terrorists killed two British policemen because the bombers of the

"Post" had allegedly worn police uniforms. Arabs attacked the Jerusalem Central Prison but were driven off

by the guards.


The British Foreign Office sent Bulgaria a note of rebuke for "deliberately conniving" in the transshipment of

illegal Soviet immigrants to Palestine.


February 10, 1948, Jerusalem. British military units prevented Arabs from bringing dynamite and firebombs

into Jerusalem's Old City in an attempt to blow up its Jewish Quarter.


February 10, 1948, Palestine. Jewish terrorist groups murdered ten Arabs near an RAF camp in central

Palestine A further 23 Arabs were murdered by Jewish groups throughout Palestine.


February 11, 1948, Palestine. The British Royal Navy intercepted the ship "Beleaguered Jerusalem" off

Nahariya and its 679 Jewish illegal immigrants were transshipped to Cyprus.


February 13, 1948, Palestine. A British Army sergeant was arrested in a probe of the death of four Jewish

terrorists who were arrested at their sniper post and then released in an Arab neighborhood. The Jews

were immediately stoned to death by the Arabs.


February 15, 1948, Galilee. Jewish terrorists raided an Arab settlement in upper Galilee, killing 30 Arabs,

including 10 children, and blew up bridges.


February 16, 1948, New York The UN Palestine Commission reported to the ...

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