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Israel's 60th Approaches, But Israeli Minister of Public Security Can't Even Secure Himself!

Cherifa Sirry

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I am astonished that this item of news has not been headlines since it happened 2 days ago. Public Security minister Avi Dichter was shot at broad daylight and the shooting was even filmed. One of Dichter’s top aids was injured and Dichter and his group spent nearly one hour ducking the bullets. If the Public Security minister of Israel cannot secure his own self, how exactly is he expected to provide security for the Israeli people? It has been claimed by media that Avi Dichter was not injured and did not believe that he was the specific target of the attack but that the Canadian group that was accompanying him was the real target. Anyone following Israeli and Arab media knows however that it is not the first time that Dichter or other highly placed Israeli officials for that matter, have narrowly escaped with their lives direct attacks while visiting Israeli settlements. As an Arab citizen who is not limited to Zionist controlled media in the US, I have witnessed on several occasions footage of Dichter, Peretz and Olmert running and ducking for cover because of an attack during their various visits of settlements. Dichter was the target and not his guests.

Of course Avi Dichter like other Israeli officials is doing his utmost to convince American, Canadian or European Jews to move to Israel since Israel is suffering a huge movement of emigration. Who after all would like to live in an apartheid country that is in a permanent state of war and that simply refuses to reach any peace settlement with its native inhabitants and neighbors? Mr. Dichter would like to convince American and Canadian Jews that Israel (with settlements like Sderot) can provide them with comfortable and secure lives. How can Avi Dichter, the Israeli minister of Public Security tell his group of 70 visiting Canadians that he himself as the representative of public “security” in Israel was in fact the target of a shooting and then sell them the idea of a “secure Israel”?? Mr. Dichter and all of the Israeli and Zionist media of course must invent some of story in order to hide the reality that there no longer is any security for Israelis in Israel. Israel is no longer what it used to be but Mr. Dichter cannot say this to his guests.

Israel has been shaken to the chore by the 2006 defeat in Lebanon and by its own mismanagement during the last 60 years of the Arab/Israeli conflict and its handling of the Palestinian problem and Israel knows it. A solid 15 minutes of shooting at Avi Dichter, the “Public Security” minister without any Israeli reaction, is but one example of the many infiltrations into the Israeli shaken security system lately. The late arrival of the IDF to help Dichter and his delegation is another example. This is not to mention that the withdrawal of the Israeli ground forces from Gaza last month after 3 days fighting is another literal defeat for Israel since Mr. Olmert had declared that the objectives of his attack on Gaza was the ‘elimination’ of Hamas and of its rocket launching capability. Israeli policy toward Hamas achieved the exact contrary of the intended and stated objectives. In 2006, Israeli ground forces were asking for a cease-fire after 11 days of facing Hezbollah fighters. Two years after, they withdrew from Gaza after 3 days of fighting.

Mr. Avi Dichter and Israeli media however must sell to the world an image of a “secure”, unshaken and “confident” Israel.

As I watch and read Israeli news every day, I have to remember Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s words. He knows Israel inside out and the Israelis freely admit this. Nasrallah was right when he said that the countdown for the fall of Israel had started. We are actually watching it but Zionist media in the West covers it up well. Israel has had dozens and dozens of chances to withdraw from the occupied territories and do justice to the Palestinian people, to the Lebanese and to the Syrians and thus gain for itself a life of peace and security. Israel has however consistently refused to do so and has preferred to continue a policy of more land annexation and more massacres of the Palestinian and Lebanese people. Now Israel is starting to pay for its greed.

PS. Mr. Avi Dichter is not that innocent. Mr. Dichter had to cancel a trip to the UK last year out of fears of being arrested there where he is wanted for war crimes. The irony is that Mr. Dichter was going to the UK to lecture on "counter terrorism"!!!