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The Taboos and Fantasies that Jews have imposed on the World

Bob Finch

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lights the taboos and fantasies that jews have imposed on the modern world. The number and substance of these taboos/fantasies provide an insight into the degree of power wielded by zionists around the world. There are allegations about how much power jews possess in politics, in the media, in the financial world, and in the business world. The vast majority of ordinary people have little involvement in the worlds of politics, media, finance, and business, so their personal experience of who is exercising power is virtually non-existent. However, taboos and fantasies are a common experience even amongst ordinary people. These experiences should enable them to gauge the power of those who have established these taboos and fantasies.

Zionism was formulated in the late 19thcentury. From the moment of its birth, zionists promoted a nazi-like slogan which denied the existence of anyone living in palestine, "A people without a country, for a country without a people".(1)

When they did admit there were non-jews in palestine they denied such people were palestinians because they claimed palestinians had no national identity i.e. they were not a palestinian people.

After the illegal establishment of the jews-only state they denied terrorizing palestinians out of palestine.

Then, once the zionists had taken over palestine, they denied there was any such place as palestine and insisted that nobody around the world mention the word.(2)

In september 2001 the british public discovered that the jews-only state in palestine was forcing british politicians to abide by the taboo on the word ‘palestine’. Jack straw, the left-leaning british foreign minister, mentioned the word during his tour of the middle east and ariel sharon erupted in fury. "Mr straw, who started a four day tour of the middle east yesterday, prompted controversy by writing a letter in which he twice referred to Palestine. The Israelis do not recognize the term for that part of the middle east. An Israeli cabinet minister called Mr Straw’s comments an "obscenity" which, he said, turned Israel from the victim of terrorism into the accused."(3) The jews were so intent on maintaining this taboo on british politicians that sharon even refused to meet straw in what would have been an unprecedented political rebuff. The meeting went ahead only after the personal intervention of tony blair who agreed that henceforth his foreign secretary would comply with sharon’s wishes.(4) After all, blair’s political career had been funded primarily by britain’s jewish lobby so he wasn’t going to turn against his jewish paymasters just to defend his labour cabinet colleague. The taboo on the word ‘palestine’ has been imposed not only on british politicians but on americans(5) and many others around the globe.(6)

This is far from being the only taboo that the jews-only state in palestine, and its allies in jewish lobbies around the world, have imposed on the global political community. Zionists insist that politicians should not use the word ‘occupation’ when describing jews’ military occupation of palestine. Neocons insist that the term "neo-conservative" should be verboten.(7) Zionists have also imposed a taboo on any comparison between the zionist state and the former apartheid state in south africa.(8) They project the fantasy that the zionist state is a secular, liberal, multi-racial, law abiding, democracy like those in the western world.

Zionists have also imposed a taboo on comparisons between the jews-only state and nazism. But this taboo is far more wide ranging than the taboo against comparisons with the south african apartheid system because it includes taboos on all the allegations that the nazis made against the jews. Thus since the end of nazism zionists have imposed a taboo on any discussion of jewish people running banks or hedge funds or private equity groups indeed, owning any wealth at all. There are taboos against public discussion of jews owning newspapers or playing a prominent role in the media especially hollywood. There are taboos against pointing out that wealthy jews use their money for political purposes; that jewish organizations wield political power; that jewish lobbying groups influence a country’s foreign policies; and that jewish individuals are members of a government.(9) These wide ranging taboos are reinforced by the jewish fantasy that jews are perpetual victims. How can they be wealthy, influential, or politically powerful, if they are by definition perpetual victims?

The word ‘holocaust’ is also taboo. It can be used only under two circumstances. Firstly, when referring to the nazi extermination of jews during the second world war and, secondly, when denouncing ‘holocaust deniers’.(10) In the west, the sacredness of the word is emphasized by its capitalization as "the Holocaust".

