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How Others See America Does Matter

Karl W. B. Schwarz

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is this person is more Zionist than Orthodox Jew.

The Larry Franklin – AIPAC spy case is potentially coming unraveled because they are trying to argue that since they were not officials, this case might infringe on freedom of the press, and of speech and by inference freedom to spy on America. Folks, that is a total crap defense and an excuse for wrong and criminal conduct. Both Franklin and the two AIPAC lobbyists should be facing maximum sentences of life without parole or the death sentence.

This lunacy that “No Zionist Jew Can Do Anything Wrong” has to stop and it has to be put to an emphatic stop. It is called the rule of law, do the crime, serve the time or the consequence regardless of religious affiliation, no exceptions. The problem is not the Jewish people, it is the Zionist thugs among them and why even Judaism wants the influences of Zionism out of the Jewish faith.

One is a power cult of greed and criminal in nature and Judaism is an honorable religion and can coexist with Christianity, Islam, and any other religion. It does in many places throughout the world all day, every day. That is a big difference in who the people are and what they profess.

If anyone on this email list had done what these three have done you would be facing life without parole or the death sentence. The law applies to everyone, no exceptions. It is way past time that these Zionist learn the lesson that this world is not going to bow down to them. That is why everything is backfiring on the US right now.

A poll survey indicated that only 34% of US Jews believe their loyalty is to America first and Israel second. That is problematic if they are Americans and 50% believe first loyalty is to Israel. That is nothing short of being a self declaration of being a traitor to America. For those that this email gets sent to and they cannot read a map, Israel is in the Middle East, the United States is in North America and they are not the same sovereign nations geographically or otherwise.

Do not think for a minute that many foreigners are not following how our government blindly supports Israel regardless of how egregious their conduct and actions are towards non-Israeli, non-Jewish people. Most people in the world know that many wanted Jewish criminals are being given shelter in Israel so they do not get brought to justice. Even in Europe that matter is watched very closely and Israeli policy does not sell well in Europe. Neither does US policies that aid and abet what many clearly see as a rogue state and an Israeli government that has no regard for others in any manner whatsoever.

Less than 34 percent of the Jewish respondents agreed with or strongly agreed with the statement: "The primary loyalty of American Jews must be the United States and their fellow Americans." Less than 20 percent answered "not sure" to this question, while greater than 50 percent of the respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement. Thus, greater than fifty percent of the committed Jewish people in this study rejected the claim that US Jews should be more loyal to the United States than to Israel. In a word, they are saying that US Jewish loyalty to Israel is more important than loyalty to the United States. ~Jonathan S. Woocher. Sacred Survival: The Civil Religion of American Jews. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986, pp.110-11

If you note the date of that book and disclosure and consider the downhill slide of the US since the early 1980s, I think you can deduce the problem. It all kicked into high gear under the George H W Bush and Clinton Administrations.

In fact, the more I think about that it might be a just cause to deny certain persons access to certain defense installations, technology or service in an American uniform if they are that conflicted on who they are serving or their loyalties.

It does not help that our government bends over backwards to kiss their own ass and the criminal’s ass when they are Zionist Jews that think they have total immunity to US laws in our land. There is a very easy way to stop that arrogance and it is as simple as enforcing the law without practicing the political correctness drivel of what particular religion they practice. A thief is a thief, a criminal is a criminal and a traitor is a traitor regardless of skin color, sex, nationality or religion.

When Michael Milken was partially brought to justice he immediately claimed the lawsuit against him was the work of anti-Semites. No, the criminal lawsuit was the result of a very long list of people who had been screwed over and defrauded by a very long list of co-defendants most of which just happen to be a Zionist Jewish gang plundering America and anybody else they can sucker. Many of those co-defendants never paid their SEC fines, never served a day in prison, did not have their securities licenses revoked, and kept right on plundering every sucker they could lure into their schemes.

Global Crossing being a perfect example that started off in the Cayman Islands as GC Partners, moved to Bermuda and became Global Crossing, the biggest telecom fraud I have ever seen. I was personally involved in that bankruptcy fighting for hundreds of thousands of screwed over investors. I was the high bidder and could not get the time of day from the secured creditors, that also happen to be controlled by Zionist Jews. GC Partners was one of the Milken co-defendants [all the way back to at least 1989 and telecom deregulation was implemented in 1997] as was Gary Winnick and a long list of “Pacific” named entities he controlled then and still does.

