The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz (Video)l
The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz - David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper
WARNING: In some countries it could be considered a federal crime to be in possession of this movie, and certainly to question the holocaust aspect of WW2. Download at your own risk!
"Truth needs no laws to defend it. Throughout history, only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma. Nobody jails people who claim to Elvis is still alive. There is no law against denying Santa Claus exists. Nobody is prosecuted for claiming to see Bigfoot. People who think that Lee Harvey Oswald did NOT act alone are not sent to prison. What is it about the history of WW2 we have been taught that is so delicate that all questioning must be stamped out?"
-- www.whatreallyhappened.com/
Preface by David Cole:
"It is an undisputed fact of history that, during World War II, the Germans ran a network of prison and labor camps, both in Germany and in the territories they controlled. Into these camps were sent Jews, prisoners-of-war, resistance fighters, Gypsies, and other people considered enemies of the Third Reich.
The largest of these camps was the one called Auschwitz, located in Poland. Those interned at Auschwitz came from all over Europe and consisted of men, women, and children. Those able to work were used as labor for the German war effort. Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet Army in January of 1945.
But that is where the consensus ends.
Since the end of World War II we have been told repeatedly that many of these camps served a darker purpose: the genocide of six million Jews and the execution of five million non-Jews through the use of homicidal gas chambers in what is now commonly known as the "Holocaust." The largest number of people are said to have been murdered at Auschwitz.
But there are some people who maintain these claims of mass murder have never been proven. These people point to the lack of documentation other than the highly questionable and partially discredited evidence supplied by the Soviet Union at the Nuremberg Trials and the unreliable nature of the eyewitness testimonies, many of which have also been discredited. (For example, many former camp inmates, as well as American soldiers, still speak of "gassing" at the Dachau camp in Germany, even though it is no longer held that any [homicidal] gas chamber was ever in use at that camp.)
Still, the Holocaust is an event that has seemingly grown in importance since the end of the war, taught as fact...usually accepted without question.
But how do we know it really happened? What "proofs" are offered for those not willing to take history on faith alone?
This video deals with, among other things, one of those proofs. __.