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The Tribe of Israel


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One of the curious things about the Tribe of Israel is their unerring, recurrent ability throughout history to invariably sow the seeds of their own destruction. This trait is anchored in their inherent, total inability to reign in the worst excesses of their greedy and avaricious natures. They always push their luck too far.

They simply CANNOT tell when they are wrong, even when it's obvious to everyone else - even to those of little perception like your typical couch-potato, Fox viewer. Naked greed always tells sooner or later on the Jews, because they are simply unable to bring themselves to curb their wicked ways. It appears to be a malignant, genetic characteristic that force of Will alone cannot overcome.

This has always been the Jews' undoing. It's an irreparable flaw that will INEVITABLY see them kicked out of the US and Europe within the not-too-distant future.Their era of power and influence is once again coming to an end.

The natural order of things, you may think. But it's not quite that simple. Every time this cycle of Jewish ascendancy/Jewish pogrom continues, decent men, women and children are killed in the process. These victims - Gentiles - whom the Jews callously refer to as 'Goyim' (a disparaging term meaning "peasantry" or "cattle") suffer the loss of countless lives; their countries and cultures and families are totally destroyed.

Up until 10 years ago, the Jews had been able to keep their evil history largely concealed from the world by virtue of their stranglehold over the mainstream media. But thanks to the Internet, more and more people are for the first time waking up to the grave menace posed by the Jews. These 'Chosen People' (as they think of themselves) exhibit an insatiable desire for wealth and power at any cost.

The Jews have undergone countless cycles of expulsion and re-admission to lands around the world throughout history. Uniquely, today, however - and thanks entirely to the Internet - we are in a position, should we determine, to ensure that this will be the LAST time we ever have to suffer the consequences of the Jews' insatiable greed.

The greatest legacy all peoples around the world, of all races, can conceivably bequeath to their children, is for them to be able to grow up in a world free from the machinations of the Jew. We don't need a self-chosen master race setting people against people; tribe against tribe and culture against culture. Ridding ourselves of Jewish domination won't miraculously make everyone good neighbors overnight, but it WOULD without doubt for the first time in history make that dream a REAL possibility.