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Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs: Brainwashing the U.S. Military, U.S. Police Departments and Stealing Elections

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rship and sponsors lectures and conferences at the national military academies and leading national security think tanks. These programs are aimed at facilitating dialogue between security policy makers, military officials, diplomats, and the community at large to increase the understanding of national security issues.

JINSA also sponsors trips to Israel for American police chiefs, sheriffs and state police commander in their program called Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP)

JINSA’s Core Programs

The Flag and General Officers Trip to Israel

Since 1982, JINSA has sponsored an annual trip to Israel for recently retired American Admirals and Generals. These officers, although no longer on active duty, are selected because they are still connected to the American security establishment. Some serve on Defense Department or presidential commissions; some are advisors to their previous commands; others are consultants to various security-related organizations. They are opinion leaders well-placed to help dispel misinformation about Israel and the U.S.-Israel relationship.

One Air Force general revisited his former command (USAFE), listened to and was dissatisfied with the Air Force briefing on the Middle East. He asked for and received permission to rewrite the briefing book based upon his trip to Israel with JINSA and material he acquired there.

"Dispel misinformation" since 1982 about Israel? Like dispelling information about Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon and Israel's part in the Sabra and Shatilla refugee camp massacres?

Robert Perry Military Academies Program in Israel

This work/study program is designed to provide the next generation of American military leadership with a personal, intensive experience with an allied country.

Younger American officers study the Holocaust and the Six Day War as history.

Creating another generation of American officers who, upon either seeing the Star of David or hearing the latest Zionist propaganda, will click their heels and smartly salute the Apartheid State of Israel. Those who shed some tears will be marked as "malleable" and be put on a a fast-track list for promotion.

Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP)

While in Israel, the Israeli National Police host the Americans with participation by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Israel Security Agency.

The LEEP delegation, comprised of the most senior American police chiefs, sheriffs and state police commanders, studies methods and observed techniques used by Israeli police forces in preventing and reacting to suicide bombers, and joins Israeli police on patrols in urban and rural areas. The agenda also focuses on the critical role of intelligence gathering and interagency information sharing.

Inaugurated in 2002, LEEP has directly resulted in significant policy shifts and new training methods in a number of major metropolitan police and sherrifs departments in the United States.

Translation: Zionists are able to thoroughly brainwash American police agencies and their leaders into swallowing whole the Israeli view of the world, in which Israel is pure and untainted, while anything Muslim/Arab is an evil that must be destroyed.

A warped view which Israel has managed to seep into the collective American conscious so much so, that when most Americans see what they think is a Muslim, they either tremble in fear or reach for a weapon.

The Gottesman Lecture Series

The Gottesman Lecture Series is designed to bring historical as well as contemporary information about Israel to students in military academies and universities. These young people represent the upcoming generation of leadership in our country.

It has been JINSA’s overwhelming experience that Americans who are generations removed from the Holocaust and who consider the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War ancient history are prone to accept the media’s rather unflattering view of Israel as a reality. The Gottesman Lectures are an antidote. Speakers not only provide factual information - which may be in short supply in some institutions - but also engage in question sessions that allow students to raise issues related to their perceptions of Israel.

The inaugural Gottesman Lecture was presented at the U.S. Naval Academy by Adm. Avraham Ben Shoshan, then Defense and Armed Forces Attache at the Embassy of Israel.

In other words, the truth about Israel being a racist, apartheid state that is intent on eliminating the Palestinians and subjugating the entire ME is starting to leak out and make Americans question our blind allegiance to Israel.

No problem, JINSA will sow the young American mind with distorted versions of reality, along with a helping of guilt, to bring these Americans to heel so they will recite verbatim Zionist policy.

Maj. Gen. Giora Romm, Defense and Armed Forces Attache at the Embassy of Israel and Israel’s first aerial ace, presented a Gottesman Lecture to 2,000 Air Force cadets in 1994. He was so enthusiastically received that other, smaller lectures he presented while at the Air Force Academy were attended by many extra students - wanting to hear him a second, or even a third time, to ask some of the questions that could not be asked in the large lecture hall.

Maj. Gen. Ilan Biran, Commander of Israel’s Central Command, delivered a Gottesman Lecture at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

Dr. Dore Gold, a senior analyst at the Jaffee Center for International Studies at Tel Aviv University, presented a Gottesman Lecture at the Virginia Military Institute.

Brig. Gen. Avigdor Kahalani, then Member of the Knesset and deputy mayor of Tel Aviv, delivered a Gottesman Lecture to the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1995.


The chairman of JINSA is David Steinman. He has a rather long resume, including being the head of Amtek. Amtek describes itself as a leading global manufacturer of electronic instruments and electromechanical devices, especially in the field of aerospace and defense products.

Such as the black boxes that are fitted onto airliners to record flight data. Amtek also is involved in Homeland Security, specifically, providing nuclear safeguards, thru its subsidiary, Ortec.

Going to this link and clicking on the scroll tab and one can see the long list of JINSA's advisors and buddies. Like John Bolton, Michael Ledeen, Joshua Muravchik and numerous others whose names pop up on presidential campaign committees, news outlets and MSM newspapers.

Ledeen was behind the Niger "yellowcake" forged documents that helped propel the U.S. into fighting a war against one of Israel's "existential" enemies, Iraq.

Ledeen also helped smear then President Carter back in 1980 with false claims that Carter's brother, Billy , was associated with and getting money from the PLO.

Ledeen's daughter, Simone, was part of the Coalition Provisional Authority that was instrumental in the looting of Iraq.

Joshua Muravchik, is one of the signers of the Project of the New American Century. A document that has been used like a road map in the looting and destruction of the Iraq. Now, Muravchik is on one of many urging GW Bush to bring his "Shock and Awe Democracy Tour to Iran.

PNAC advocated that the U.S. should fight numerous wars in the ME. Wars that would mostly benefit Israel. But PNAC realized Americans would not get behind these wars, unless “some catastrophic and catalysing event – like a new Pearl Harbor” event would take place that would enrage the American public so much that it would gladly fight these wars for Israel.

That new "Pearl Harbor" took place on September 9, 2001.


One name on the JINSA advisory board is of particular interest, J. Kenneth Blackwell. Blackwell was Ohio's Secretary of State during the 2004 presidential elections and helped steal votes in that state so GW Bush could stay in power.

Afterwards, he violated state and federal law and court rulings and DESTROYED those ballots.