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Columbus a Thief and a Criminal

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From: Su
Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2008 9:00 AM
Subject: [WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED] Columbus a thief and a criminal
This message might intend to address some Jewish matters.

I repeat what I believe about the Jewish role. That they were given false respect from the English, and by this way the Jews in Europe worked as volunteer service men to the English aggressive empire.

However only recently so,me of the Jews started to realize how they were cheated by the English for 400 years.

Back to this message I find the crimes and cheating of Columbus had no end.

He smuggled a map of the world created by the Chinese following their around the word missions in 1421( **, hide it and claiming he was heading for nowhere, while he knew that he was heading for a new destination.

He needed to put some salt and pepper in his story to tell and encourage the queen. He was determined to work as a thief and pirate, and we can easily know that from the agreement he made with the queen. He hunted native Indians and brought them by force to Spain.

I wonder why the current Iraqi court, do not try Columbus as the main root cause of occupying Iraq.

Also I wonder why the Pope in his recent visit to USA was not asked by the Native Indians to apologize for the crimes imposed by them through Columbus and many pioneer Catholics, who in the name of a religion ( also in its English version later), executed 100 million Native Indians and 270 million bison.