That case and Williams Communications Group was when a quiet man from Arkansas (me) stood up to the capital markets fraud and declared that enough is enough. American law applies to Zionist Jews, without exception or any other criminal or thief for that matter!

I know tens of thousands of people who had their lives upended and plowed under financially due to premeditated corporate fraud and Wall Street was involved in it up to their ears. Most of those behind this colossal Global Crossing fraud are well known Zionist Jews that have a long history of disregard for US laws and for those not in their Zionist ranks. They do not give a damn how they rob you as long as they get what is yours and make it theirs, legal or illegal.

The Williams Communication bankruptcy was in 2002 and I received this recently from one of its shareholders that got screwed out of a significant amount of money through premeditated fraud:


“Hi Karl,

I hope things are still going well for you in Europe. I got a settlement packet, from the WCG class action suit the other day. It says that the recovery rate is going to be $.80 per share. Everything has to be in by February 16, 2007.

Also, I got another settlement packet about 3 months ago, settled by one of the brokerage houses. It was for $.17 a share. I already sent that one in. I should get a total of about $14,000 back for both settlements. Still a far cry from what they stole.”


The people behind the fraud in WCG were also largely a group of Zionist Jews that think they can do whatever they wish to the investing public, otherwise in their vernacular “fools like you.” If you dare stand up to defend your rights of being robbed, out come the anti-Semitic labels. No, America is just anti-thief and the vast majority of Americans are getting fed up with it.

The $40 million pledge Winnick made to the Simon Wiesenthal Tolerance Museum in Tel Aviv out of the money he plundered in the Global Crossing telecom fraud was plenty of barter money to escape being charged as a wanton felon. The gutless people in Washington, DC that pretended to investigate the Global Crossing fraud dared not push the issue and have Winnick, AIPAC, ADL and Tel Aviv label them anti-Semitic for bringing a known Zionist Jew felon to justice. The gutless wonders in DC were afraid to lose AIPAC campaign donations and do the right thing for millions of investors across the world that were intentionally defrauded by Wall Street and Global Crossing and the Zionist Jew thieves behind it.

Note the high percentage of “not sure” in the above survey as to where they loyalties are. That is also problematic. That is the highest percentage I have ever seen in any poll or survey that I can recall. Usually the “not sure” or “don’t know” bunch is down in the 1% to 5% range and are just chronically indecisive or uninformed people. This high a percentage suggests that they know things are wrong but not sure which way to lean. That has been a problem with the Jews that settled in Russia and backed communism, and Germany and supported fascism, and elsewhere throughout history and especially in the last century and this one.

In America, America and Americans come first and any who do not agree with that would be free to leave as far as I am concerned including those Zionists that think our laws do not apply to them. They do and it does matter. If I were president you would hear them scream as I brought the entire weight of the US government down on them across the board and those non-Jewish accomplices that front for them so Americans do not figure out what is going on.

This arrogance towards the laws of other lands and other peoples is in part what has caused such backlashes against the Jewish people in Russia, Germany, the United States and elsewhere. They are not superior, they just assume they are.

They have gone through all sorts of lobbying and machinations to legalize grand theft and their conduct, to your detriment.

You can bet that Boris Berezovsky is wanted in Russia to face criminal charges for his handy work on behalf of the US, UK and Israel objectives. When this news surfaced that he is a major investor in Ignite! along with the Bush Family, the red lights should be flashing in your face. If you cannot see the red lights, listen for the sirens for they are blaring loudly at the same time.

Another thing that more and more people around the world are watching and digging into is what is really happening in Iraq. Most people now clearly see they cannot get the truth from George W. Bush. That is about as impossible as taking a Sunday stroll to the nearest galaxy.

It is bad enough that Bush used lies to invade so his buddies could steal Iraqi assets, and their unemployment went from under 20% to over 70%, but how some of our soldiers are treating Iraqis is highly questionable too.

The following video is one example of how some of the US soldiers are treating the Iraqis. I wish I were a general and they were under my command for these juvenile delinquents with guns and tanks would be facing a Biblical scale ass ripping.

I am not sure if that solider would be promoted or demoted under this current Bush agenda but I think it is probably promoted. I personally think that conduct warrants dishonorable discharge and some time in the brig.

One of the things that our media refuses to report on and is part of the problem in Iraq is certain Zionist Israeli businesses moved into Iraq and set up shop with the protection of US and UK armed forces. Anything for a shekel, that is their national motto.

