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Wheels Within Wheels - But Where Are WE Going?

Jim Kirwan

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Looking back over the last four decades it's clear that Bush was only the outgrowth of the depth-of-corruption that came before him; and yet for all the blind treachery of his darkest deeds what has been accomplished? So many sinister schemes and plans in which each 'promised' some major catastrophe; but still, these potential nightmares litter the landscape of the nation, seemingly without conclusions.

What became of Old New Orleans and all the secret deeds that in the end simply left the ruins and the ashes where they fell, as the jack-booted mercenary's slipped quietly back into the shadows: Just as the new-carpet-baggers came to redistribute the wealth and develop that newly stolen land. Or for that matter what ever happened down in Texas to that island in the Gulf-Galveston was it? What of Houston, and the damage from that most recent hurricane? The damage was done in all these cases, and the hollow promises were made and broken as surely as night follows day: but in the end what was the purpose behind the lies the government handed out like candy on Halloween?

What about all those 'Camps' ­ the ones where we're all supposed to be confined, once the hammers really begin to fall on all our days? Am I missing something here-and why are so few interested in these things, after they have left the headlines? These things and dozens of other political cul-de-sacs tend to linger at the edge of thought; and since that's been true for years now I began to wonder just how it is, that so much remains unfinished?

For years I've thought that what our owners were aiming for was a re-run in some form of what Rothschild did to the English Stock Market.

"The first scam involved the Battle of Waterloo.

With Wellington about to engage Napoleon, Rothschild, on information from his agents, knew that Napoleon was about to be defeated, but spread word throughout London that Napoleon appeared to be on his way to victory. Rothschild then sold his holdings in the English stock market, starting a panic. After the market crashed, Rothschild agents began buying up the devalued stocks and when official word finally reached England that Napoleon had indeed been beaten by Wellington, stocks soared, giving Rothschild control over the British economy."

This form of manufactured crash has been repeated time and again in the United States and has resulted in the American elites' continual control over our economy and, therefore, our government as well at the expense-literally-of the American people, the suckers the elites have preyed on for over a century." (1)

However this maneuver was very quick, and by the time it was over not a great deal had actually been destroyed. The money changed hands in monstrous amounts: but physical damage to either the society or to commerce was minimal at best. Which is why, if this was the model on which 'crashing the economy this time' was modeled: then those doing the planning must not have understood the differences between that time and today's world.

I've been watching these privatized thugs as well as their various schemes now for over four decades: long enough to know that they have become obsessed with 'capturing' the wealth of the United States of America, along with the 'power' that would go hand-in- glove with such a feat. However it is becoming increasingly clear that what passes for the controlling interests behind these various plots and plans have apparently not really thought this through. For it they had, they would long ago have chosen a different path.

At the time when they began to be serious about stealing the entire country, right around the time they set up the Federal Reserve Bank, at those oh-so-secret meetings on Jekyll Island-America was just beginning to show real promise as a prize to be sought, for its wealth and its resources, as well as for its 'promise' of a place near the top-of-the-world. But that was then.

As their plans for conquest grew the nation became as mighty, in some respects, as it was shrinking from that special-knowledge that could keep her free. By the time the end of WWII arrived, it appeared that the outlines of the trap had been set, and that the quarry (us) could be taken without too much trouble. By the end of the 1960s it appeared that this game was on for real. At that time this country was overflowing in wealth and riches, and it had almost become an example for the world-that is until Vietnam stained our face and hands with blood and drugs and that age old shadow of segregation and slavery, in the midst of plenty. These things the owners took seriously enough to buy up all the media and most of every other outlet that they did not already own: so that what they were continuing to plan for, would not be leaked upon an unsuspecting world.

With our defeat in 1975, in the Vietnam War; their real agenda turned serious and it has remained so ever since. We then experimented in Chile, with the military overthrow of Allende and the installation of our puppet Pinochet; with thanks to Kissinger & Company. We followed that in Panama with Shock & Awe that ended in a slaughter that the media so dutifully covered up completely. That set the stage for the first Gulf War on Iraq that never really ended but instead became the embers for the catalyst that could produce our new Pearl Harbor: 911 was the ultimate Inside Job, and the rest is part of the history that many more now believe that they only know bits & pieces of.

Here's the problem. When this all began this nation was awash with riches, and it seemed to know no limits as to what we could become- if only we could maintain the power of that dream. But between the decision taken to capture us, with all that wealth in-tact: And the condition that we've now allowed ourselves to occupy-somewhere along the way we managed to lose not only the wealth and promise that was once ours, before we became so arrogant and self- indulgent: But in that process we became this privatized and cannibalized place that is rapidly becoming the world's poorest and most undeveloped place on the face of the earth-because today nothing we "have" is real any longer. Now what bandit worth that name would want to capture that? That is their conundrum!

