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Are Jews Being Set Up For Another Holocuast?

Henry Makow PhD

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In 1938-39, just before Europe erupted in an inferno for Jews, all the exits were sealed shut. The Nazis had no problem allowing Jews to leave. The problem was that no country allowed them to enter.

In May 1939, the passenger liner "St. Louis" carrying 900 German Jewish refugees was turned away from Havana. The passengers' costly tourist visas had been revoked by Cuban authorities. The liner lingered near the coast of Florida but FDR refused to let it dock. Reluctantly, the ship returned to Europe where the refugees were divided among four Allied countries, of which three soon were overrun.

The image of unwanted Jews was seared into the collective Jewish psyche. It argued the necessity of a homeland in Israel as insurance against anti-Semitism. Millions of Jews devoted their money and lives to wresting Israel from its rightful owners and building a Jewish sanctuary there. Millions of non-Jews were recruited to this cause. World peace has hung in the balance ever since.

FDR famously said nothing in history happens by accident. The possibility that this gruesome spectacle was staged to manipulate Jews, and give them a kind of moral impunity, is repugnant to consider.

However, a book, "The Holocaust Conspiracy" (1989) shows how Allied and neutral governments ensured that most Jews would remain in Europe and would die. The author William R. Perl argues that a parallel Nuremberg Trial is necessary for "those leading figures in the Allied and neutral camps" who "knowingly and willingly co-operated in the German annihilation scheme." (34)

William Perl (1906-1998) was not some armchair conspiracy theorist like me. He was a lawyer in Vienna in the 1930's who helped organize illegal transits to Palestine for the Revisionist Zionists. He negotiated with Adolf Eichmann face-to-face; and after the war, he prosecuted Nazi war criminals.

In this book, Perl argues that the Jewish holocaust was part of an international conspiracy. But of course, he didn't understand that the perpetrators were "the Illuminati," the highest rung of Freemasonry empowered by the world central banking cartel. Their goal is to create a world government tyranny dedicated to Lucifer with its capital in Jerusalem.

Holocaust means "burned offering." By what logic can we call this genocide a "sacrifice"? By Illuminati logic of course! They sacrificed Jews to hoodwink the world into establishing a Masonic state in Israel. The design of the Israeli Supreme Court is proof that this is exactly what has transpired. a=817&print=yes

Modern Israel was Masonic from conception.

This begs the question: If the Jewish holocaust was contrived by the people who run the world, would they do it again? I'll address this question at the end.


William Perl states that there were "deliberate, concerted steps to thwart rescue actions...not only by individuals in power but by governments." He says this failure to rescue was more than a simple lack of action but a "deliberate set of actions bound to ensure the success of the German annihilation plans." While this seems "unbelievable," he says the documents available make this conclusion "not only logical but inescapable." (16)

For example, Morgenthau's Treasury Dept. investigated the State Department and identified a half dozen top officials it described as "an American underground to let the Jews be killed." The report was especially critical of John J. McCloy, assistant Secretary of War, who later became the Rockefeller's lawyer, the President of the World Bank and a member of the Warren Commission. Yes children, he was Illuminati.

Perl says that next to the Nazis, the British "carry the heaviest guilt" for the Jewish holocaust because they fought tooth and nail to block the escape route to Palestine. In fact, the first person killed by the British in WW2 was a Jewish refugee on the vessel "Tiger Hill."

Now you ask, if the Rothschilds control England, and wanted to set up a "national home" for Jews, why wouldn't England let Jews go to Israel? The answer is that this action would demonstrate to Jews that they didn't need a state and didn't need to become the lethal weapon they have become in the hands of the Rothschilds.

The Soviet Communists were supposed to be a Jewish front. But Perl also blames the USSR. Information was tightly controlled in Russia and the Soviets did nothing to warn the Jews of what they could expect from the Nazis. (In his biography of Hitler, John Toland describes Jews in the Ukraine greeting the Nazis as saviors.)

Just to illustrate the transnational nature of the Illuminati, in Feb 1942, a Soviet submarine torpedoed the "Struma" a disabled cattle boat crammed with 760 Romanian Jewish refugees. There was one survivor. Why this gratuitous murder of Jews? More souls sacrificed for the Luciferian New World Order capital.

The Allies also blocked Nazi attempts to ransom Jews and calls to bomb the concentration camps, although factories five miles from Auschwitz were demolished in 1944. In all this, the Allies were supported by the Zionist establishment, which is directed by the Illuminati.


History teaches that the Illuminati consists of Satan-loving Jews and non-Jews and their many agents and dupes.It exploits or kills anyone who doesn't fit into its plan for a Luciferian NWO. At first glance, Israel would be a prime candidate for a repeat of the Jewish holocaust as most Israelis probably don't see themselves in Masonic NWO terms.

Fellow Winnipegger Barry Chamish is the leading exponent of the view that the Illuminati, through its CFR arm, controls Israel and intends to spare Jerusalem, but sacrifice the rest to its ultimate goal.

A selection of Chamish's work can be found here:

His scenario is plausible given Albert Pike's prescription for three world wars, the last resulting in the destruction of political Zionism and Islam.

In America, the Jewish role bears a remarkable resemblance to their position in the Weimar Republic. Their role in government, culture and the economy is well out of proportion to their numbers. As witting and unwitting tools of the Illuminati, they are seen by many as undermining Christian and American interests.

Pastor Chuck Baldwin this week made the comparison with Jesus and the "moneychangers."

"It is too bad that today's pastors and Christians do not share Jesus' disdain for the current generation of moneychangers, because it is the moneychangers who are in the process of destroying these United States of America--and our pastors and Christians either do not see it, or, if they do see it, do not seem to care."

Some Jews are beginning to sense the danger

Zionists are nervous about Barrack Obama's anti-war stance

and growing anti-Zionism in America.

Americans, like the Germans before them, are not anti-Semitic by nature. The economic situation in Germany had to deteriorate before Hitler could come to power. The real question is, does the Illuminati have anything to gain from an attack on Jews?

In the short term, as long as they need Zionists to control America, no. But as the New World Order becomes more onerous, and the position of Americans more perilous, the Illuminati may be happy to use Jews as their scapegoats once again. After all, pawns are made to be sacrificed.


Note: If you are a holocaust minimizer, do not write to me. I am not interested in rehashing this debate. Here is my position.

Moreover I believe Hitler was created and controlled by the Illuminati.


Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order." ( His articles can be found at his web site He enjoys receiving your comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only.