With the many centuries of animosity between the Jewish and Arabic Islamic people, George Bush might as well crap in the middle of Baghdad and make sure every Iraqi person’s nose gets stuck in the pile of Bush crap. When I learned of this Zionist invasion into Iraq, it was little wonder to me why Iraq is teetering on the verge of civil war to see the backside of George Bush and I am sure his buddies in Tel Aviv as well.

They had the same problems in Uzbekistan when Richard ben Veniste’s law firm and other Israeli interests did the Shurtan II natural gas project. When word got out that the Zionist Israelis had cut themselves into the deal there was an outbreak of violence in protest of it. Only in the minds of Bush, Blair and Tel Aviv do they think they can do such things and offend people. There are many places the Zionist are not welcome and it is their historical conduct towards others that is to blame for that.

You can note the many oil, gas and telecom deals they are involved in. Simply recall that this was the law firm that represented Enron, shared an office with them in Uzbekistan, and worked with Andy Fastow to create all of the offshore SPEs that were used to defraud the investing public. Connect those dots and you will see why Richard Ben Veniste was on the 9-11 Commission.

I disclosed in the book I wrote One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas that Israelis were caught shipping military goods to Iran when a shipment was intercepted by German authorities. All of this Israel and US hyperventilation about Iranian rockets and this particular Zionist Jew was shipping them special equipment that could be applied to rocket launchers. That sort of put the Duh in Dumb for me. They are trying to set Iran up and that is why the world is bowing up against US and Israeli policies, agendas and dirty tricks.

The DNC, RNC and Soros have been trying to maneuver the Ukraine into the NATO and New World Order fold. This is just in and there have been recent moves to remove all Pro-Western ministers in the Ukraine. Another checkmate move to block an agenda that needs to wake up and change.


Ukraine’s Lawmakers Vote to Sack pro-Western Ministers

December 1st 2006


Ukraine’s parliament on Friday voted to dismiss the foreign and interior ministers, allies of pro-Western President Viktor Yushchenko, the Reuters news agency reports.

Deputies approved by 247 votes a resolution sacking Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk, the chief architect of the president’s policy of moving Ukraine closer to the West and eventually seeking European Union and NATO membership.

A motion to sack Interior Minister Yuri Lutsenko, a leading figure in the 2004 “Orange Revolution” that helped sweep Yushchenko to power, won 248 votes.

Both tallies were well clear of the 226 required for passage in the 450-seat chamber. Both parliament and Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich, Yushchenko’s nemesis from the days of the huge 2004 protests, has been at odds for months with the president.

Yushchenko has denounced the action to remove his allies in the cabinet as destabilizing for Ukraine and vowed to challenge them. His allies in the chamber branded the vote a violation of Ukraine’s newly amended constitution.

The votes followed a failed attempt to oust Lutsenko on Thursday. Parliament has also vowed to remove Defence Minister Anatoly Hrytsenko and is pursuing an investigation into his activities.

I also reported that three Israelis had outstanding warrants against them for trying to ship automatic weapons and about five million rounds of ammunition to FARC, the rebel group in Columbia. That is one of the groups designated by Bush as a terrorist group and the Bush buddies in Tel Aviv arming them is highly questionable.

If there is money involved, one can find a Zionist Jew who will race after it like a dog chasing a car. Even my Jewish friends are appalled at the conduct Israel thinks they are entitled to and protected by the United States in the US and the Middle East. For there to be peace significant changes need to be put into place and enforced to the absolute letter of the law.

If you point the finger at one of them caught in sleazy conduct or criminal acts, out come the anti-Semite labels and it is totally preposterous. No, when pointing at a known thief, liar, or thug, the name fits regardless of religious affiliation. It’s the conduct, stupid!

I personally think our entire Middle East policy needs to be seriously revised, starting with the True Israel.

The public uproar about the new Homeland Security “Terrorist Rating System” has started, but Americans need to realize that this sends a clear message to the rest of the world that America is turning into a Fascist state and many will decide they do not want to vacation in America, or travel here, or do business here.


U.S. Gov't Terror Ratings Draw Outrage


December 2nd 2006

WASHINGTON (AP) - A leader of the new Democratic Congress, business travelers and privacy advocates expressed outrage Friday over the unannounced assignment of terrorism risk assessments to American international travelers by a computerized system managed from an unmarked, two-story brick building in Northern Virginia.

