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Holocaust Denial Videos

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*9 hours of internet video about how the holocaust is a hoax

One Third of the Holocaust

Explains how Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec were not death camps, thereby debunking 1/3 of the holocaust. Banned at Youtube. 30 episodes. 4 hours 15 min. Click the above image to view.


Buchenwald: A Psyche Warfare Operation. Explains General Dwight D. Eisenhower's role in the holocaust hoax (through his own Psyche Warfare unit) and how he used the hoax to rise to be President of the United States. 22 episodes. 2 hours 22 min. Click the above image to view.

Phil Donahue Holocaust Denial

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

In 1994, two gas chamber deniers, Bradley Smith and David Cole went on national television and debated with Michael Shermer and a former Auschwitz inmate. The maker of One Third Of The Holocaust analyzes what happened.

Auschwitz David Cole

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

The David Cole Video. A young Jewish holocaust denier, posing as a believer, puts some hard questions to the senior curator of the Auschwitz State Museum. After making this video, a "hit" was put out on Cole, and a reward for information on his whereabouts was issued by Irv Rubin (who years later, was arrested by the FBI for planning to kill a Lebanese-American Congressman.) Fearing assassination, Cole went into hiding. He never surfaced again publicly. (1992, 52 minutes)

Nazi Shrunken Heads

Explains how the media and politicians manipulate the masses to be pro-war by using myths. Discusses not only the holocaust myth, but also myths promoting Western aggression toward Africa and the Middle East. 25 minutes. Click above image to view.



Written Work:


A Videomaker's Blog

Stroop Report Forgery

Konrad Morgen

Thomas Blatt Sobibor Fraud






This website advocates kindness and good vibes toward all Jewish people.

We like black people and people of all races, nationalities, religions; and we like gay people.

We feel that it was Hitler's belief in military solutions that was primarily responsible

for the European disaster that was World War II. We just believe the holocaust is a hoax.

We are anti-militarists first, and holocaust deniers second.

Today it is the holocaust myth that props up militarism. Here's why:


Of the many terrible things about World War II, the single worst thing wasn't the holocaust, because that's a hoax. The worst thing was German soldiers fighting Soviet soldiers because millions of young men died. That was the single worst thing out of many terrible things. And the lesson from that is militarism and military solutions are always a disaster. That lesson is obscured when the worst thing about World War II is considered to be the holocaust because then the opposite conclusion is drawn: militarism seems good. Righteous militarism to defeat Hitler. Fighting intolerance. And the "fighting for tolerance" angle was used to justify the US invasion of Serbia/Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. The wrong conclusions about World War II based on the false information that is the holocaust, reverberate into militaristic solutions creating disasters today.

Because the holocaust myth was never exposed, the masses never lost their gullibility and are easily manipulated for pro-war purposes. Case in point: before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, most Americans believed Saddam Hussein had killed millions of his own people. They also believed he had weapons of mass destruction.

These videos try to break the myth down into understandable pieces, camp by camp, detail by detail.

The holocaust myth holds up militarism. It's time for the West to move past both.