By far and away the most blatant of the taboos the jews-only state has imposed upon the world concerns its possession of nuclear weapons. No politician around the world is permitted to publicly mention such weapons nor their military implications.(11) For the last three decades, no president, prime minister, pope, or politician, anywhere around the world has dared to state publicly that the zionist state possesses nuclear weapons. This means it is impossible to point out that these weapons pose a terrible threat to every country in the greater middle east.(12) Indeed, since these weapons can now be launched by jewish submarines, they threaten every country around the world including america. The jews’ precise stance on their nuclear weapons is that they will neither confirm nor deny their existence. They have sustained this extraordinary political ambiguity for decades in a world where countries are preoccupied with their military capabilities and where billions of ordinary people are terrified of nuclear weapons.

The taboo over jews’ nuclear weapons has led to one of the most absurd political pantomimes in the modern age: a veritable brian rix west-end farce or a particularly extravagant episode of the muppet show. In the 1990s, the western world compelled the united nations to carry out the most systematic and intrusive inspections to search for saddam’s non-existent nuclear weapons. For the last few years it has also been insisting on intense ‘anywhere, anytime’ inspections to discover iran’s equally non-existent nuclear weapons. And yet no western politician dares to mention the zionist state’s nuclear weapons, let alone demand that the united nations send in inspectors to search for them, even though mordechai vanunu has provided far more evidence about their existence than united nations’ inspectors have found over last two decades about nukes in iraq and iran. The jews-only state imposes a global taboo on its own nuclear weapons whilst conversely imposing paranoid fantasies on the united nations about non-existent nuclear weapons in iraq, iran, and syria.

There is no more conclusive proof of the huge amount of political power that jews have over the world’s politicians than that they have succeeded in forcing these politicians to deny that jews possess nuclear weapons. The jews pull the strings of their puppets and get them running around hither and thither pretending to look frantically for non-existent weapons in iraq and iran whilst somehow failing to notice those in the racist state. Brian rix would be dazzled by their buffoonery. Doubtlessly the world’s politicians have their rationales for not mentioning jewish nukes that preserves, at least in their own eyes, a modicum of their political integrity. But to any rational outsider they are being made to look like preposterous fools as jews blatantly jerk their strings. How is it possible for these politicians to create the world peace they demand so fervently when jews have such inordinate power that they can prevent their puppets from confronting the reality of their nuclear weapons?

Quite clearly, any politician around the world who refuses to acknowledge the jews-only state’s possession of nuclear weapons is a liar whose views on all other issues should be regarded as suspect. Such politicians are almost certainly in the pay of jewish lobbies and thus solely interested in promoting the interests of the jews-only state in palestine no matter how much this might run counter to their country’s own national interests. And conversely, any politician who refuses to be stifled by this jewish taboo should be applauded as a person of integrity whose wider views should be taken more seriously.

One of the jews’ fastest mushrooming fantasies concerns the remit of anti-semitism. Most decent people would accept that an anti-semite is a bigot who has a hatred of all jewish people. But jewish commentators/lobbies around the world are not content with such a straightforward, and politically conventional, definition. They have been trying to extend this definition until it becomes all encompassing.(13) The first step in this expansionary process is to suggest that those who criticize the policies of the jews-only state in palestine and the existence of this racist state are also anti-semites. Even though such people may not hate jews at all, if they criticize jewish policies or the jewish apartheid state then they are denounced as anti-semites as if they were as bad as those bigots who hates jews. It is as if those who hated america’s war against vietnam were denounced as anti-americans who hated all americans. The great political advantage of this broader definition of anti-semitism is that it doesn’t matter what evils the zionist state might perpetrate, criticizing it is proof of anti-semitism. It is thus a device for undermining all those who criticize the racist nature of the jews-only state.

But jewish commentators/lobbying organizations are not even content with such a wide-ranging taboo. They have even greater imperialist ambitions. They insist that the definition of anti-semitism should also include those who try to encourage the jews-only state in palestine to sue for peace with its arab neighbours. Hence jimmy carter is denounced as an antisemite because he encouraged the jews to reach a peace agreement with egypt. "True, this effort has not much chance of success, but people in Jerusalem are worried nonetheless. That's just what we need, Bush acting like that anti-Semite, Jimmy Carter, who twisted Begin's arm and forced him to make peace with Egypt!" (Uri Avnery ‘Ahmadinejad Has Screwed Us Again! How They Stole the Bomb From Us’ December 10, 2007).