Incoming Senate Judiciary Chairman Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont pledged greater scrutiny of such government database-mining projects after reading that during the past four years millions of Americans have been evaluated without their knowledge to assess the risks that they are terrorists or criminals.

"Data banks like this are overdue for oversight," said Leahy, who will take over Judiciary in January. "That is going to change in the new Congress."

The Associated Press reported Thursday that Americans and foreigners crossing U.S. borders since 2002 have been assessed by the Homeland Security Department's computerized Automated Targeting System, or ATS.


When a nation treats its own citizens with such bureaucratic shabby disregard, others watch and decide America is sinking. If I were president I would dismantle Homeland Security and put in security designed to catch terrorists, not blow through US taxpayer dollars and protect nothing while harassing Americans and non-Americans alike that are no threat to anyone. The only thing DHS protects is the US government from Americans that are way past the point of being fed up with Washington, DC.

On this day, I received a telephone call regarding this latest Al Qaeda terrorist threat against American banks. If the information is true, I will be reporting on it. Why I initially disbelieve that Al Qaeda could launch such an attack is because all IP addresses can be traced and if our own government, at the cost of over $1 trillion in wasted money, cannot defend America against such an attack my guess is the American government would be behind such an attack on American banks.

Watch your wallets and bank accounts folks, there are thieves among us. They are getting desperate because everything they are doing is failing.

That is the true mission of the Department of Homeland Security. It is the homeland of the sleazy politicians, wealthy corporations, arrogant Zionists, and Wealthy Elite insiders. It is not your Homeland so shame on you for buying off on their story about what they are really protecting. They are protecting their self-appointed right to screw your brains out and put you and America on its knees to these elitist Pricks.

This email list is one of the most interesting collages I have ever seen. We have people of every religion, race, age, many different nationalities, languages, origins of birth, etc. The youngest one I am aware of is 18 and the oldest is 83. There are many on this list that are multilingual and not limited to English and Spanish. I keep getting asked, so for the record I am 55.

On the one hand we have an American born citizen living in Denmark by choice and we have a Danish born lady that has held a Green Card for 30 years in the United States and has no desire to be a US citizen. In a way this email list represents a different form of Globalists that are both liberal and conservative, both American and non-American, and both young and old and about 50-50 on male versus female. They all want global peace and sanity. That is their globalist agenda.

What is apparent is the global unrest and discontent with this New World Order these Ivory Tower twits dreamed up and folks, it is not working. The New World Order, a la Bush and Clinton and the Bilderbergs, and CFR and Knights of Malta, all of their Zionist buddies, and the UK and all of their minions and greedy corporations and insiders is not working.


Do you believe President Bush misled the nation in order to go to war with Iraq? * 97409 responses





To get a better balance on what is happening around the world, many on this email list that do not live in America and many who do, send me news items and opinion pieces written by people of many lands. If you take the time to look at both sides of an issue it becomes clear that nobody is entirely in the right and nobody is entirely in the wrong except under limited circumstances like our president and vice president.

The most wrong person I see on the radar screen is our president, Mr. W for Wrong. I keep searching in vain for a right decision he has made, and I keep hoping in vain for a right decision he will make and have come to the conclusion that no three brain cells in his feeble-minded head connect in any manner. He is like a Planet W in an orbit that has nothing to do with this Solar System. There is a complete disconnect between the ears of George W. Bush that is infinite, finite and permanently stuck on stupid. If the Neocon chicken-hawks, Bilderbergs, CFR, Trilateral Commission, and Powers-that-be wanted the perfect idiot in charge of America, they found him.

The people who know me the best and on the most personal basis know that I am a long range strategic thinker. I am very German or Swiss German in my thinking. That is because my lineage is both German and Swiss German. I see the past clearly, I see today clearly and I have an idea of what tomorrow is going to look like and it is ugly if we stay on the present course. Those are matters of predictability and probability that literally cannot be taught in any school because they slant too much of the facts for anyone to get a clear picture of what they are looking at.

If you do not have strategic vision it sort of makes strategic planning a waste of time. I can tell you from firsthand experience that if you do not have the truth in your possession strategic planning (like for your life) is an impossible task. It is an exercise in nothingness and futility that leads to mistake after mistake and failure after failure. When every decision has to be based on the lies they spoon feed to America, you will have problem after problem trying to keep your life stabilized and secure.

It took me many years to figure out that they slant the truth and history for many reasons that are political, or concealing the truth, so certain agendas can be put into play and mislead the people. Over time, when you do not know the facts of history accurately you are more prone to repeat the mistakes of history. Or, those that are in power are more able to lie and try to lead the masses in the wrong way.

That is one of the reasons I believe that one of the best things that could happen for the benefit of mankind would be to break up the media monopolies and put a new standard in that the truth is required or they suffer economically for crossing certain lines and lying to the public.

There is absolutely nothing to fear from the truth except those that have fear and reason to hide from it.

I cannot speak for you, but for me a media outlet that lies to me is not a valuable source of information on anything that involves my life. Whether it is investing, or business, or political issues, the truth serves me much better than lies. It always has and that is one of the reasons I am a stickler for the truth.

The fact that others see America as a war machine and abusive of others is something that bothers me because I know that is not the true heart of America. I also know how easy it is to implement policies through sleazy leaders that helps to create that wrong impression. I recall when Bush was re-selected as president in 2004 many in the world wrongly assumed that America is behind what we see in Washington, DC.

I read but rarely forward articles written by Islamic people but the one I received in a recent email was so striking that I wish I had written it. I have said many times that America is asleep and it will take a huge amount of personal suffering for them to awaken from that slumber.

All I ask is you read and think and compare to what you see going on in America today. This was written by one of those people, albeit non-American, that sees the current situation for what it really is.


As America Slept

by Anwaar Hussain

It all happened while America slept.

As America slept, airline jets appeared in the azure blue New York Skies some five years back and within minutes bumped through tall wonders of human achievements reducing them and their occupants to a tangled mass of steel, concrete and human flesh. While the world stood horror-struck and frozen from the pain of the victims and the sheer scale of the crime, somewhere in some dark unlit corners of America, a small leering cabal of malicious, hateful and warmongering few backslapped each other. But America slept.

As America slept, this small but ruthless group of men stole democracy from the American people and almost knocked her over with a noxious blow of fascism. The political philosophy of these creatures sent instant shivers up the collective spine of global citizenry. But America slept.

As America slept, their liberties were curtailed, their freedoms taken away, their economy bankrupted, their private lives spied upon and their nation kept in a constant state of fear. Riding on the wings of ‘terror’, their leaders sleep marched America into history's hall of shame. But America slept.

As America slept, not very much later these humanoids had firmly hurled their country on a perpetual warpath not of self defense, but of fear, insecurity, suspicion, hatred, anger, reprisal and a blind, jingoistic patriotism that continued to take its toll on humanity. But America slept.

As America slept, for the first time since the Wehrmacht swept through Europe, the world witnessed a major power launching an unjustifiable war, placing an entire people under military occupation and carrying out acts of collective and visible punishment against civilian populace. The American media’s shameful collusion in this deception was unbelievable, as unbelievable as the fact that this war, based on undeniable lies as it was, was sold to the American people as the gospel truth ordained by God. But America slept.

As America slept, they failed to realize that the logic of occupation was naturally despotic, that the brutalized and impoverished people of Iraq and Afghanistan needed facilitators to help them decide their own fate not occupiers, that the world, having finally taken off the blinds of 9/11, had now seen through the plot and the world now knew that far from benefiting the Iraqi and Afghan peoples this whole operation was an unashamed imperialist robbery of their resources. But America slept.

As America slept, its leaders misspent in a hurry the international sympathy and goodwill it had earned on 9/11. The distasteful dramatization and gloating of America’s main stream media not withstanding, the images of the crumbling World Trade Center were soon replaced in the world's mind by images of horrific explosions in Baghdad and gruesome images of dogs snatching bites out of dead Iraqis in cities like Fallujah. By acting as the Zionists’ lackeys and fighting their wars, its leaders deliberately alienated 1.3 billion Muslims making them a target for the Muslims' wrath. But America slept.

As America slept, the malicious cabal of villainous rogues that took over the reins of their great country, along with a supporting cast of bloodsuckers, money grabbers and human lowlifes, speedily put on the world stage a gaudy show full of sadism, trickery and revolting absurdity. These charlatans destroyed the lives of millions of individuals and, sure enough, now that curtain is finally coming down on their repugnant acts, the stage is invariably full of blood and gore. Of course the dead of this one show will never ever rise again. But America slept.

As America slept, its media slept too. They couldn’t see the horrendous atrocities that the United States military was visiting upon unarmed Iraqis who never posed any danger to their beloved country. They couldn’t catch on their eagle eyed lenses the raining cluster bombs, the showering napalms, and the tortures in the dungeons. They couldn’t report the rising death toll in Iraq when it shot past the half million mark. They couldn’t inform of Fallujah that was razed to the ground and its citizens-men, women and children alike-gunned down by the valiant American troops and left on the streets for the dogs to feed on. But America slept.

