What a non-stop news weekend for the sheeple! First, North Carolina Senator and former presidential candidate, John Edwards, admits to having a sordid affair and then the Negro Bernie Mac goes and dies!   But if you can get past all these endlessly repeating inconsequential US news items about another lying, arrogant politician’s philandering and some minor Negro comedian’s death, then you just might have noticed some new war breaking out.
From the cursorary reports, you would think that the evil Russian Bear, now in combat with Georgia, has been doing this for selfish reasons, with the way the US media has been painting Russia as the aggressor and Georgia the humanitarian victim. Nothing could be further from the truth! Certain facts are buried deep in the copy or completely ignored by the US mainstream press.
Map showing oil and gas pipelines in Georgia.

Map showing oil and gas pipelines in Georgia.

Folks, this is a war once again for oil. But not just big oil, but Big Zionist Oil.
That’s right. Just like Iraq and Afghanistan. The sleeping American populace only sees what the media cares to mention, if they even follow it that far. The information is there, but only if they do a little digging around.
You see, the Western Globalists and Zionist powers have been in Georgia for quite some time now. In fact, they wanted to get Georgia into the NATO alliance (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), but just barely missed being voted in by the member states. And it’s a good thing too, since being a part of NATO may have locked us into a WW I-style agreement that forced us into going to war on behalf of the Georgians.

But it’s not over yet. The so-called ”democratically elected” president of Georgia, Mikhael Saakashvilli, is now asking for help from us when he was the one who started all this, actually. And don’t let all the pro-Zionist shills fool you about this guy — he’s a Zionist puppet and a real tyrant who throws his political opposition in jail. You just don’t know any of that, since the Zionist-controlled US media knows he’s the Jew’s little tyrant and to stay silent about such matters with the American people. Read on.

Now, what you don’t know is that over 1000 Israeli military advisors are in Georgia; plus, at least another 1000 American soldiers (US Marines too) and advisers that Bush stationed in the country since getting into office. Unbelievably, CNN’s commentator William Schneider was just on TV telling us that we have no troops over there, just a few civilians, which is a total bald-faced lie.

Also, the US is now flying back the Georgian troops stationed in Iraq, supporting our take-over there. The Georgian president, Mikhail Saakashvili, now in a panic as Russian forces steam-roll the country and is practically on his hands and knees begging for a cease-fire. European Union representatives (NWO Zionists), are at this moment trying to deliver a signed cease-fire document for the Russians to accept — all to save his Saakashvili’s squirrelly butt!
The US has been in Georgia behind the so-called ”pro-western” government for quite some time. It’s really a pro-ZOG government, a bastion of “Pax Americana” in Russia’s own backyard.
And Saakashvili did start it, probably egged on by the us and the Zionists. He sent in his troops into South Ossetia to put down the pro-Russia population (which has been peaceful and semi-autonomous for some time) with extreme prejudice during the week the Olympics were opening in Beijing. These military forces killed off the Russian peace-keepers, used Jets and artillery against civilian targets, killing wantonly unarmed people like the poor old lady in the photo above.

From the Zionist’s own mouthpiece, Debkafile (while the doc stays up):

Georgian tanks and infantry, aided by Israeli military advisers, captured the capital of breakaway South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, early Friday, Aug. 8, bringing the Georgian-Russian conflict over the province to a military climax…


…Georgian tanks entered the capital after heavy overnight heavy aerial strikes, in which dozens of people were killed


…These advisers [Israeli] were undoubtedly deeply involved in the Georgian army’s preparations to conquer the South Ossetian capital Friday… Debka File

Dozens killed, Right. More like thousands. Here’s some video out of Russia with an interview of an American, Joe Mestas from Florida, who happened to be there visiting relatives: