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John Kaminski is Still Under ATTACK!


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Rense, top heavy with Jewish writers had a fit when John put his finger on the real issue.

Jeff Rense, wanting to stay the top dog on the internet must have been threatened by the meme’s and used john as a warning to all gentile writers that free expression will not be tolerated when it comes to who is behind 9/11, the money handlers and Religion. Interesting note is a caption on the top of the Renes home page that reads:

“If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.”

-Noam Chomsky


Many gentile writers essays posted on Renes are now edited without the permission of the authors. These writers don’t complain because maybe a million people will read their work with hopes that the readers will find their way to the unedited original and discover the truth, and they will.

No one can hide the truth for long, not our government, not the Jews and not even shills like Jeff Rense. But that’s okay because thanks to shills like Jeff Rense we are discovering true history anyway.



A shill is an associate of a person selling goods or services or a political group, who pretends no association to the seller/group and

assumes the air of an enthusiastic customer. The intention of the shill is, using crowd psychology, to encourage others unaware of the set-up to purchase said goods or services or support the political group’s ideological claims. Anti-Zionist, Anti-Jew, and Anti-Semitic… phishna

Way to go, Galen. Anybody who uses the term anti-Semite is either a Jew or working for the Jews. Anti-semitism is a deception to make people feel guilty for crimes that have been committed against them, using that horrible memory of the Holocaust which is startlingly at odds with the known facts. That’s the mindlock that dominates our media and produces the wars. It is most clearly visible in the so-called laws that prohibit discussion of the taboo topic in most European countries. The group that runs the mindlock, which is control of the money, is EXCLUSIVELY Jewish controlled, just like our Congress, our medical profession … you know the list.

What most people don’t know, and are beginning to realize, is that we are controlled by the Jewish memplex far beyond our conscious comprehension, and the struggle to escape the insanity of that Jewish mindset ? where lies become the truth ? is the one indispensable element of our quest for human freedom.

Nowhere is this mindlock more visible than in the 9/11 skeptics movement, where the unwillingness to discuss the Jewish role in this tragedy continues to limit and prevent the proper investigation of the crime that destroyed the republic (can I resist?) on The Day America Died.

As far as your candidacy goes, you are clearly one of the few candidates in America with some kind of perception about what a

criminal hoax has been perpetrated upon us by this beast called the U.S. government and its Jewish puppeteers.

Best wishes,

John K.