What this ever expanding definition of anti-semitism is leading to is that anti-semitism will be deemed to be any negative comment about a jewish person, or a jewish group, or the jews-only state. The goal of an all encompassing definition of anti-semitism is to make it illegal to criticize jews no matter what evil they do. The zionists are well on their way to establishing for jews, jewish groups, and the jews-only state, a criticism-free existence.(14)

A recent taboo that zionists have inflicted on the world concerns the ‘israeli lobby’. Hardline zionist fundamentalists insist there is no such thing as an ‘israeli lobby’ or a ‘jewish lobby’.(15) This taboo is at its most powerful in america but it also exists in all other countries around the world which have such a jewish lobby. Then along come other, less zealous, zionists who accept that the ‘israeli lobby’ exists but deny it has any major influence. For good measure, they continue to uphold the taboo on the phrase ‘the jewish lobby’.(16) Left wing zionists provide their extreme right wing jewish colleagues with legitimacy by arguing that although the ‘israeli lobby’ exists it is so utterly powerless it might as well be ignored. Even prestigious wasp academics such as mearscheimer and walt who seek to expose the activities of the ‘israeli lobby’ find themselves entangled in this semantic distraction and support the taboo on the phrase "jewish lobby" even though it is commonly used in the jews-only state.

The latest fantasy that the jews-only state and its zionist, likudnik, neocon, allies around the world have started to promote is that all enemies of the racist state in palestine are part of a huge islamic conspiracy aimed at exterminating all jews around the world. Islamophobia is the belief that yasser arafat, saddam hussein, osama bin laden, mullah omar, mahmoud ahmadinejad, hassan nasrallah, and ismail haniyeh, to name but a few, are colluding with each other to overthrow the apartheid state in palestine and exterminate all jews around the world.(17) Even though saddam hated osama bin laden and went to war against iran; and even though shia iran nearly went to war against the sunni taliban in afghanistan, and have arrested hundreds of al quaeda members; all of this was just a ruse to cover up their conspiracy against the jews. In reality, islamophobia is the hatred that jewish racists and supremacists have for islamic people.

It is a not uncommon experience for non-zionists discussing the world’s power structures or the global political agenda to find themselves immediately confronted by paranoid, hysterical zionists intent on laying down the grounds rules for any further debate i.e. an acceptance of zionist taboos and fantasies. Palestinians? There’s no such people. Palestine? There’s no such place. Jewish nuclear weapons? There’s no such weapon. The jewish lobby? There’s no such organization. Jewish racism? There’s no such thing. It’s almost impossible for non-zionists to debate any substantive issue before they’ve been baptized by zionists into what is politically kosher and what is not. This is almost invariably accompanied by accusations should anyone stray beyond zionists’ ground rules. Zionists rapidly spin-off arguments into semantics to prevent any discussion of substantive issues.

It should be transparent from this cursory analysis that zionists determine politically what is real and what is not real irrespective of, to borrow a phrase, "actually existing reality". They compel the world’s politicians to abide by jewish taboos and to uphold jewish paranoid fantasies:

non-existent palestinians, living in a non-existent place called palestine;

jews’ non-existent nuclear weapons which pose a non-existent military threat to neighbouring countries;

the terrible threats posed to regional and global security by saddam’s/iran’s/syria’s non-existent nuclear weapons; and,

the fantasy of the global islamic conspiracy which poses a non-existent threat to all jews around the world.

Such taboos and fantasies have nothing to do with rational political discourse but are insane rantings which ought to be confined to mental institutions.

There is no other country that is able to impose so many taboos and fantasies on so many fundamental global political issues as the jews-only state in palestine. Indeed, there is even a growing taboo on the words jew/jews which the global jewish elite forces google to acknowledge. The zionists have established themselves as the world’s "masters of discourse" (israel shamir) who enforce politically kosher taboos and turn jewish fantasies into global realities. Zionists’ ability to determine politically what is real and what is not, is a measure of their world domination. Zionists ability to determine the world’s global political agenda is another effective measure of zionist world domination.
