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What is the PLAN?

Chuck Brucks

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From: Chuck Brucks
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2008 12:23 AM
Subject: What is the PLAN ? ? ?
Israel has a PLAN.  We can only guess what that plan is.  All we can do is look at the FACTS.
Israel has over 400 Nuclear Weapons according to the best intelligence sources. Now what would Israel do with 400 Atomic Bombs ?  Well 5 bombs could wipe put the entire Middle East leaving 70% of the world's oil in Israeli hands. 
Well 15 more bombs could wipe out all the Europe "enemies" they may like to destroy.
That leaves South America.  I don't think they would want to bomb that place.  So what's left ? ? ?
The United States ?  You bet the United States.  Remember the USS Liberty.
Israel can hit all the targets in the Middle East and Europe from their bases in Israel.  But The United States can not be hit from there.
Israel solved that problem by buying three (3) brand new submarines from Germany equiped with missles launchers loaded with Nuclear Warheads that could reach anywhere in the United States.
Why does this tiny nation that is under threat from NO ONE need all this destructive power unless they intend to use it.  Believe me, they MUST have a plan.
Kind regards,      Chuck Brucks