As America slept, their G.I. Joes were pumping up Iraq with depleted uranium, napalm bombs, cluster munitions and poisonous gases while its leaders weaved a torture trail across the world telling Americans to stay the course. Under the malevolent watch of these men, intense sessions of pain were conducted in distant dark dungeons spread around the globe with such regularity that America became the biggest patron of torture by proxy in the history of planet earth. But America slept.

As America slept, along with their well fed children, the rate of birth defects, leukemia and cancer among Iraqi children under the age of 15 in those districts where the use of DU had been the most concentrated increased dreadfully, ensuring that a generation of beautiful babies was going to turn into one of unsightly cripples. But America slept.

As America slept, their great nation continued to sink deeper into the heart of darkness. With each passing day their beloved America scaled ever greater heights of hideous glories. The waters of the Euphrates were made crimson with the blood of innocent people whose lives were snuffed out on the orders of a man rewarded for his colossal crimes by his great nation. But America slept.

As America slept, a thousand cuts were delivered to it by its own. Now that it is half awake and hemorrhaging heavily, it reels and stumbles from these deep incisions. But is it awake really?

Now as America awakes, with a sickening sense of reality, it finds itself moored in pools of innocent human beings’ blood. And as the death toll in Iraq reaches the three-quarter of a million mark, it finds its leaders debating whether or not it is a civil war going on in Iraq. Is it awake really?

Now as America awakes, it finds itself tottering at the abyss of moral bankruptcy while its leaders continue their feverish globe trotting hat in hand begging all and sundry to be saved from their own follies. In merely five years, the big mouths have become beggars and their once great nation, heaving from under the massive pile of more than half a million corpses, stands discredited, dishonored and humiliated in the court of world opinion.

But is America awake now? If so then where are the hangman’s ropes?

Copyrights : Anwaar Hussain

Local sleaze is regularly punished at the local level. America needs to decide that it is time those in Washington, DC face the music (justice and rule of law) and what they have done to our great nation. It is time that the American people start meting out the justice that is deserved and spare no one.


Ex-Mayor Pleads Guilty to 243 Felonies

WISE, Va. (AP) - The former mayor of a tiny coal town who prosecutors say masterminded a scheme to buy votes with beer, cigarettes and even pork rinds, pleaded guilty Thursday to 243 felonies, including vote-rigging and corruption.

Wise County Circuit Judge Tammy McElyea made former Appalachia mayor Ben Cooper plead individually to each of the charges against him, which included stealing election records, forging ballots, hindering the rights of citizens to vote freely, voting more than once in an election and violating absentee voting procedures.

By the time she reached the 11th charge, Cooper, 64, was saying "guilty" before she had finished reading the charge.

"You're getting ahead of me," she said, to which Cooper apologized.

During the trial of one of 13 people accused of conspiring with Cooper, prosecutors portrayed the ex-mayor as being the key figure in a plot to rig a 2004 election in Appalachia, 91 miles northeast of Knoxville, Tenn. They said the accused conspirators intercepted absentee ballots from the mail, filled them out and forged the signatures of the intended voters.

Cooper is scheduled to be sentenced Jan. 9 and could get up to 21 months in prison, based on state sentencing guidelines. His plea agreement left sentencing up to the judge.

Seven others convicted in the case have been handed sentences ranging from six months in prison to fines.


Rule of law is the answer applied to all without exempting any of the known thugs. The courts are not dead. The courts are just preoccupied and misled in what they need to address.

America slept and everything that was dear and precious and honorable was stolen. Our nation has been beaten into submission and raped yet the public outcry is muted. In other nations they are rioting and marching in the streets at lesser misdeeds.

Others see us as a great nation that is failing and in decline. They clearly see on the news the endless political corruption and lies, the endless corporate corruption and the endless line of DC policies that are not after anything but as a state sanctioned front for American hegemony and greed.

Others see us as changing from the shining light of example as to what others wanted for freedom, liberty and economic prosperity into a nation that talks cheap words and produces cheap and sleazy results. Others in foreign lands do not want to be like America any more.

Others see America quite clearly, and thankfully, America is waking up and taking a long hard look and does not like what it sees.

Change is coming.

Best regards,
