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It's Time To Outlaw Zionism

Contributed by Patrick Grimm

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After watching a video by anti-Zionist beat reporter Frank Weltner, who is a former librarian and an indefatigableresearcher on the Jewish Problem, I find myself in full agreement with this wise scholar. Weltner, who has moved beyondmere audio talks which in the past adroitly dissected the body of lies that served to further the world Zionistdeconstruction project, now is disseminating his video lectures across the world of YouTube and is opening eyes, mindsand hearts to the depth of the problem. You can access all of Weltner’s latest Jew Watch videos here.

What I found so novel, even groundbreaking in Weltner’s calm and reasoned mini-dissertation was one of hissuggestions on how to stop or curtail the ADL/AIPAC subversion of America’s sovereignty. He suggested, in hissomewhat curmudgeonly trademark style that the only way to ebb the tide of Jewish extremist treason was to outlawZionism and label it as a terrorist philosophy. After looking at the problem extensively myself, this does seem to be theonly solution available to us.

If Islamic radicals, jihadist Arabs from the Middle East had seized our media organs under the radar, even if they wereAmerican citizens, most people in the US would stand and loudly demand that something be done, by both the Presidentand the FBI and with firm and unbending legislation from Congress banning those with allegiance to a foreign power fromcontrolling the flow of information. Americans would understand that Islamic jihadists could not dispassionately report thenews, especially news concerning the Middle East. These Islamists would not be allowed to hold onto newspapers,magazines, network news stations and other types of media. They would absolutely never be allowed to get a foothold inthe news-making field and any monopolies would be crushed like a Palestinian child in Gaza.

In fact, according to the Zionist Jews, no one but their people should have any media of any kind. It was the Jewishcommunity, well-funded and heavy-handed as always, which succeeded in getting Al-Jazeera banished permanentlyfrom Canada. The Zionist Jews want no competition in the arena of ideas, and many of them despise the ubiquitousscope of the internet for this very reason. They slant and spin and lie endlessly because, save the world wide web, theyare the only game in town.

This must end. We must, for the sake of America’s future and America’s survival, pass legislation thatbrands Zionism permanently as a criminal, a terrorist and a treasonous ideology, and one which desires worlddomination and control over all other peoples. The fact that the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee essentiallywrites our MidEast policy only guarantees that America will be drawn into endless war, endless bloodshed and endlessdeath and decimation of other nations for the sake of world criminal Zionism and for the benefit of NO ONE ELSE. TheJewish supremacists have been allowed to lord it over the rest of humanity for long enough! I’ve had enough andthe world has certainly had its fill of the warmongering agenda of radical Zionist Jews! These Jews now control most ofour federal government and their grip has to be dislodged and smashed!

But before some of the members of the intellectually and morally bankrupt Ziogentsia scream that this type of anti-Zionistlegislation would be “anti-Semitic” and that it would amount to little more than “Jew-baiting”let me make something very clear, so clear that even a 75-IQ “Christian” Zionist Mogen David-lover canbegin to comprehend it. The anti-Zionist legislation that both myself and Weltner would endorse would punish treasonousZionist Gentiles just as much as it would punish Zionist Jews.

Legislation designating Zionism as a terrorist ideology would necessarily require the impeachment and imprisonment ofboth George W. Bush and Dick Cheney as Zionist war criminals, it would result in the removal and arrest of all our Zionistpoliticians, frauds like Rick Santorum and John McCain and Rudy “Jew”-liani and Bill and Hillary Clintonand so many more. Both Gentile and Jewish Zionists alike would be fined, jailed or at the very least be stripped of theirlofty positions. The AIPAC and ADL traitors would be imprisoned, the neo-con Jews and Gentiles in this present administration would becharged with Zionist war crimes and either serve lifetime sentences or possibly be executed for the blood they helped tospill on the sands of Iraq, all for concocted Israeli lies and propaganda, cherry-picked and fed to our feckless politicianslike candy.

I am angry as hell and I believe that more and more Americans are starting to wake up and smell, not the coffee, but theawful stench of the blood and guts spilled forth by Zionism! Zionism is killing us, it’s killing our soldiers, it’skilling the Iraqi people and it’s killing our sovereignty! Even now, the Jewish neo-cons are pushing the openborders Ending of America Project and getting by with a little help from their friends in the Jewish media and their Goyimpals like drunkard Ted Kennedy on the Left and the disgraced megalomaniac John McCain on the other side of thefence