It would be different if this hijacking could be done on computers and our theoretical wealth could be stolen by keystrokes: but that cannot be done. Knowing this the owners expanded their potential- theft to include the whole planet, in a global New World Order, where they and they alone would reign supreme over all the rest of the rabble on the earth. But there again is this ugly problem of maintaining the wealth while trying to steal it that keeps getting in the way of the greatest heist in all of human history.

So what to do? Despite their vast resources and most of the manufactured wealth on the planet-these shadow figures seem to lack the necessary vision to both have their cake and eat it too. So by default, apparently the decision was reached, to just bankrupt the world and then pick up all the good stuff for pennies on the dollar (just as their forefathers did when they created the panic that crashed the English stock market).

The problem this time is all that carnage and destruction that will flow directly from any real attempt to do just that-today. It was at this point that the last stolen US selection took place between two creatures; either of which could be used to finish this overly long siege that has been pending now for nearly half a century.

So where are we really going, and just who is this enigma that is the selected 'president-elect'? Obama is among all his other flaws just a pending-paper-pleading: a construction, a legalism made of words and papers: Nothing more! When I was young there was a game that describes the values that are at issue here. It was called "rock-paper-scissors." But what this children's game reflects, are the differences between the world and the construct that pretends to rule over all things natural and real.

We live in a world where the rocks of the avalanche are real, where the flames of the forest fires are real and where the carnage of the waves from the tsunami leaves hundreds of the dead within its wake. On the other side of this natural reality there is the paper world and those who believe in the force of words-on-paper, to the extent that such things might still be possible. Obama is a man of paper who believes his own words as they appear on paper; as if these documents actually have power over the forces of life and death and everything in-between. To understand the idiocy of the position in which Obama has placed himself; just envision what happens to the paper-world when it encounters the hunger of a flame, or the power in a wave or the finality of the avalanche. No nation can afford a paper-leader, no matter where he got his degrees!

The world is made up of realities. Food is real and necessary, as is water and air and uncontaminated earth. Words-on-paper are just constructs, theories, dependent on other factors to give them the force of law. But as 'everybody knows' we no longer have any laws to contain or even to restrict the Obama's or the Clinton's or the Bush-Cheney's of this world.

The papers that Obama believes in are not magisterial or mighty: Nor do they come from anything as notable as Kings or Conquerors- they're just more paper-pleadings from a court that has no standing in this ancient world of life and death. Obama is a cipher, a place-holder for the shadow-puppets of the super-rich that would be richer, if only he can keep the sheep asleep.

Obama may believe his words on paper, but his actions tell us that he has no real experience of either life or death; much less of everything else that lies between those bookends that enclose so much of life. Yet too many now are forced to live in servitude to corporate shadows that cannot bear the brilliant-light of full- blown day; which is why this masquerade must end without delay.

The truth of their failures surrounds us like numbers of our dead in all the wars we say we fought for freedom, when in fact we were the conquerors and not the liberators that we sang our songs about.

Consider: The camps make sense if there is work that prisoners can do that earns a profit, well beyond the price of the food that's needed just to keep them alive. All the discussions about the North American Union, yet the single privatized highway that has been endlessly discussed has stalled somewhere in Texas or Oklahoma, which makes the smashing of the Port of New Orleans meaningless, unless this artery of distribution that was designed to bisect this nation is finally going to be completed.

Add to these the supposed Amero, and the implementation of the North American Union, when all we've seen is the near total dissolution of our southern border that floods the country with cheap labor that is as disposable as yesterday's news; should the need arise to kick them out. In case after case the threats come hot and heavy, and the fear and terror grow to near impossible proportions-yet the programs somehow never quite materialize.

They create the paper-people that administer the programs and that flounder through the stacks of un-American legislation. They threatened us with thugs in uniform and bogus challenges on every side: but still they have resisted taking that all-important final step-from which there is no turning back-because at bottom they are cowards to the core, and in reality they fear us in the darkness of their haunted nights. That's why they're paying off their co-conspirators in this latest scandal. They fear what might happen to them if they fail to pay their partners in this latest and greatest scam to date.

Wheels within wheels, and round and round we go, shedding jobs shedding money and credibility at every turn, and yet the nation continues in reverse while the vultures gather in the barren trees at sunset, waiting for their moment when the corpse nor longer twitches; for the feast they know is coming soon!

1) The Rise of the House of Rothschild