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Atty Sylvia Stolz - 'Breakthrough On The Holocaust Front'

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Note - Sylvia Stolz is the defense attorney who was recently sentenced to three-and-a-half years behind bars for defending Ernst Zundel. She is engaged to Horst MAHLER, one of Germany's high profile "Holocaust Denier" dissidents. Mahler is a brilliant but controversial attorney, disbarred in Germany for his politically incorrect views.


Sylvia Stolz and Breakthrough on the Holocaust Front

Translated by Prof James Damon

Greetings from Horst Mahler:

This is a quick report on the latest developments here in Germany.

The weekend before Sylvia was jailed, we received a letter from Potsdam court that caused Sylvia to exclaim, "This is a bomb!" meaning that it was smashing good news. She was right -- in fact, her exclamation was actually an understatement. It is actually a "super bomb" that has already been "fused," and I have the other end of that fuse in my hand!

On 17 December last year, when the outcome of Sylvia's Mannheim trial was already obvious to everyone, I received notice of a ruling by the Staatsschutzkammer of "Staschu" (State Security Agency) of Potsdam District Court to the effect that they were dropping the six most serious charges against me, including 21 separate counts of denying [the] "Holocaust." Now they are saying that the statutes of limitations have expired.

The basis for this ruling is obviously in error technically,

at least for some of the counts. This basis for the court ruling has also been "zurechtgezimmert" (tailored or bent) by ignoring certain changes in the regional press laws that had been rammed through by the Central Jewish Council. Through these changes, the relatively short statute of limitations for the alleged publishing crime of denying [the] "Holocaust," which had been six months, was increased to at least three years. This three-year limitation for the separate counts in the indictment has expired in just a few instances.

It is obvious that the court in Potsdam has deliberately allowed the statutes of limitation to expire. As early as October 2006, and using the same rationale, a different court of the same district had dropped an indictment against me for "disparagement of the state," for which Rigolf Hennig was imprisoned for nine months. I was not even aware of this at first. By Mannheim District Court standards, the counts in that indictment (21 separate counts each with a sentence of 5 years) would have been a life sentence for me in view of my age, since the maximum would have been 15 years.

All this is just the tip of the iceberg! The Federal judiciary's "quiet revolt" against "Holocaust" prosecutions is now in full swing.

Other judges in Stuttgart, Mühlhausen, Berlin, Bernau, Brandenburg, Potsdam and Lüneburg' who have been putting "Holocaust" trials of at least five other Revisionists "on ice," will now be carried along with the stream of events. From now on, Mannheim will be known as "Holonkenheim" ("home of scoundrels" -- a play of words on Halunkenheim.)

At least two dozen prosecutors and judges will soon be facing charges of "evading punishment while in office," and the Central Jewish Council with its attack dogs will be cracking the whip. These trials are going to split the judicial establishment. They are going to throw it into total turmoil. The correct defense will have to be that no evasion of punishment has taken place. No conviction is possible under Section 130 III, 90a, and 86a of Penal Code, therefore the defendants must be exonerated. With no convictions there can obviously be no evasion of punishment.

I would never have dreamed that I would be the recipient of such highly unlikely favoritism by the judiciary of the Federal Republic. The law normally works to the disadvantage of German-minded Germans, rather than protecting their "guaranteed freedoms." However, the whole thing becomes quite plausible when you "add 2 and 2 together."

By her heroic conduct, Sylvia has succeeded in unmasking the disgusting fraud of "Holocaust" justice. On basis of the courts' verdicts and rulings, all of which we have in hand, she has exposed and demonstrated the short and simple formula for "Holocaust" prosecutions. It goes like this: "If Defendant A, who is charged with lying and must therefore be punished, presents evidence that he has told the truth, he is punished a second time, and this time his attorney is punished for defending him."

The institution of "Holocaust" prosecution has destroyed itself by acting in such an obviously despotic manner. The "Holocaust" judges should never have allowed their "secret" to be so openly depicted! Sylvia has struck at the very heart of the foreign domination of Germany! Now that her accomplishment is clear for all to see, fewer and fewer prosecutors and judges will be willing to support those judicial atrocities of "Holocaust" prosecutions.

There are signs that entire groups of prosecutors are now hesitating to sign their names to "Holocaust" indictments, knowing that they will be faced with defendants who follow Sylvia's example. Sylvia has very effectively demonstrated how to scandalize these show trials, to convert the role of accused into that of accuser and to function as prosecutor in these courts of foreign inquisition. We have to consider the whole phenomenon in its larger context. The jurists, who have now been exponiert ("raised to a higher level") by Sylvia's defense, are legally required by their office to read my works. I can assume that even if the jurists are not convinced by my arguments, they are at least aware of them. (...)