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More on the Treachery of Noam Chomsky (with video)

Benjamin Merhav

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The link below is for the latest interview of Noam Chomsky, the top zionist impostor in the USA. When you listen to his words you would find not a single sentence condemning zionism, nor the zionist apartheid regime of Israel. Yet, if you ignore his zionist orientation, and trust and accept what he is saying (with no questions asked ), you would be forgiven for considering Noam Chomsky as a justice seeking person who is opposed to the genocidal policies of Israel and of its sponsors ,the USA rulers ,towards the Arab people of Palestine.

This precisely is what makes Chomsky a zionist imposter. His articles,books and interviews are traps for the fools who trust him. His words should have been - according to his devotees' and to his cronies' propaganda - condemning the zionist apartheid regime of Israel and condemning its USA sponsors, and calling for the disbandment of the zionist apartheid regime, and for an end to the USA plutocracy, but they do not. The reason is plain to see : Chomsky has been loyal to zionism all his life, as he has been loyal to USA imperialism too !

Here is the link to the video :