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Ahmadinejad: 2,000 Uews Control the World

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Ahmadinejad’s recent comments on the Iranian News Channel were translated and released by the Middle East Media Research Institute on Thursday.

"The Zionists are crooks,” the Iranian leader declared.

“A small handful of Zionists, with a very intricate organization, have taken over the power centers of the world.  According to our estimates, the main cadre of the Zionists consists of 2,000 individuals at most, and they have another 8,000 activists.  In addition, they have several informants, who spy and provide them with intelligence information.”

This “cadre” controls the world’s financial centers and news and propaganda agencies, and spreads “propaganda as if they were the entire world, as if all the peoples supported them, and as if they were the majority ruling the world,” Ahmadinejad asserted.

"That is a great lie — just like their Jewishness is a great lie.  They have no religion whatsoever.  They are a handful of lying, power-greedy people who have no religion, who only want to take over all the peoples and countries, and to trample the rights of the peoples . . . 

"A Zionist organization with 2,000 [members] and with 7,000 or 8,000 activists has brought the world to a state of confusion.  Let me tell them that if they themselves do not wrap up Zionism, the strong arm of the peoples will wipe these germs of corruption off the face of the earth."

Ahmadinejad also claimed that Zionists “kidnap oppressed, destitute, ignorant people from other countries, and bring them to the occupied lands to serve as human shields."


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Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has launched new verbal attacks against Israel, saying Zionist leaders are “germs of corruption” who will be wiped “off the face of the earth.”

Ahmadinejad’s recent comments on the Iranian News Channel were translated and released by the Middle East Media Research Institute on Thursday.

"The Zionists are crooks,” the Iranian leader declared.

“A small handful of Zionists, with a very intricate organization, have taken over the power centers of the world.  According to our estimates, the main cadre of the Zionists consists of 2,000 individuals at most, and they have another 8,000 activists.  In addition, they have several informants, who spy and provide them with intelligence information.”

This “cadre” controls the world’s financial centers and news and propaganda agencies, and spreads “propaganda as if they were the entire world, as if all the peoples supported them, and as if they were the majority ruling the world,” Ahmadinejad asserted.

"That is a great lie — just like their Jewishness is a great lie.  They have no religion whatsoever.  They are a handful of lying, power-greedy people who have no religion, who only want to take over all the peoples and countries, and to trample the rights of the peoples . . . 

"A Zionist organization with 2,000 [members] and with 7,000 or 8,000 activists has brought the world to a state of confusion.  Let me tell them that if they themselves do not wrap up Zionism, the strong arm of the peoples will wipe these germs of corruption off the face of the earth."

Ahmadinejad also claimed that Zionists “kidnap oppressed, destitute, ignorant people from other countries, and bring them to the occupied lands to serve as human shields."


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Riviera Beach, FL, 33404 USA